
Zaimokuza: The God Slayer

Zaimokuza Yoshiteru, endowed with memories from an alternate world, discovers insights into various anime storylines. Armed with this unique foresight, he embarks on a quest to obtain the powerful Prometheus Grimoire. Harnessing its power, he successfully vanquishes two Heretic Gods, ascending to become the seventh God Slayer in the world. [Oregairu] [High School DXD] [Campione] [Love Live] [Oreimo] [We Never Learn] and more.

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28 Chs

>15< A New Assignment for the Service Club

Chapter 15: A New Assignment for the Service Club

"Alright, since everyone is here, let's get going. Zaimokuza, you can follow us on your motorcycle," instructed Shizuka.

Zaimokuza looked around and asked, "Does anyone want to ride with me on my motorcycle?"

Tobe suddenly jumped in, excitedly shouting, "Me, me, I want to ride."

Zaimokuza replied indifferently, "Sorry, I only give rides to girls."

Tobe laughed awkwardly, feeling embarrassed.

Yui, although she also wanted to ride the motorcycle, glanced at Yukino beside her and decided against it.

As for the other girls, none of them were particularly close to Zaimokuza, so they didn't respond.

"You'll just have to drive your bike and follow us," Shizuka said, signaling everyone to get into the cars.

Zaimokuza shrugged helplessly.

Just as Zaimokuza was about to start his motorcycle and follow the two cars in front, a girl with a bob haircut came rushing to the school gate, panting.

Curious, Zaimokuza asked, "Hey, are you also here for Hiratsuka-sensei's activity?"

The girl looked at Zaimokuza with an expressionless face and replied, "Yes, that's right. Who are you?"

"Ah, I'm Yoshiteru Zaimokuza, nice to meet you," he introduced himself.

The girl glanced at him with a peculiar expression and asked, "Zaimokuza? No, no, isn't Zaimokuza my desk mate? I'm pretty sure about that."

"Desk mate? I don't remember you," Zaimokuza replied.

"Maybe it's because I'm not very noticeable," she suggested.

"Not noticeable? Like an assassin?" he jokingly speculated.

"Though I don't quite understand why you'd make such an chuuni remark, I guess it's safe to assume you're Zaimokuza," the girl countered.

Zaimokuza, taken aback by her bluntness, paused and responded after a moment, at a loss for words.

"I don't know your name yet, but hop on. Since you're here for the event, you can ride with me," Zaimokuza said.

The girl nodded and introduced herself, "I'm Megumi Kato, your classmate and desk mate."

It was then that Zaimokuza remembered Megumi Kato's background. She was the kind of character designed to be the unnoticeable heroine, with a common name, easy-going personality, and a very low presence, making her easy to get along with. Upon closer inspection, she was a well-proportioned and cute girl, which made her supposed lack of presence seem puzzling.

Zaimokuza, recalling this, didn't say much more and instead placed a motorcycle helmet on Megumi Kato's head. Megumi was slightly surprised, and before she could react, Zaimokuza spoke up.

"Well then, Kato-san, just sit behind me," he said, patting the passenger seat before mounting the motorcycle.

Somewhat bewildered, Megumi got on the back seat.

"Alright, let's go," Zaimokuza said, offering Megumi a slight smile. This smile made Megumi feel an inexplicable sense of foreboding.

With a roar, the motorcycle sped off to catch up with Shizuka Hiratsuka and the others. The speed frightened Megumi, and she instinctively clung tight to Zaimokuza. Feeling the softness pressing against his back, Zaimokuza smiled, and Megumi, realizing the situation, blushed as well, a faint red tint spreading across her normally expressionless face.


At Takahara Chiba Village,

After arriving, Shizuka gathered everyone from the cars to look around. Not seeing Zaimokuza, she was about to call him when a motorcycle carrying two people appeared.

Shizuka approached Zaimokuza and asked, "Why are you just arriving now, and why aren't you wearing a helmet? Also, who is the person with you?"

Megumi looked up, removed her helmet, and responded to Shizuka in a calm tone, "Hello, Hiratsuka-sensei, I'm Megumi Kato."

Shizuka was momentarily taken aback at seeing Megumi and then remembered she was the one student who hadn't been accounted for, realizing her mistake as a teacher.

Zaimokuza teased Shizuka, saying, "Oh dear, it seems Hiratsuka-sensei forgot one of the students. Aren't I thoughtful for bringing her here? Do I get a reward?"

Shizuka's face turned bright red, not from embarrassment but from irritation. She glared at Zaimokuza before bowing slightly to Megumi and apologizing, "I'm really sorry, Kato-san, for forgetting about you. Please accept my sincerest apologies."

In response to Shizuka's sincere gesture, Megumi quickly disembarked and helped her up, saying, "No, it's okay, Sensei. I'm used to it."

Zaimokuza was also surprised by Shizuka's action, as in Japan, hierarchy is quite important. Her behavior highlighted her genuine care for her students.

After getting up, Shizuka called out to everyone, "Alright, now that everyone is here, let's gather around. I have to announce the details of this activity."

Then, Mafuyu Kirisu stood with Shizuka Hiratsuka in front of the students.

Mafuyu stepped forward, saying, "It looks like everyone is here. The purpose of this activity is to serve as volunteers. You'll be assisting at this elementary school summer camp. Your roles will mainly involve watching out for safety hazards and providing some assistance. That's the gist of this event."

