
Get up

«I became the hero of my own story. At least I thought so. Everyone is used to heroes with the most lofty and even idealistic goal, but this is not about me. I just wanted to have fun, get rid of the routine, and be close to my dear person, who in reality was always so far away ... But fate played a cruel joke with me: having got what I wanted, I lost what I had. And then the desired became bitter. There is so much pain around ... Everyone expects something from me, someone even thinks that I will change their life for the better, but no. I don't want your pain! Stop it! Let the whole world turn to dust, I just want to be close to Emily! And nothing more!»

– Hikaro, wake up! What happened with you?

– What!?

The eyelids fluttered open. A bright light hit the eyes, gleaming gold on blue irises. But a gentle hand touched his face, and dark curls closed the path to the sun. The feeling of pain and fear grew into relief.

– I'm sorry, Emily. The nightmare has dawned.

– Oh, ok. Lie down on my knees and nothing will bother you anymore. Let's just relax and look at the starry sky, hm?

– And turn on the full moon, as you like?

– Yep, – the girl laughed.

– You have always loved the moon more than the sun.

Hikaro raised his right hand up and snapped his fingers. At the same instant, the crickets began to play – the day turned into night.

The guy and his girlfriend were lying on the river bank under an old lush tree in the middle of an open field, where there was not a soul, and they could safely enjoy each other.

«What was it? Is my mind against me? How did I fall asleep in the middle of a dream, while losing awareness? It was as if I was looking at the ground covered in blood. My back hurt incredibly, and my right eye hurt even more. Part of my face seemed to be on fire. I don't like it. I didn't study lucid dreams for so long so that at some point my brain deceived me. I hope this was an isolated incident. After all, only here I can be near Emily ... Only here».

After a while, the guy abruptly got to his feet and first of all pulled a black bandana over his blond hair. He put on a black plaid shirt, pants of the same color and pulled them over with a yellow belt. He got into yellow and black boots and put on a light white jacket with yellow stripes, which he did not button up.

– Time for Mr. Hikaro to defend the honor of his beloved lady again! – he said snobbishly and playfully winked at Emily.

– Hurrah! Fun again! I will enjoy watching you cut down your enemies! – the girl bit her lip with excitement, which further inflamed the passion of her lover.

With a snap of their fingers, a dozen warriors in light gilded armor appeared near Hikaro, their faces covered with hoods. On the contrary – the same number of warriors in dark heavy armor with closed helmets. Among them, one warrior stood out: a young guy, the same age as Hikaro, with long dark hair, the front strands of which were taken in two ponytails near the face. Plain leather pants and boots. Light, unbuttoned, dark cloak with purple stripes, under which a bare torso could be seen. Everyone had exactly the same bastard swords in their hands, over which Hikaro's fantasy decided not to bother.

– So we met, Tsukisuke, – the blond–haired youth exclaimed with joy and rushed into battle.

– This time, don't expect mercy! – he heard in response from his enemy, who also rushed to the attack.

The rest of the soldiers repeated after their commanders and entered the fray.

The light warrior's sword shone with a yellow light. The blade of the dark is purple. They fought as equals, constantly blocking each other's attacks. At one point, Hikaro decided to use magic. In his case, it was a bright yellow flame. Tsukisuke did not stand still and sent a huge wave of water at the enemy, on which lightning struck. With their skills, they easily destroyed each other's henchmen, which showed the superiority of magic over ordinary physical strength.

«You fight well, exactly according to my scenario, – Hikaro reasoned, blocking the enemy's attack. – Still, it was right to make you an antagonist».

Takigami was not worried about possible injuries, because everything around him is his story. And in the battle against his friend, he plunged into memories of her beginning.


«So, everything seems to be ready. According to the instructions, it is worth freeing the mind from thoughts. Hell, now I'm thinking about not thinking. That's the dilemma».

Hikaro lay in the dark on the bed in his room. It was the first time he had a lucid dream. Before that, he studied this phenomenon for a long time and found out that it is imperative to lie on back, completely relaxing every muscle in body. And don't move anything. An extra desire to scratch hand can destroy the whole process. But the most difficult thing is to lose thoughts. Before a normal sleep, the human brain processes all the information received during the day, so it was necessary to forget everything. Become a vegetable, a piece of paper, anything, but never think. And here comes another difficulty. It is necessary not to miss the moment of falling into a dream, because if a person forgets about his goal to get specifically into a lucid dream, he falls into a normal one, and everything will be in vain.

