

Alfred looked sympathetically at Zach. "Do you want to wait out here for a while longer."

Zach was tempted, despite the behaviour of the younger girl. But there were tables inside the establishment as well, so it was likely the pair would stay inside while eating their treats. Reluctantly, he stood up.

"Let's head outside. Maybe I can find something interesting in a muggle shop for Rose to take apart. You know how she likes to tinker." The smaller boy nodded.

They had just turned towards the entrance to Diagon Alley when a red-headed man popped in front of them. Looking uncharacteristically serious.

"Uncle George!" Zach grinned. "We had stopped by…"

Zach was interrupted when the older man placed his hand on his shoulder. Immediately, the young squib knew something was wrong.

"What happened, Uncle George?" Alfred asked, looking between the two relatives.

"Your parents are looking for you both, and you need to go home. Al, can you head out on your own? I'll take care of Zachary."

Alfred nodded; it must be something serious indeed. "I'll see you later, Zach." He headed quickly for the entrance so he could disapparate home.

Zach waited until his friend was lost in the crowd before turning back to his uncle. "What's wrong? Is someone sick?"

George nodded, absentmindedly rubbed the stump of his left ear. "There's something strange going on, Z, and my sister wants you guarded." At his nephew's surprised look, George continued.

"Something has touched the Weasley family, and we don't know if it's deliberately aimed at us or not. Bill…" He swallowed past the lump in his throat. "Something has a happened to Bill. You're to stay with me at the shop until your parents fetch you. The apartment is the safest place right now."

George was famous for his Defence Against the Dark Arts skills, so no doubt the shop and its environs was as well protected from evil magic as well as any Ministry building. The pair hurried to a door partially hidden behind the chestnut vending machine.

In front of the door, the ground lit up, showing a grid of 9 squares with arrows in the center boxes and symbols in the corners.

"Stand back for a moment, Z. The combination to the door is done with the feet. In the middle of the door was a screen. George tapped a circle that read "DDR"; suddenly a song pumped from the door while arrows and symbols scrolled up the screen. George began oddly hopping on his feet, and it took Zach a moment to realize he was matching his feet movements with the arrows on the screen and the music. What a strange way to seal a door!

A short moment later, the word "Perfect!" popped up on the screen and the door recessed into a corridor. George looked up and grinned, now slightly sweaty.

"I picked this up from a muggle arcade. It's tricky to get through, and it gives you a bit of exercise as well." Zach shook his head and smiled as he followed his uncle into the building.

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