

A few weeks have gone by after that, team ZPNR grew more proficient in their fighting capabilities but this time team RWBY also joined them, and sometimes, they accompany team ZPNR in taking their missions.

So far, Zack's training is bearing fruit for them but they still can't defeat him even when they all teamed up. Ruby and Nora called him a cheater several times for that and pleaded to him what was his secret but all they got was an annoying smirk which they all loathe even for Yang, Blake, and Pyrrha.

Even though those ladies were head over heels for him, well except for Blake, they still have their pride as a future huntress so they forced themselves to defeat him but how could they easily beat a guy with an experience of a veteran huntsman.

They did win but just barely in one spar though and that involved using his chocolate cravings against him, it was Ruby and Nora's idea and they lorded this over Zack ever since. While Zack was in shock for his belief betraying him like that so he didn't touch one chocolate... for one day.

During these few weeks, some of Zack's lesser minions finally became alpha's themselves while the three original alpha was on the verge of becoming grand alpha but he did notice something weird on Ted and Fang, they were getting smaller but he felt they were growing more powerful than weakening. In the past, they were 6-7 meters in height but now they're barely 5 meters now and more of their body became encased by their shells.

On team ZPNR, Nora can now one-hit 2 lesser grim with a swing of her hammer, Ren increased his stamina and agility greatly that he could kill an alpha before it could notice him, and Pyrrha could now freely control every metal 50 meters from her spot.

On team RWBY, Weiss can now summon one arm with a sword through her Glyphs. Yang can now control her semblance without losing her cool but she can only maintain it for half an hour. Ruby can now integrate her fighting style with her semblance, Petal Burst, but her stamina and aura can't keep up with her so she can only fight for a limited time. Blake's secret-not-so-secret about her being a faunus was revealed to her team or more like to Weiss, but after them duking it out with each other they made up, she did train like Ren, but more in an aggressive style.

Zack and Glynda went on discreet dinner dates with each other but not hidden enough as Pyrrha, Yang, and Blake still found out about it. At that time, the two yandere was pretty murderous but Blake managed to stop them with her reasoning but that didn't last long as they saw Glynda kiss Zack but before the two could get in the way, the couple rode on Bubba as they took to the sky.

From then on, the two yandere was pretty aggressive in approaching Zack, one time Yang and Blake managed to stop Pyrrha from r**ing Zack as he was asleep but his limbs were tied to the bed. They managed to come to a truce after that near r*pe incident.

The next day then, the three ladies approached Glynda about their allegiance towards Zack's booty. Needless to say, Glynda wasn't all that surprised as she expected they would eventually come to this truce but that doesn't mean she agreed to it instantly as she was currently ahead of them. She did change her mind when she was informed of the numerous girls that were eyeing Zack right now on Beacon.

This all happened without Zack even noticing about it but he did notice the three girls were much more harmonious than before.

Now, they were all walking in the streets of Vale as Weiss invited all of them to welcome(spy) on students from neighboring kingdoms.

Weiss was happy the entire way that it started to freak out Ruby, Nora was dragging Ren to different shops, Pyrrha, Yang, and Blake were huddled together and was whispering about something while Zack was throwing small chocolates on the air and catching it in his mouth.

They finally made it to the docks but they didn't see any team so Weiss was pretty disappointed at that. They were heading back when they saw a store was in a mess and there were two female officers already on it.

They grew curious so they approached them about what happened.

"Hey, can you tell us what happened here?" Ruby asked curiously.

This got the female officers' attention.

"Oh, another robbery but they didn't take the money, just the dust," the female officer said.

"This is the fifth one, this is getting serious, alright that's all for now, run along you lot," the other female officer said to them as they walked away.

"Hmm, I remember that bowler hat guy that I met back then only wanted the dust too," Ruby commented.

"Oh, that Roman Torchwick fellow if I recall correctly, but why would he need so much dust?" Weiss added.

"Mmm, maybe he needs it for his nefarious purposes!" Nora exclaimed while shaking Ren's shoulder over and over.

"Calm do-" Ren was suddenly cut off as they heard someone yelling and running.

"THIEF!! GET THAT THIEF!! THAT NO GOOD STOWAWAY!!" an angry voice rang out.

"Hey! I'm no good stowaway, I'm a good stowaway!" a different voice answered back.

They all saw a blonde monkey faunus guy running from an angry old man. As the monkey faunus was about to pass by them, he looked at Blake with a wink but she just raised one of her eyebrows at him.

"Quick! Maybe he's from the neighboring kingdom! After him!!" Weiss called out quickly as she ran after him.

The team looked at each first then shrugged their shoulders and followed their resident ice queen.

They ran after the guy for a good five minutes but as Weiss was about to turn in a corner, she bumped into someone making them fall down.

"No, he got away!" Weiss groaned out.

"Ugh... Weiss" Ruby hesitantly pointed down at her.

"Hmm, ahhh" she looked towards the one she hit but she suddenly sprung up as the girl she hit looked at her then smiled while under her.