«Where am I?»

But he did it. Hikaro found himself on a hill with a wonderful view. Down below, there was a city, to which a winding path led. He turned and saw behind him a raging river and a large tree with pink flowers.

«How cool it is here, – he involuntarily dropped. – Did my brain really create such beauty on its own? Also, the sky is so funny. Why did it turn purple?»

Indeed, everything around was already prepared. Hikaro didn't find it strange, thinking it was all a projection of his mind.

– That's so cool, that I don't have to build everything from scratch. Just make some adjustments. Who else is this?

A man in a dark robe was hiding behind a tree, but when Hikaro came to check, no one was there.

– Weird.

After some thought, the guy wondered if he could do everything here that is impossible in reality. And, of course, the first thing he tried...

«Will it work? I have long wanted…»

Takigami lifted his feet off the ground and lifted himself off the ground with ease. Without realizing it, he created huge white wings, with the help of which he soared like a bird.

«Wow, so many people, I couldn't even imagine, and this whole city ... It's damn cool here!»

The nearest city looked like a mixture of medieval Europe and Japan. It is as contrasting as the whole world. There are many stone steps and paths scattered closer to the river. On the fences to the water are vases with flowers. And, of course, there are small boats for walking along the river. The city itself was full of stone towers and fences, which, surprisingly, you will not notice on the outskirts, where small houses with large triangular roofs are more densely located. Closer to the center – more and more various arches, shops and decorations in Japanese traditions. Despite the great attention to stone buildings, the roads here are quite narrow, rather, they are simply trampled down by people. In one part of the city there was one solid market at all with the same stone stalls built in several dozen long rows. All of them are covered with small thatched roofs. Anything could be found among the goods. In other matters, then Hikaro was not up to it.

«Do they really behave like I read? – the guy landed and began to peer at people. – No one pays attention to me. Everyone is doing their own thing».

– Excuse me, can I ask you something? – he turned to the woman passing next to him, but she did not blink an eye, she passed by.

– Can you help me? – he immediately asked a man nearby.

– I'm late, – he answered in a hurry and ran away.

«The usual simple answers. These people are just extras in my dream. Just like dolls. Stop, here it is…»

In the crowd of people moving in the usual way, a guy in a dark cape suddenly ran through, carelessly pushing passers by. His face was invisible. Perhaps this is the same one that was then, near the sakura.

«He doesn't act like everyone else. I don't know why I'm running after him, but what if he knows something? Or is it just a creation of my mind?»

The distance between them was ten meters and was constantly increasing. Without noticing behind him, Hikaro himself was pushing peaceful people to the ground. Then he remembered that he could fly, but he could no longer see anyone from above. Desperate, Hikaro landed again. But then he had to get what he deserved.

«Hu–uh, well, clever bastard! Hopefully more will show up. Then I'll know what type he is! Ah, what's next? – he turned around and began to examine everything around, and the first thing that caught his eye was the fists aimed at him. – Here are those! Ass feels, it's time to get out!»

The crowd did not like the bully's behavior. Women began to throw stones at him, and evil men immediately ran after him in order to firmly put their fists on him. Hikaro flapped his wings and rushed away from the city.

«I heard about this. If I will create chaos in a dream, my brain will become angry with myself and will try with all its might to eliminate my consciousness. Going forward, I have to be careful».

The guy flew away and stopped on a small lawn near the forest.

– Give me a huge sword here, – he snapped his fingers and held out his hands, as if taking something from someone's hands. – Wow, how heavy. – He immediately missed the blade, which a moment ago fell into his palm. It is not surprising, because the sword was exactly according to the requests of Hikaro – huge. – So, a little smaller, – the guy snapped his fingers again, raising his right hand, and the blade immediately shrunk to the right size. – Thank you, invisible waiter.

For several minutes, Takigami posed with a blade and fought against invisible enemies.

– Tremble enemies! Get it! – He paused for a second. – And what about magic? Hmm , – the guy waved his sword and shouted: – Fire explosion!

