
What is a Huntsman? Chr*s H*msw*rth

The next morning.


Suddenly a whistle came from team RWBY's room that eventually woke everyone on team ZPNR as their room was only next to each other.

Ren woke up first, he looked at everyone still sleeping but can't help get curious as to why was Pyrrha sleeping in Zack's bed with a trembling summon of Zack in his place. Nora was upside-down sleeping with her hand on her belly button, drooling and she was snoring like a guy, Ren just shook his head at Nora as this was very normal for him.

He did notice that Zack was not in the room but as he thought of that the door opened and their leader just entered with sweat in his half-naked body with a towel on his neck.

"Morning Ren" Zack said as he noticed he was the only one awake.

"Yeah, morning, where you've been?" Ren asked curiously while he stood up and stretches for a minute.

"Ah, that, morning training I guess," Zack said as he approached his bag to get some clean clothes and his customized uniform which was just all black in color except for the white long sleeve inside.

Zack was first doubtful about this new uniform of his but since it was Glynda that gave him this, he threw all that doubts away and just didn't overthink it.

"Hey, Ren, I'll go first then," Zack said as he approached the bathroom.

"Yeah, sure" Ren nodded as he was still stretching but he couldn't help to get curious whose whistle was that from earlier.

*thud* *thud* *Boom* *Vrrrrriiiiiinnnggg* *thud* *plang* *Vrrrrrrroooommm*

Ren heard the noise was coming from their neighbor room, team RWBY, but it sounded like there was an ongoing construction in there, he couldn't help want to know what is going in there but that it was an all-girls team so he doesn't feel right barging over there.

As Ren was contemplating his moral dilemma, Nora started to wake up as she suddenly sat upright like a zombie then groggily approached the bathroom and entered it in her half-awake state. Ren didn't notice this as his back was facing her but he did notice the bathroom opened and closed but he didn't see Zack.

He suddenly widened his eyes when he saw that Nora's bed was empty, he quickly went for the bathroom but he was too late as he could hear a surprised yelped but it wasn't from Zack, it was Nora's voice.

He opened it with Nora waving at their leader that was still in the showers.

"Whoops, didn't see you there leader, my bad, but I gotta say I still prefer Ren's" Nora commented thoughtlessly.

Somewhere inside Ren when he heard that was kind of relieved but he himself didn't notice that himself.

"Oh, Nora and Ren as well, hey bud, can you take Nora outside for a minute, still busy in here," Zack said calmly while still in showers.

"Right, c'mon Nora, you can wait for Zack outside," Ren said normally.

"Sure! But after! Me PANCAKES!! ME WANT!!!" Nora replied as she got out with her normal bubbly self.

"Yes, yes, alright," Ren said as he closed the door.

What the rest of them didn't notice that when Ren opened the door, Nora's voice woke up Pyrrha as she instantly opened one of her eyes as she locked on Zack's figure in the showers.

She engraved the sight in her mind but in doing so, her mind went blank for a moment as her nose dripped a tiny stream of blood then she passed out with a creepy smile on her face.

The four of them eventually got dressed and headed out for a quick breakfast. They tried inviting team RWBY but they looked like they were busy as Ruby was the one who answered them with a welding helmet on her head and they still could hear construction noises behind her so they went first.

They ate normally as you would expect from their leader who was advocating his chocolate teachings, their bubbly pancake eater as she argued with their leader about her pancake is justice, their red-head who was still looking at their leader with a creepy smile on her face while she constantly wipes her nose for something, and their totally normal chef that was busy blocking the noise of his teammates.

Others gave them a few odd stares but they didn't interrupt them as they still remember what they did to that giant Grimm yesterday.

After a few arguing then and there, the chocolate and the pancake faction eventually got their truce as they united to force their local chef make them a fusion between both and with the added little marshmallows. But before they could ask (force) their chef, he informed them that they will be late for their first class.

They did inform team RWBY before they could go there.

They got there and took seats at the back but they couldn't find team RWBY so they called again, before the class could start the door blasted open as team RWBY finally made it.

Their professor Peter Port has gray hair and a gray mustache and appears to be slightly overweight and when he laughs his belly visibly shakes up and down.

He was retelling his own wondrous youth with the class.

Zack and Nora were already sleeping with books in an covering their faces, Ren was actually listening, Pyrrha, Yang, and Blake were having a staring contest but Pyrrha suddenly got closer to a sleeping Zack which made their stares grew in intensity, Ruby was doing these silly things in her boredom and Weiss was constantly reprimanding her discreetly as possible.

Their professor suddenly asked the class who would like to give a demonstration, no one spoke out but suddenly Zack woke up and yelled out loud.

"My chocolates!" Zack exclaimed but quickly calmed down and looked around and looked at their Professor.

"I mean, I would do it, sir," Zack said with a calm straight-faced lie.

"..." Everyone just stared at the Zack with disbelieving looks except for one.

"Excellent young Fair, could you go down here and demonstrate how it is done" Prof. Port cheerfully said as he believed Zack's lie earlier.