"Volunteering, huh? That sounds interesting," said Zaimokuza, with a sense of curiosity.

"How unusual for you to be interested in volunteering, Kuza," Yui remarked curiously.

"Why do you say that?" Zaimokuza asked.

"Well, aren't you a homebody? I thought homebodies would prefer staying inside and not going out," Yui replied.

Zaimokuza couldn't help but twitch at her words, as there was some truth to them. However, ever since he became a "Godslayer," he'd been exposed to a wider world and no longer wanted to just stay home doing nothing, though his passion for ACG culture remained unchanged.

"Yui, don't hold onto outdated impressions. Haven't I already changed?" Zaimokuza replied, flicking his hair with a sense of pride.

Yui blushed slightly at Zaimokuza calling her by her name.

"Only your looks have changed. Inside, you're still as rotten as a dried fish," Yukino teased, her words cutting as ever, mocking Zaimokuza's vanity.

Zaimokuza sighed, looking at Yukino, and said, "Hey, Yukinoshita-san, I'm not a dried fish. And even if I were, I'd be the saltiest one."

Yui and Yukino couldn't help but laugh simultaneously.

"What kind of logic is that, Kuza? You always manage to say the strangest things," Yui chuckled.

Standing nearby, Hachiman watched their playful interaction, feeling an emptiness in his heart, as if missing out on a friend's camaraderie.


After a man, who seemed to be the principal, finished speaking, he handed the microphone to Hayato Hayama.

"If you need any assistance, feel free to ask us. We hope you all make memorable experiences during this summer camp. Thank you for your cooperation."

The elementary school students replied in unison, "Thank you for your cooperation."

The principal then announced the start of the first activity, an orienteering event.

Shizuka turned to Zaimokuza and the others, saying, "Alright, your first task is here. Support the orienteering event by keeping a close eye on them to prevent any accidents."

With that, everyone dispersed to begin their tasks.

"Whew! These elementary students are so energetic. They make me feel like an old man," Tobe mused, feeling nostalgic.

Yumiko squinted at him, responding with mild exasperation, "Don't say things like that. You're making me feel like an old lady."

Zaimokuza had met Fumino Furuhashi and Rizu Ogata through Yui. He recalled watching a bit of the anime "We Never Learn," abbreviated as "Bokuben in his memories," but he hadn't finished it and only had a vague understanding of the plot.

He asked Fumino and Rizu, "Why did you choose to pursue subjects you're not proficient in as your academic goals?"

Yui interjected, "Wait, Kuza, isn't that a bit too direct?"

Fumino waved her hand dismissively, "No, it's alright, Yuigahama-san. Actually, it's not a secret. My mother works in astronomy, and I've been surrounded by astronomical knowledge since I was a child. I want to study stars like her."

Rizu, seeing Fumino's openness, decided to share as well, "In my case, I've always struggled with understanding human emotions, so I want to attend a liberal arts university to study psychology and better understand people's feelings."

Everyone nodded in understanding after hearing their explanations.

Suddenly, Fumino sighed and said, "But both Rizu and I have very low grades in these subjects. The school has brought in several teachers to help us, but after some time, each of them suggested we should focus on our strong subjects, including Kirisu-sensei."

As she mentioned Mafuyu Kirisu, she glanced over at her. Feeling the gaze, Kirisu turned towards them, and Fumino quickly averted her eyes.

Zaimokuza stepped forward and nodded, saying, "I see. In that case, why not request our help?"

"Request?" Fumino and Rizu tilted their heads in confusion as they looked at Zaimokuza.

"Yes, a request. Allow me to introduce myself: I'm Yoshiteru Zaimokuza, the vice president of the Sobu High School Service Club. We specialize in tackling various challenges that students face. We'll offer a helping hand to assist you."

"Really?" Fumino looked at Zaimokuza with hopeful eyes.

"Hey, since when did you become the vice president?" Yukino asked, looking at Zaimokuza with disdain.

"Of course, but remember, this request needs to be addressed to our great Service Club president. She's the one who decides whether to accept it or not," Zaimokuza replied, completely ignoring Yukino's disdainful gaze, addressing Fumino's hopeful look.

Fumino, with eyes resembling those of a puppy abandoned by its owner, looked at Yukino.

Unable to withstand such a gaze, Yukino sighed, yielded, and said reluctantly, "Alright, I agree. We'll help you. In that case, Zaimokuza and Yui, you both can join as well."

"What? Why do I have to join?" Yui cried out in protest from the sidelines.

"Yeah, why?" Zaimokuza added, joining the protest.

Yukino rolled her eyes at them and said, "Because your grades aren't that great either. If we're helping Furuhashi-san and Ogata-san, we might as well improve yours too."

"Ugh, this is all your fault, Kuza," Yui pouted, realizing there was no way to escape, and shot a reproachful glance at Zaimokuza.

Under Yui's reproachful gaze, Zaimokuza raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and offered, "Alright, alright. I'll treat you to a drink later as an apology. How about that?"

"Really? In that case, I forgive you," Yui replied, her mood instantly lifting.

Yukino looked at the cheerful Yui with a resigned shake of her head.

"Even I don't want to be a slacker," Zaimokuza muttered to himself, feeling the pressure of responsibilities weighing on him.