At the same moment, a stream of fire burst from the sword. Yes, and with such force that he left a charred line on the ground several meters away.

– Mother of God! Is this possible here? Cool!

The next whim was not long in coming.

– The army squad is here for me! Man twenty! Not! Thirty! Fifty!

The wish came true immediately. A whole military detachment lined up in front of him. All in uniform and with guns.

– No, no! No firearms! Only swords and magic. Now I will correct you.

A few orders later, all the soldiers were armed with bladed weapons and dressed in white.

– Your faces are gloomy. Hide the hell out!

Hoods were pulled over each head. So much so that they covered the face to the chin.

«Okay. Now it's time to create a whole movie out of my dream. Or not, a video game! And I'll be the main character. But every story needs a villain... An idea! The enemy will be Tsukisuke! Even if he and my friend, it will still be very interesting to measure strength with him, even if he does not know about it».

With a snap of his fingers, Tsukisuke Okada appeared in front of Takigami.

– Oh, yes, that's exactly how I need you, – the guy approached him and said the following in an ordering tone: – Remember! You and I are forever bitter enemies! Your cruelty knows no bounds, and the ice in your heart will not melt even the hottest flame! But all your dirty tricks will be stopped by the best warrior in the world and his name is Hikaro Takigami!


– Are you ready to give up already, Tsukisuke?

– Do you think I'm going to fall on my knees in front of you?

The guys continued the battle according to Hikaro's scenario. The latter attacked sharply. Tsukisuke was successful in blocking them, but constantly retreated slightly, which Takigami considered a weakness.

– Smear it! – the girl shouted, encouraging her lover. – He offends my honor and dignity!

«And he will pay for it!»

– Is not it so? I see, you won't last long, – after another blocked attack, the guy kicked the enemy under the knee.

– Your eyes are lying to you! – Tsukisuke almost fell, but immediately took advantage of the moment and, holding the blade with his right hand, slashed Hikaro's face with his left with all his might. Takigami took a few steps back, almost falling on his back. Okada without thinking pointed his sword at his opponent and released a water ball, which at full speed threw Hikaro a couple of meters, knocking him to the ground.

«Well, I do not! No one can beat me in my own world! Let's go back a couple of moments».

– Your eyes are lying to you! – Tsukisuke nearly slashed Hikaro in the jaw, but at the last moment, Hikaro ducked down and hit Okada again in the legs, causing him to fly over Hikaro and fall to the ground.

– Fiery stream!

– Shield of Aqua!

Takigami directed the element of fire at the prone opponent, but he did not lose his head and blocked the attack with the opposing element.


When the fire was gone, Tsukisuke immediately appeared right in front of Hikaro's face and kicked him in the face. A second later, the sly face was imprinted on the ground.

– Not! – the girl shouted. – Get up, darling!

«Crap! He beat me again!»

– Now what, daredevil? – Okada walked over to the lying boy and put the blade of his sword to his throat. Hikaro looked at him in fear, but Tsukisuke was more honest and gave him a head start: – Get up. Get up, I say!

– Get up, it's time to study.

Hikaro's mother woke up her son.

– What?! Flame Stream! – the guy did not immediately realize that he had woken up. Waving his arms, he almost hit his mother. – Oh, I'm sorry.

– It's ok, – she laughed. – Breakfast on the table.

«Since I have been practicing lucid dreams, time has flown by. Sometimes I even manage to confuse a dream with reality, despite such a difference between the worlds».


After a hard day at school, Hikaro and Emily decided to have dinner at a cafe.

– Oh, we're still in the senior year after all. Where are you going to do? – the blue–eyed girl asked. Her features were thin and delicate. She wore a black short dress with white stripes. On her neck hung a barely noticeable dark cross.

– I don't know, I didn't think about it, – he replied, casually chewing on the noodles.

– But I'm thinking about medical. It may sound trite, but I want to help people, – the girl smiled shyly. – Hey, you're not listening to me at all! Stop chewing!

– Hey, are we here to eat or what?

– I'm here sharing my thoughts about the future, and everything is on your side. Now our life is being decided, and you only think about food!

Hikaro didn't really listen to her.

– Too bad they don't serve coffee here.

Emily just lowered her head, silent. She tried to be decent and not scream in public. Reassured, she continued:

– So you really haven't decided what you want to be yet?