"Thank you, sir," Zack replied as he didn't look like he was sleeping earlier.

Zack didn't go to the locker room but just went down in his uniform.

That drew everyone's attention as he stood in front of the covered cage beside Professor Port.

"Oho, do you really want to fight this one without your weapon young man?" Port asked curiously at him.

"Yes sir, I want them to see someone defeat one even if they are ever weaponless," Zack said as he placed both of his arms at the back of his head.

"Oho, that is a very good idea, alright young man, are you ready?" Port asked again.

"Hahaha look at that moron guys!" a voice suddenly was heard out.

The voice came from an extr-Cardin Winchester, a tall student that has burnt-orange hair that is combed backward with a slight peak at the front and indigo eyes.

He and his team who consists of dudes were laughing their bitc- asses at Zack. They were sure that Zack was gonna be mauled by it.

Zack just looked in their direction but didn't say anything in which unnerved Cardin but he still believes he couldn't defeat a Grimm without their weapon and that Zack was just showing off.

Team RWBY and Zack's team just looked in their direction but all of their eyes show pity towards those idiots, except for two girls, one red-head and a blonde were already thinking of where dumping the bodies without anyone noticing.

Zack looked back at professor Port as he nodded and took a boxing stance.

Port nodded then took out the cloth covering the cage in which a Boarbatusk, a boar-like Grimm, it has four eyes and a bone-like mask that seems to be strapped to its face with two sets of tusks, one is larger than the other one.


Port opened the cage as the Grimm charged immediately at Zack.

"Remember, there are no Grimm without weakness, and it is in our job as huntsmen and huntresses to find this weakness" Zack suddenly said while looking at the charging Grimm.

Everyone watching listened to him.

"We are called huntsman for a reason, let me show you all how to hunt without your weapons," Zack said seriously.

As the Grimm was about to hit Zack, his fist took on the middle knuckle fist and punched four times in a quick manner then he leaned to his right and dodged the charge.

In everyone's eyes, Zack just punched twice then evaded the attack.

Everyone thought he was just bluffing when they saw the Grimm just shook its head but they noticed something weird with the Grimm, it was now charging in random directions. They finally noticed its eyes were now closed and was bleeding black blood.

"A blind Grimm is already a battle half-won, they will panic, they will get careless and most of all, they will eventually show their weakness," Zack stated as he walked toward the wildly thrashing Grimm.

The Grimm was now spinning wildly like a pinball trying to hit Zack or anyone for that matter but as it rolled close to him, he punched it at its side.

It didn't stop instantly though and continued on rolling but it started slowing down and eventually stopped as it fell down.

"And that's when you strike it in one decisive blow, thank you, sir," Zack said towards all of them then excused himself as he went back to his team.

No one said anything as they can now see the Grimm's side of the head was now crushed and it was smoking already signifying that is already dead.

Everyone looked at Zack who was without a single scratch on his uniform while humming lightly and walking at a relaxed pace.

Cardin and his team suddenly gulped as they saw what he can do with a single punch, they felt like they messed with the wrong guy after that. They didn't comment on it as they just stayed away from Zack and his team.

After a few more normal classes, they finally got to buy lunch.

They were all minding their business when suddenly they heard the voice of a girl being hurt and was being laughed at. That stopped them in their tracks as they saw Cardin's bitc-team were now laughing at the rabbit-eared faunus. Blake instantly became angry at the sight but before she could even stand they all noticed that Zack was already walking toward them.

*Ouch*! "P-please stop..." the rabbit faunus muttered as she tried getting one of her ears out of Cardin's hands.

"Hahaha I told you guys, it was real, what a freak hahaha," Carding laughed, while he was enjoying it as well as his team.

"Oi, bud, what are guys doing exactly?" Zack's voice interrupted their laughs.

"Oh, it's you Fair, what, are you gonna take pity on this animal now? Hahaha" Cardin said as looked at Zack.

Zack didn't say anything and just smiled at them and then approached him instantly in his face.

"Oh no no, your no animals, I refer to your kind as pests/~pests" Zack muttered to him as he smiled at them but his greenish-blue cat-like eyes were now glowing as he looked down on them.

Cardin and his team suddenly backed away as they just heard what he said, and his voice, in the end, was like two people were speaking.

They didn't how but they suddenly saw a man as tall as Zack but with his silver long hair in his place, the man's eyes unnerved them but as soon as he appeared, everything went back to normal in an instant and they saw Zack was now chatting away with the shy faunus they were laughing at earlier.

They looked around the cafeteria as they become suddenly the main focus of all, they all felt somehow embarrassed by this as they hurriedly walked out of there but they still couldn't get over that shiver in their spines earlier.

No one but them realized this long-haired individual, not even Zack himself.

In my defense,

there is a Sephiroth tag on this so don't expect him going away permanently any soon, think of it something like hollow ichigo.

And yeah, this is a heads up but this story will be calm only until the after the Vytel festival, after that, expect everything to go batshit

If I can make it up to that part,

If, that is a big "IF"


NoirZero11creators' thoughts
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