
Spark of War

After Zack brought Glynda over to the infirmary, he continued his training but this time in his aura. He got this idea in his head when he built his guns that use his compressed aura to cause damage, if he's gun can do it, why not himself, that way, he won't need a gun ever and just stick with First Tsurugi.

He got the idea way back then even before he went to Land of Darkness, he only tested this theory on his breaks but they weren't a lot as to why he still can't make a breakthrough.

It slowly frustrated Zack to no end.

He was currently sipping a coffee in his hand right now as he noticed that almost every other corner of Beacon has a coffee machine. He thought for a while twirling his coffee inside of the cup but suddenly he thought of an idea.

He stood up and left his coffee for a while then brought his index finger and imagined the flow he gathered from his aura. Slowly but surely something was beginning to exist on top of his finger, its size differs constantly from a golf ball to a marble. It slowly stabilized in the size of a spinning marble glowing in his greenish-blue color.

He then pointed out his new technique at the sky then let loose on one side to direct its firing direction while saying something his body made him say.


*Slick* *BOOOOOMM*!!!

A spinning greenish-blue beam in the shape of a cone suddenly came out and shot at the cloud. As the beam slowly died out, a cloudless sky made its wake on Beacon. Safe to say that everyone near Beacon at that time looked in awe.

After Zack finished his first success, he noticed his aura dropped almost half of his reserves. He looked at his fist and motivated himself to do better.

As Zack was gonna try again, when two coffee addicted professors' voices rang out behind him.

"I wouldn't recommend it, young man, as you'll cause more panic as it is" A green-haired professor with glasses, Oobleck, said.

"Yes, it is best wise for you to cease your practice on that one for a while," Ozpin said as they came forward to him while both of them were carrying coffee on their hands.

"But I gotta ask, how did you achieve this power? That beam earlier felt like aura but it was so concentrated that it felt like three veteran huntsmen were pouring all of their aura all at once." Oobleck curiously asked.

"Oh that, I just manipulated my aura on my finger in a spiral flow, from there I just compressed it for about numerous times but it sucked my aura about half and it took three minutes of charging before I felt it going out of control" Zack answered.

"Hmm I see I see, thank you, young man, you might've just introduced us in a different way to use our aura but I would still advise to you minimize the power, as it looked like it is a double-edged sword if it takes about half of yours" Oobleck reasoned.

"Hmm alright, but in my defense, that was my first successful try," Zack said he relaxed his aura.

"Duly noted, I would suggest though for you to try lowering the amount of aura on that thing when practicing," Ozpin said.

"Hmmm, alright thanks, I'll try it next time," Zack said as he scratched the back of his head.

After that, a few more days passed, and finally, the students coming to Beacon arrived.

Zack was in his Cloud's outfit when he saw the students arriving, he couldn't make out their faces but he did see a yellow blur just tackled on the ground.

"Zaacckkk!!!" Yelled by the yellow blur named Yang as she hugged and sniffed him a few times.

"Y-yang, nice to see you too," Zack asked as he twitched a little because he felt she liked too much greeting him like this.

"I missed you too! And you'll never guess it but our little sister is also joining us in attending Beacon! Isn't it great, the three of us all together in the same school again!" Yang exclaimed as she let go of him but shook his shoulders immediately then hugged him again in front of all new and old students that were passing by.

"That's great! By the way, where is she anyway?" Zack smiled but curiously looked around for any signs of her and ignoring the attention they were getting.

"Huh, of course, she's right beside me-RUBY WHERE ARE YOU!?" Yang said as she looked furiously around.


"Hmmm!" Both Zack and Yang looked at where the explosion occurred then they went there as there's a chance their little sister was the cause of that.

As both Zack and Yang finally came to view who caused the explosion, they're earlier deductions seemed to be right as they can see their little sister being yelled at by a pale-skinned young woman with pale blue eyes and long white hair.

"Ugh! You dunce! This is exactly what I was talking about! And aren't you a little too young to be in here?" the white-haired asked.

"I-I'm SORRY!" Ruby said as she lowered her head.

At that Zack and Yang finally couldn't take it and come to her rescue.

"Oi, princess, my little sister already said she was sorry so why don't you just let it go" Zack's voice took their attention.

"Zacckkk!" Ruby excitedly yelled and jumped at him the same as Yang but she went behind him and cling on his back. (A/N: like a certain POKEMON)

"Hmph! Do you people even know who I Am!?" the white-haired bitc-girl asked them

"Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of largest producers of energy propellant in the world" A girl's voice interrupted them and a familiar voice to Zack.

"Huh! Finally some recognition!" Weiss happily exclaimed.

"The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners," Said as the girl came forward to them.

"Huh! The nerve of! Hmph!" and with that Weiss walked away.

"Hee, thanks for that Blake, how you've been?" Zack thanked Blake while still attached to his back was Ruby, who was staring at Blake right now with curiosity.

"Oh you know, same as always, more importantly… do you get it?" Blake replied lazily at first but then turned serious.