– Wow, thanks to the cook, very tasty. Well, – the guy thought for a couple of seconds. – I'm not sure yet if I really need it.

– How so?

– You know I spend leisure in lucid dreams. I haven't decided yet, but maybe one day I'll push reality into the background.

– Stupid, right? All people are like people, you alone are horseradish on a platter, sticking out in dreams. Why do you live in an illusion?

–Eh, – Hikaro breathed out in a relaxed manner and leaned on the table. – Have you ever dreamed of living in a fantasy world where you don't care about everyday routine? Drop the need for money and food, erase all boundaries and create whatever your heart desires.

– It's just temporary fun! Think about your future!

– And, of course, if you give people everything, then eventually they will get bored, and they will start killing each other for fun. The same happened to me. My world is full of battles, bloodshed and magic.

– So even more so! What's interesting about this? If you lived in an ideal world where everyone loves each other, then I would understand.

– Is it interesting to live where everything around is good? It's like watching an aquarium. Well, fish, well, some water, well, they swim. So what? I am just one of many people, and people are scary creatures. Just remove the punishment for crimes, so you will immediately see how highly moral members of society will immediately show their insides. I am the same scum, and I do not hide it. Reality bored me for a long time. Dreams only come true in the dreams...

– I don't understand you... If your dreams are more important than friends, then say so, – Emily folded her arms across her chest and didn't know what else to add.

– No, no, what are you talking about? I appreciate our friendship.

– Then you didn't forget that tomorrow is my birthday?

– Ah, no, no, I remember everything, – but it was clear from his face that he forgot about it.

– Well, well, then I'll see you tomorrow at seven! At your friend's house. And don't be late!

– Yes, yes, okay, I will. «I wonder why we're celebrating her birthday at Tsukisuke's house?»

Emily took her purse and got up from the table.

– Okay, I have to run, otherwise Tsuki is already waiting. Do not miss.

– Yeah, bye. Waiter, are you sure you don't have any coffee? Not even one cup?!


On the evening of the next day, Hikaro stood on the threshold of the Okada brothers' house.

«Wow, quite noisy. What kind of company did she put together?

Emily quickly opened the creaky door and happily let her guest in.

– Oh, hello, Hikaro, we've been waiting for you. Come in.

– Hey Emily, this is for you. – Takigami handed his friend a wrapped gift.

– Oh, you shouldn't have bothered so much, but thanks. Sit down at the table.

«There aren't many people here: Tsukisuke, his brother Himitsu, and, more recently, Emily's friend Tayuki».

– Hi, Hikaro, we were just waiting for you, fly in, – a tall, thin guy in a brown jacket and black smoothly-ironed trousers turned to him. He looked almost like a copy of Tsukisuke, only his hair was somewhat shorter and without pigtails, and there were so many wrinkles on his face that many would have mistaken him for an old man, although he is only three years older than his brother.

– Let's. Emily made so many goodies, – Tsukisuke added, dressed in a loose, disheveled, silver sweater and black jeans with fashionable ripped holes at the knees.

– Damn, there's not much vegan food here, – Tayuki interjected: a well–built, buxom, dark–faced girl with bright red hair pulled back into a high ponytail. She was not full, but due to her height and complexion, she seemed much larger than all the guys. She wore a red leather jacket with a black blouse with a deep cut on the chest and orange short shorts with darkish thin tights.

– I'm sorry, – Emily replied. – I completely forgot about your preferences. Next time I'll try not to make that mistake.

Takigami did not like this attitude from the guest:

– Enough for you. All this veganism is just for show off.

– Well, no. People don't need to engage in carnal eating. We are not animals.

– That's right, – Tsukisuke interrupted. – People are worse than animals. For example, I would gladly stop eating meat if the rest did it. Because the refusal of one person means absolutely nothing. Are you going to eat this chicken wing?

– What are you! Of course not!

– Then I'll eat it. You still can't bring a chicken back to life, which is a pity.

– Okay, people, stop spreading your nonsense, – Hikaro firmly decided. – Hurry, grab glasses in your hands, and let Emily have a wonderful, incredible, lucky, happy, and most importantly, an interesting life! For Emily!

