

(Yuujiro POV)

Boring. Simply, boring.

That is what I thought for awhile, 'no one can defeat me, so what is the point?'. I began to question myself of why I wanted to be the strongest. I frown, I wanted to be the strongest just to be, so why do I feel empty? That old geezer is practically close to death, and he is really the only one that matches my strength. I see of what those grown-babies were talking about, wanting to taste defeat. However, how can a lion want defeat from a rabbit? It simply doesn't, or so it goes.

The cellphone that was located on my bed-cabinet, I think, rings. I'd drop down from the up-side down pull-up stand from doing pull-downs, and walked over. I grabbed it, placing it to my ear. I awaited for the other side to say what they called for. "M-mr. Hanma! I finally got intact with you! I wanted to invite you t-"

"Don't waste my time." I replied back

"Y-yes sir! We wanted you to kill this...creature-"

"Where?" I replied back, finally, maybe something that can cure this...boredom, would you call it?

"In Palau, s-sir!"

I'd let out a deep sigh, hearing a small gasp on the other side of the cellphone, "Get me a plane."

"Yes sir!"

I would hang up, this better be good, or else I will have to crack their skulls. I would grin.

(Hallway Janitor POV)

As usual, I am just cleaning these damned hallways. I walked towards Room 115, when I feel this...fear? What the hell! What the god dang hell is this feeling! I'd fall backwards onto my buttom, then getting up, running away from Room 115.

'What the hell was that!? Is was like a tiger or something was in there, ready to pounce on me, not like I've been infront of a tiger, but still!'

(16 hours later)

(Yuujiro POV)

I arrive at the airport, sure, it seems all bright and modern, but why make it so? Then again, I am not the one that had to suffer millions of dollars to build such a lousy place, so why would I concern myself to such levels? Maybe it just comes with age.

"Hello sir! Right this way, Mr. Hanma!" said the seemingly sweaty air attendant.

"Hm..." I pondered, such weaklings, at least gain some muscle and try to strive toward you're dream, but maybe this is their dream? What a weak dream they have.

With no further introductions, the plane opens slowly with its...stair like door? Such a strange air-door. I would get on, climbing in and sitting in a chair. I'd open the window, looking out. I wonder, what beast does a corporation want me to deal with this time? Not like they arn't paying me, but still, what creature? I grin in excitement, is this what is going to break down this...emptiness?

I began to chuckle at the thought that I would have a equal.

(General POV)

The entire staff of the plane hair's begin to rise up, as the world's strongest living creature, Yuujiro Hanma, laughs out loud. They begin to feel like a lion is watching them, the strongest lion there is. However, they only put it as it is Yuujiro, I mean, who else would emit those...vibes?

They begin to fear for their lives if they don't hurry, so they hurryingly take off to Palau.

(10 hours later)

(General POV)

The staff no longer feel that immense fear, but they know Yuujiro is still there, wanting to fight something, with so much bloodlust, making the whole staff shiver through out the entire flight, like if they caught the cold!

They finally land, with Yuujiro standing up.

No one had the courage to tell him to sit down, in-fear that they would be the plane's new inside paint.

Yuujiro walked to the plane's door, raising his leg, and kicked it open. The staff at this point didn't say nothing. Yuujiro looked around, seeing that no one is coming to stop him, "What cowards you are." says Yuujiro, and now the plane's staff begin to look at them selves, 'You're just to strong!'.

Yuujiro jumps out of the plane, rolling over and then getting up without a scratch, only a bit of dirt on his black pants [A/N; he isn't wearing a shirt].

(Yuujiro POV)

Finally, we are here. I begin to stretch after sitting like a rock, and hear a roar in the distance. Is that what they called me in for? Lets test you're might, wonder-beast!

I begin to sprint toward the general direction of where the roar came from, I know its there, I can practically see it.

(6 and a half minutes later)

There you are! I finally reach the location of where the beast resided, and found it in a cavern. I begin to walk into the cavern, looking around, trying to sense anything abnormal. The only thing that is not making this a normal cavern is that there are bones everywhere. Seems to be the local beast-lord, then again, they had guns it seems. Maybe coming here is a good choice.

I continue to walk down into the cavern, to found a well-lit room, with a strange multi-colored beast remaining there. Who would of known a yellow, black, and teal beast of no fur would be in a small island nation? As for me, I already known it was here, however, it was not noticeable before. Now it is.

It awakens, opening its left eye, and looked at me. Now that I think about it, it looks like a enlarged dog, about my height. Hm...seems rather weak, but it will do it seems. It gets up and attempts the pounce on me.

I, as simply as ever, just grab it's head and begin to crush it. It screams and yelps in pain, what a waste of time it seems. I crush its head, dropping it, and blowing my hand off of any blood, which works as usual.

I wonder, what was it guarding? The cavern seems to go deeper, oh well, nothing here left anyways. I begin to climb back up the cavern, until I hear a raspy voice, "Come here, come here, come here."

I look behind me, nothing there, however, it continues as the voice seems to originate from deeper in the cavern. Interesting, I can not sense its body, hm...then is it strong.

1081 Words, cool

Also, just to let you know, this is my first time writing, so if yer' would, cut me some slack!

ROWENHUNTYT_2creators' thoughts
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