

A week passed.

I was waiting for Naruto and Sasuke to show up at the training field, it didn't take long for me to see them running side by side as fast as they could. Naruto won by a hair.

"Haha! I won, suck on that Sasuke," he screamed in joy.

"Tsk, there won't be a next time loser," he retorted.

"Who're you calling a loser!!!" He screamed in anger.

"I see you guys are getting along again, that's good," I said.

""NO WE'RE NOT!!!"" They both screamed simultaneously.

"Haha, okay, okay. Whatever you say. So did you guys have time to think about what I said?"

"Yeah," said Sasuke.

"Yes!" said Naruto.

"Great, if you guys have any questions let me know."

After speaking with them for a while and answering any questions I could, which was not a lot, we moved on to training.

"You guys will be doing this with your sensei when you graduate from the academy, but it doesn't hurt to practice. I want you guys to tell me about your likes and dislikes, hobbies and dreams for the future."

"Why don't you go first, so we know how it works," Naruto said.

"Uh, sure, I like cold noodles, my family and friends. I don't like paperwork, my hobbies are working on my wind style jutsu. My dream is to make the world a better place. Now your turn Naruto," I said.

"Okay, I like Mom's cooking and ramen, I especially like the ramen from Ichiraku's. I don't like the time you have to wait for the ramen to cook. I like training and my dream is to one day be the Hokage! So that people would stop looking down on me and underestimating me, and instead look up to me!" He said, his resolve was really impressive.

"Wow, that's a great dream to have Naruto. You'll have to train even harder to get there. You should be glad I'm helping you out," I responded.

"Great!" He said.

"Now your turn Sasuke."

"Uh, I haven't really thought about it. Before I was just consumed with my desire to get stronger so that I can defeat Itachi. But now I don't even know what to do," he said, looking conflicted, I figured something like this will happen.

"That's a fine goal Sasuke, being strong enough to defeat your brother is a great goal to have. But you need to be prepared for when you accomplish that goal. There are many people that feel lost or empty after they accomplish the goal they spent their whole lives chasing. You have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do after you accomplish your dream. I'm here to help you when you do, I believe in you," I said.

"Thanks," he said.

"What was that?" I teased.

"I said thanks okay! Now can we get to the training?" He said, blushing slightly from embarrassment.

"Haha okay, Naruto, you go an do the training I was having you do last time. No slacking, I can see you from here," I informed Naruto.

"Yes!" He then ran off enthusiastically.

"Sasuke, I'll have you work on your chakra control and do physical training for now since you're not really lacking in other areas compared to Naruto. I want you to learn other jutsu, but before that take this." I handed him a chakra paper to test his affinity.

"What's this?" He asked.

"This is a chakra paper, you put a bit of your chakra into it and the way it reacts tell us what your chakra affinity is," I said.

He took the paper and put some chakra into it. The paper then got wrinkled.

"Lighting affinity huh, I'll teach you the theory to learn the lighting chakra nature but it's all up to you, I unfortunately only know the wind nature so I can't be of much help there," I said.

Sasuke got the tree walking and water walking down in a little over a week. When we moved on to his chakra nature it took him only a few more days to learn the lighting chakra nature, which was a surprise. No doubt a genius, Naruto couldn't really understand the nature and shape transformation when he was younger which makes sense, he was only four. I taught it to him again last year and it took him a month to get the leaf cutting down and a couple more months to be able to generate wind chakra. It took him the rest of the year to learn the couple of wind jutsu that I taught him.

"No fair, it took me a long time to do that, it was so frustrating!" Naruto yelled.

"Heh," Sasuke smirked.

"What're you laughing at you cheater!" Naruto attacked Sasuke which led to them running around the training field throwing jutsu at each other. I usually just let them tire themselves out before giving them more training as punishment for ruining the field. I know that they're friends again and they've made up but neither of the two wants to be the first to admit it. Weird dynamic they've got going. Reminds me of...

You know what, never mind.


Once Sasuke had the chakra control and chakra nature training down I sent him down to the library with a note that says he can look at any jutsu he wants that's not forbidden.

The Konoha Shinobi Library is a secret library whose existence is only privy to the highest ranking and most trustworthy people in the village. It is called a library but it's more like an archive that holds official history books, directories of everyone in the village and people of interest, jutsu and much, much more. All the knowledge that the village has gathered, ever, is stored there. I myself only found out about it when I got a mission to guard a shipment going to the library. The measures the village took to keep anyone from finding out about the shipment still amaze me to this day. It is arguably the most secretive and well protected place in the entire village, if not the world.

There is a Public Library that holds non-sensitive information but nobody bothers to go there. The civilians are too busy with work, and the rich and influential people either don't care for the knowledge or already know more important information.

POV Sasuke

I followed the directions that Shin-san gave me but all I see is a forest around me. Suddenly I start to feel dizzy and lose consciousness. I don't how long I was out for but when I woke up I found myself inside a room made from stone. I was sitting on a chair with a table in front of me. Then someone walked in. He had a white mask on with green markings as whiskers and hair.