"Salutations!" the girl with orange hair and blue-green eyes said as she was still laying on the ground.

"Hm, are you, okay?" Pyrrha asked.

"I'm wonderful, thank you for asking," the girl replied.

"Umm, do you want to get up?" Weiss asked slowly.

The girl contemplated for a bit then said "Yes" as she suddenly sprung up towards them as they all stepped back well except for one spiky-haired guy still busy eating his chocolates.

"My name is Penny, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Penny introduced herself.

"Sup *chew* Penny *chew* I'm Zack *gulp*. Zack said as he continued to eat much to Weiss's chagrin.

One by one everyone introduced themselves to her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" Penny said again.

"You already said that," Weiss commented.

"Oh, so I did," Penny replied.

"Well sorry for running into you," Weiss said they were about to go away.

"Hmm, buddy, do you want some chocolate?" Zack suddenly asked out of the blue.

"Hmm, no thank you but can you say that again!" Penny calmly answered then suddenly went forward in front of his face.

The group stopped moving as they were watching Zack and Penny really close right now.

"Chocolates," Zack said with a serious expression.

"No, not that, the first one," Penny said she shook her head.

At that remark, Zack narrowed his eyes on her.

"Buddy?" Zack asked.

"Ahahaha, sensational! I now have a second boyfriend!" Penny exclaimed as she stepped back and brought out her arms in the air.

That remark made Yang, Pyrrha, and Blake's faces twitched as everyone looked on towards the two, who was celebrating her second boyfriend and the other one still eating his chocolates.

"Um, excuse me Penny, but did you call Zack your second boyfriend?" Blake asked carefully.

"Why yes, yes, I did!" Penny said with a big smile.

The air suddenly became tense and everyone on the street they were on felt it except for Penny and her so-called boyfriend. Fortunately, a voice broke them out of it.

"PENNY!! *Huff* I told you *Huff* don't run off *Huff* like that! *Huff* Your gonna *Huff* bump into someone!" the voice came from a running blonde guy towards their direction.

"Oh, Jaune, my first boyfriend! Look, I made my second boyfriend!" Penny excitedly said as she waved her arms at him.

The blonde guy in an Atlas uniform finally made it towards them but when he saw Zack, he came forward to him.

Zack seeing the guy, finished his chocolates then came forward as well.

They both smiled at each other then did a quick bro-hug then laughed a little.

"Hahaha, Jaune, buddy, how you've been all these years?" Zack said he instantly recognized Jaune.

"Haha, been doing great! Still can't thank you enough for doing what you did back then," Jaune laughed merrily with Zack.

"Umm, guys, do you know each other?" Ruby asked the two.

"Oh, yeah, I haven't introduced you guys, this is my friend I made back then, Jaune Arc," Zack said as he faced them while Jaune smiled and waved at them.

"The girl in the red outfit is Ruby, our resident ice-queen, Weiss, our ninja-lover faunus, Blake, our long-haired boxer, Yang, our spartan goddess, Pyrrha, our pancake leader faction, Nora, and her boyfriend in all but in name, Ren." Zack introduced them all in one take as he looked proud at his introductions.

Everyone felt different when they heard their introductions, Ruby was the least affected, Weiss slightly twitch her eye in annoyance, Blake brought her head down in embarrassment when she heard ninja, Yang narrowed her eyes on Pyrrha's introduction, Pyrrha was on cloud nine right now, Nora, and Ren blushed a little at that last one.

"I see that you joined Atlas, how did your family take it?" Zack asked curiously.

"Hmm, better than what I'd expect after you unlocked my aura, they were very supportive of me going to Atlas, and that's where I met Penny," Jauned reminisced a little as he answered.

"Penny huh, …. Your an android aren't you?" Zack asked as he moved his sight at Penny.

Everyone widened their eyes at that comment.

Penny and Jaune flinched and grew a little tense at that as they would never expect she would be found out this quickly.

"It's alright, I can keep a secret but what is up with Penny saying I was his second boyfriend?" Zack reassured them as they relaxed then he asked about earlier.

"Oh, thank you for that, she just meant a friend as a guy, she might've misinterpreted what I've taught her as she still calls me her boyfriend as well," Jaune sagged his shoulders in defeat.

"Wait, how did you know I was an android from the start?" Penny asked curiously.

"Hah! Of course, I would know, I'm pretty observant you see, almost nothing gets past me!" Zack proclaims at them.


"Oh, but still what gave it away?" Penny asked again as she tilted her head at him.

"That was easy, you didn't take the chocolate, only nefarious individuals can resist chocolates, and seeing you don't look like that, the only possible answer is an android," Zack smirked at them like how he just solved a case.

Team RWBY and the rest of Zack's team grew speechless at his proclamation, everyone twitched their eyes at the sight of him smirking at them while the three girls really wanted to strangle him right now.

"Wow, that was brilliant! You're like a detective!!" Penny exclaimed proudly as she praised Zack.

The rest didn't say anything as they watched the two.

I'm uploading one more chapter later...

I'm still kind of gloomy from this no vote button...



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