23 More Cases

A bright light beamed across Zach's closed eyes. He squinted them open, then sat up, dropping a blanket from his shoulders.

He was lying on a soft pallet in the den of the apartment, surrounded by a couple of empty Chocolate Frog boxes, and a half-eaten pizza slice on a plate. He must have fallen asleep while he and Uncle George were playing muggle video games in front of a large television set.

Zachary had gone to school with other squibs. It was run by several Hufflepuffs who graduated from Hogwarts with degrees in Muggle Studies. Often, classes would include field trips to various locations around London, to give the students an idea of how non-magick folk behaved. He had been to several arcades and learned the ropes of video games.

Despite this background, Uncle George was amazing when playing his muggle game station, and Zach lost as much as he won. Still, it was loads of fun having a sleepover above the joke shop.

As he stretched and yawned, he could hear muffled voices in the kitchen. He folded the bed things neatly before padding towards the kitchen door.

As he got closer, the words became clear. His father was here, talking to his uncle.

"The current physicians think this is somehow a manifestation of the werewolf bite finally coming to light. But there is no change in his physiology, no growth in his canines, and no hair. Instead, it appears to be a strictly mental aberration."

George spoke. "Did the healers find the curse?"

"That's just it." Harry sighed. "There doesn't seem to be a curse or a charm. Potions masters have checked, too, and no poisons have been found. They even checked the household meat storage to make sure it wasn't tainted, but there was nothing.

"Ginny and I have convinced Fleur to take the children and go to her parents in France for now. In any case, we are planning to move Bill to St Mungo's today."


Zach ducked as a red object flashed over his head and flew into the kitchen. He decided this was a good excuse to finally enter the room and see his dad.

He saw a red letter shaped like a bird fly into his father's hand, a curious lime green insignia on the wing. Once it gracefully unfolded, Harry read it, the frown lines on his forehead getting deeper as he went.

"It's a letter from Augustus Pye. There are now 5 cases similar to Bills at St Mungo's. He has them sequestered in a corner of the second floor in case they are contagious." He looked at his brother in law in dismay.

"Bill was the first, perhaps because of his unique physiology, but clearly there is something else going on." He turned and, seeing Zach in the doorway, motioned him into the room.

Zach looked at his father's tired face. Clearly, these events both inside and outside his family were taking their toll on Harry.

Harry placed his hand on Zach's shoulder.

"Zachary, we don't know what this is, or how it is caused. So I want to ask you, do you want to continue to work at the Ministry of Magic? I know your mother would prefer that you stay home, but we both know what a worrywart she can be."

They both grimaced at the same time. Because of his lack of magic, Zach had a hard time escaping from his mother's coddling. Only when his brilliant cousin Rose created the wandless magical items that allowed him to communicate with the rest of the family, did she finally pull back. A little.

"Yes, sir. I want to continue working."

Harry patted his youngest on his shoulder. He had already known what the answer would be.

"Okay, son, but please be aware of your surroundings, and keep your Portkeys with you, as well as your phone. For now, let's go home."