"Ah, Sasuke, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is deer, I will be your librarian for today. Any jutsu you need just let me know and I'll bring them for you."

"Uh, why can't I just look for books myself?" I asked.

"That's not how things work, the jutsu that a village possess are highly valuable assets that are kept secret. Usually people will only learn jutsu from their teachers after they graduate from the academy. The only reason you're here is because Seishin-sama has given you explicit permission to look at jutsu that want. You can stay here for a week, memorize any jutsu under A-Rank and then you leave. You will not be given an opportunity like this again."

"Okay," I said.

"Very well, let's begin." He said.

"I want to look at lighting jutsu, starting from C-Rank and up." I said.

"Very well," He said, then he put down a scroll on the table and opened it. He then made a hand sign and with a puff of smoke a couple of books appeared.

And so, I started to memorize all the jutsu that I can with my Sharingan active. There were jutsu's to increase the speed at which the brain sends signals to the brain, a couple of lighting animals, lighting balls, lightning shuriken etc. There was also more powerful techniques such as coating a weapon in lighting chakra, shooting lightning from the user's hands, spitting lighting spears, and other types of long range lighting jutsu. There was an A-Rank jutsu called Chidori, but from what was written the jutsu gives the user a tunnel vision-like effect that makes it easy for an enemy to attack the user. But the Sharingan can overcome those drawbacks, so I memorized the jutsu anyways.

I memorized a couple of earth style jutsu's as well and left after the week was up I left to practice the new jutsu so I can use them in a fight.

After a couple weeks of practice, I managed to master most of the C-Rank lightning jutsu and a couple of earth style jutsu as well for defense.

Seishin POV

I got tired of sparring with them all the time so I had them fight each other for a change of pace. Naruto is really unpredictable and Sasuke is really talented and hard working, almost as hard working as Naruto and that's saying something, so they make a good match up.

"Okay, today you'll be fighting with each other rather than me. I don't want you guys to hurt each other too badly. I don't want to have to drag your ass back to the hospital again Naruto."

"What? It wasn't that many times was it?"

"69 times, but who's counting," I said.

'Nice,' someone thought.

"Oh yeah," Naruto said.

"Anyways, just get to fight already," I said and disappeared from their sight.

"Wait, there's no... You're not gonna... Okay," Naruto said and looked towards Sasuke.

"It looks like Shin does things a little differently than the academy," Sasuke said.

"You can say that again, one time he made me run through the village with really embarrassing clothing and told me to not let anyone notice me. I had to do it for a couple of weeks before I figured out how to do it." Naruto said.

"Heh, yeah I remember that, I told my brother about it. We had a good laugh about it," Sasuke replied.

"Soo..." Naruto said, standing there awkwardly.

"Oh my god! Get on with the fight already, do you need someone hold your hand and give you permission before you engage with an enemy on the battlefield?!?!" I screamed at them. Once they got over their shock and looked around trying to figure out where I was, they finally started the fight.

Sasuke started running towards Naruto and went for a punch, Naruto side stepped and tried a punch of his own.

Sasuke leaned to the side, narrowly evading the punch. Naruto though Sasuke was off balance and went for another punch to seal the deal but Sasuke's foot connected with Naruto's head and he was sent flying a few meters to the side.

Naruto got back up and saw Sasuke's knee a really close to his face and immediately put up his guard to protect his face.

The force of the attack made Naruto fall on his back, Sasuke took the opportunity to get on top of Naruto and punch him over and over again.

Naruto evaded a punch to his face, and hugged Sasuke's torso and pulled him down. Naruto then flipped their positions and punched Sasuke a couple of times before Sasuke pulled out a Kunai and went for an attack to his face.

Naruto leaned back to evade which gave Sasuke the opportunity to hit Naruto in the chest with his palm to make Naruto winded and give himself the time to recover. 

Sasuke then started to weave a couple hand signs and thought, 'Fire style: Fireball Jutsu.'

A giant fireball was shot out from Sasuke and hit Naruto, once the flames disappeared all that was left was a scorched log that turned to ash once it hit the floor.

Sasuke POV

'What! Where did he go?' I thought

I looked around and finally saw him behind me.

Seishin POV

Naruto body flickered behind Sasuke but he noticed too late and he received a punch to the face and was sent flying.

It seems Sasuke got a bit pissed as he weaved some hand signs and said.

"Lighting Release: Overdrive"

Lightning covered Sasuke's body and he disappeared and reappeared in front of Naruto. Naruto couldn't keep up with Sasuke's speed and received a punch to the face. He flew back and reoriented himself in the air before he landed, he looked up but Sasuke wasn't there. He came to a stop and as he looked to to side he received a kick that sent him flying again.

Sasuke appeared in front of Naruto once more and attacked him but Naruto exploded and a blast of wind sent Sasuke flying whilst giving him a few cuts as well.

Sasuke got up quickly and kept looking for Naruto when suddenly a hand popped up from under him, grabbed his leg and pulled him down.