"Yeah I got it, It's on my Fenrir at the moment, I'll give it to you later, anyway this girl on my back is my little sister Ruby and the one beside me is my other sister Yang" Zack introduced both girls to Blake.

"Ruby, Yang, this is Blake I was talking to you about," Zack said with a smile.


The three girls didn't say anything as they looked at each other.

Ruby finally got off Zack's back and asked.

"I thought you said she was a cat faunus with cute black ears?" Ruby asked innocently.

At that, the air around the one girl suddenly got heavy.

"Oh, that she's wearing that bow on her head to hide her cute cat ears," Zack said oblivious to the reddening of one of the girl's eyes and her blonde hair was starting to be on fire.

Ruby and Zack didn't notice as they looked at Blake's bow moving.

But Blake noticed Yang and she has this scary look in her eyes while staring at her.

"W-why d-don't we go to the entrance ceremony already, then we can talk about this alright" Blake hurriedly changed the subject.

"Hmm sure, let's go, I know just the way," Zack said as he walked with Ruby as they talked about how Ruby got into Beacon in advance.

While at the back, Blake and Yang followed them with a tense silence. Blake was getting a bit uncomfortable with Yang still just staring at her without blinking and saying anything.

"Umm, Zack and I are just friends you know" Blake suddenly blurted out but it was effective as Yang instantly smiled cheerfully at her like she was her best friend.

"Oh, that's great, I would've never thought of Zack having such a 'cute' friend," Yang said with the same cheerful tone but Blake can see it fake.

"Oh, yeah, since you're Zack's 'cute' friend, you wouldn't mind telling me that you'll never have any intention of deepening that friendship right?.... rIgHt?" Yang said with a fake innocent face but in the end, it cracked a bit and showed Blake that this girl is serious.

Blake suddenly remembered her mother's special mission for her that was to bring Zack with her the next time she comes home but the weird thing was, she didn't say anything other than that so she wouldn't technically be going out with him so it should be alright.

"...Yes," Blake answered.

"You hesitated, but it's alright, I will just have to show you that I already have his heart" Yang said with conviction while smirking at her.

Blake didn't know why but she felt she was being looked down on and she didn't like it. Her fear from earlier slowly went away as she faced Yang with a smirk and said.

"Are you sure, from what I heard from him, when he did talk about you, there was no love I could see from him," Blake said daringly.

"Hmph, you don't have to worry, he's just confused" Yang argued back.

At that, every one of them finally made it to the ceremony with a few minutes to spare.

As Zack was still talking with Ruby, he didn't notice a red-headed girl with green-eyes looking at him with shock, excitement, and longing. The girl was about to muster her courage to talk to him but she was suddenly interrupted by Weiss, as the girl instantly appeared in front of her face.

"Oh my god, Oh my god, you're Pyrrha Nikos, you won the Mistral Regional Tournament three years in a row"

"My name is Weiss Schnee, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Weiss cornered Pyrrha but she was saved by the announcement.

*Ahem* *Ahem* "I'll...keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose – direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step" Ozpin said as he looked at them and then turned around.

"Now, you will all go to the Ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiations begins, be ready. You're dismissed except for you Mr. Zack Fair, the headmaster wishes to see you" Glynda said as she came forward after Ozpin.

"Awww, but we were just catching up" Ruby wined.

"Don't worry Ruby, I'll be back before you even notice it" Zack winked at Ruby.

"Okay, but you better get back fast, I still haven't told you how I kicked the bowler hat guy's butt" Ruby replied.

"Sure thing Rubes, well, Ruby, Yang, and Blake, I'll see you at the ballroom tonight," Zack said as he waved his hand at them then approached Glynda with excitement on his face.

"Huh, Zack's face just shined just now, maybe it was just me, or maybe.... I lacked cookies" Ruby thought out loud.

"C'mon, Yang, Blake, let's explore this while we kill time," Ruby said enthusiastically as she motioned Yang and Blake to come but the two didn't move.

What Zack, Ruby, and Weiss didn't realize then was that Blake, Yang, and Pyrrha saw how Zack smiled at their teacher but that wasn't it, it was the fact that their professor Glynda didn't look back at him but they can feel something was up with them.

They suddenly felt that they just saw the main boss but they also felt their comrades amongst them as they looked at each other for a moment.

Pyrrha didn't know those two girls but she felt they could become comrades/enemies with a single flip of a coin but she wouldn't give up now especially she finally reunited with her crush.

Blake also didn't know who Pyrrha was but she felt just like Yang, only less intense and she also felt like she was another one that had fallen to that moron.

For Yang, she knew perfectly who this red-head b*tch is, Pyrrha Nikos, she's good, it'll be a problem taking her out without a fuss and she can feel the b*tch won't just back away.

That was the start of a three-way war for Zack Fair's booty while the guy just shivered but he just shrugged it off and continued talking with his beautiful professor.

My bad y'all, I didn't notice it when I uploaded it

as for compensation,

I'll upload the next chapter

;´༎ຶ ਊ ༎ຶ`;

NoirZero11creators' thoughts
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