Naruto appeared in front of Sasuke and put a kunai to his throat and said, "I win," with a smile.

Sasuke smiled and said, "Are you sure about that?"

Sasuke then disappeared along with the hole where his body was.

"An illusion?" Naruto exclaimed.

Naruto heard a noise behind him, as he turned around he saw a ball of lighting flying towards his face. He dodged to the side but more and more kept appearing. Some just grazed him while others that missed him hit the floor, destroying his footing and disrupting his vision.

"Wind Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Was all Sasuke heard before the training ground was covered in hundreds of clones.

He was shocked stiff and when he recovered, he barely enough time to protect himself from the hundreds of shuriken that were heading his way.

"Earth Release: Rock dome," Sasuke said and just as he put his palms on the ground an earth dome rose from the ground and covered him completely.

Then a web of lightning extended from the dome and covered the ground for 25 meters around Sasuke. Then he undid the earth dome jutsu and looked around, I could see he had activated his Sharingan, he had one Tomoe in each eye.

The Naruto Clones charged at Sasuke but when the clones touched the web on the floor they got electrocuted and they exploded into wind. This caused a chain reaction that destroyed a couple hundred clones. The web on the floor disappeared and Sasuke ran towards the clones and jumped over them, stepping over a couple of them in the process. He landed on the middle of the pond and gestured towards the clones to attack him.

The clones surrounded Sasuke again and they attacked from multiple angles. Sasuke weaved some hand signs and said, "Lightning Release: Thunderbolt." Sasuke raised his hands outwards towards his sides as they got covered in lightning chakra and many bolts of lightning released in all directions. The clones all got electrocuted, they then turned into wind and exploded. Naruto luckily was standing on the ground and not the water.

Naruto shot out many blades of wind which Sasuke dodged, Naruto ran towards Sasuke and they started another taijutsu battle. Punches and kicks were exchanged, I noticed that Sasuke was breathing heavily and so was Naruto. Sasuke covered his body is lightning once again and Naruto would shoot out blasts of wind from his back to propel himself forward for to gain shorts bursts of speed.

I decided to end the fight before it gets more out of hand. It's supposed to only be a spar after all.

I appear in front of Naruto and said, "Okay Naruto, that's enough for today," I looked to see Sasuke breathing heavily and Naruto was sweating and breathing heavily as well. They both had cuts and bruises all over their bodies.

"Sasuke, Naruto, well done that was a good fight. You both need to get better at keeping an eye on your opponents, Sasuke you have the Sharingan but you still need to be prepared for when an enemy catches you off guard. Naruto, I have a jutsu that allows you to sense the chakra around you. With your ridiculous chakra, I have no doubt you can probably extend your senses for a couple of kilometers not that you'll need it."

"Yes Oni-san!" He said.

"Call me Sensei," I said.

"Yes Sensei!" He replied.

"I know the both of you were mindful not heavily injure each other and you have no reason to try and do that. But you'll need be ready for when you graduate, the world is not a pretty place and you'll have to do things that you don't like that's just the Nature of the job. For now, I'll teach you guys methods to incapacitate your opponents and ways to kill, torture and how to get into your opponents heads. Most of the ninja outside of the Anbu and T&I department don't really have to torture their enemies, but you never know." I said.

"Yes Sensei," they both said.

"Great, you both exceeded my expectations. Especially you Sasuke, I didn't expect you to learn so many jutsu in so little time. Well done, Naruto you better watch out, you have competition for the position of my best student."

"Wha-!" Naruto said, shocked.

"Heh," Sasuke said, looking smug to piss off Naruto.

"YOU- I want a rematch, I'll show you how much better I am than you! Bring it on!" Naruto exclaimed.

The training was over, so I just went home and let them fight their hearts out.

A couple of hours later, Naruto walked into the door while supporting Sasuke. I looked at them and said, "Oh, my bad, I totally forgot about you guys."

"Don't give me that crap!" Naruto yelled.

"Mom's home," I said, which made Naruto pale and look around excessively.

"Haha, I'm kidding. Here let me help you," I walked over, picked Sasuke up like a sack of potatoes and grabbed Naruto and hooked my arm around his chest and held him between my arm and torso. I walked over to the couch and threw the both of them onto it. We talked for a while until mom came home.

"Hey guys," Mom said. "How's it going?"

"Good! Sasuke and I sparred today and guess who won?" Naruto said.

Before mom could say anything, Sasuke said, "Me of course."

"What!? It was me, have you looked at yourself? You're covered in injuries!"

They continued to bicker until mom came over and caught a whiff of them. "Naruto? Have you showered yet?"

"Uh, no..." Naruto said.

"Then why are you sitting on my couch when you're all sweaty like that? Get your ass upstairs and take a shower, you too Sasuke." She said.

"Oh, I really don-" Sasuke started before mom cut him off.

"Did I stutter?" She said.

"No ma'am" Sasuke immediately replied and ran upstairs after Naruto.

That finally put an end to the very eventful day I had.

Next chapter