After several minutes of fun gatherings, the phone rang at the hero of the occasion. She excused herself and went into the next room. After a couple of minutes, the conversation turned to raised tones, which the others could not help but notice.

– What is she? Hikaro asked.

– That's her mother, – Tayuki replied. – Emily's parents are still against a relationship with Tsukisuke.

– Come on? Still?

They didn't even want to celebrate their birthday together.

– It's a hell of a situation. Excuse me, I need to leave.

Under the pretext of «going to the toilet», Takigami decided to support his friend who had already gone out to the backyard to get some air. The rest at the table understood this, because for some time their eyes were fixed on Tsukisuke with the expectation of some kind of reaction, but he calmly flipped through the phone, pretending to have found something important.

– Hey, a birthday girl shouldn't cry on a day like this.

The sun had already set, and the moonlight illuminated the city, which could be clearly seen from the courtyard, since the house stood on a hill. Not far from the white fence grew a large tree, and a makeshift swing with a long wooden board was tied to its wide branch. The girl sat with her head bowed and swayed gently in the wind. Hikaro slowly sat down next to her.

– I'm sure they'll get used to it soon. They love you, which means they will understand sooner or later.

The girl began to cry even harder and hugged Hikaro, leaning her face against his chest.

«What is she?!»

– They say it's time for me to get married…

«Already?! So that's how it all turned out…»

– Then what are those tears for? Don't you want this? Tsukisuke probably doesn't mind either.

Emily raised her head and cried out desperately:

– For another!


– What do you mean «for another»? They found a groom for their daughter without asking her? I didn't think so! – Without realizing it, Hikaro pulled Emily closer to him.

– You know what our financial situation is. My parents won't be able to pay for my studies. They say that I can't cope on my own, even if I go to work. That's why you need to get married. But the orphan that lives with his older brother does not suit them ...

The guy realized the complexity of the situation, but did not know at all how to support the girl. Moreover, a selfish thought came into his head that he himself could become a good candidate for the role of her husband, since his family is quite well provided for.

– Or maybe ... «Unity of Hearts»?

– What?! – he stood up abruptly and raised his voice. – No more about it! Think about yourself, parents, friends, after all! I hope Tsukisuke didn't think of that!

Emily jumped off the swing and stood in front of Hikaro.

– Sorry. I don't even know what came over me. You are right, thank you. Let's go to the others, I don't want Tsukisuke to be jealous.

Emily's smile didn't calm Takigami. But he had no choice but to return to the others with a stone face.


– But I say that gender equality has not yet reached the level that we women want!

– Well, I'm not against your position, but you should not compare the current foundations of society with the times of the Middle Ages, when all the rights of a woman were focused on one single place on their body.

– But now there are still different maniacs ... I would never want to be killed in a rape, this is the worst death.

– Don't think about it, – Takigami interrupted. – And everything will get better. So, let's raise our glasses so that all our desires always come true.

– Uh, finally, I thought I'd fall asleep here, – Himitsu yawned, reaching out for his glass.

– Be careful with your desires, young man, – Tsukisuke replied as he chewed on his sandwich. – But, overall, it's a good toast. By the way, Hikaro, Emily recently told me that you practice lucid dreams. I find this topic very interesting. How did you come up with all this? What motivates you, since you have achieved such success?

– Hah, – Takigami grinned. – How would you explain. See, since childhood, I dreamed of having some kind of power that could change everything around. If you want to eat cookies – here's a cookie for you. If you want to ride in a car – take a car, any one to your taste. You can make it snow in the middle of a hot summer. All you need is imagination and desire, that's all. There's a war going on in my world, and I'm the only one who can stop it. The light army fights the dark one, and...

– You, of course, for the light?

– Yeap.

– And you yourself decided that your army was light?

– In terms of?

– Forget. As I understand it, you just like to fight?

– Yes. It's quite funny. Especially when things go the way you want them to. But it's not just about war. I always lacked in reality a certain tragedy and drama.

Tsukisuke smiled enigmatically.

– Understood. You have an interesting ability to literally live in dreams. I even envy. After all, reality has been rotten for a long time.

– Yeah, I'd like to try that myself, – Himitsu added. – It's like a video game where I can use different abilities, right?

– Something like that, any magic you want, – Takigami laughed.

– Cool. I would like to create portals and move through them, and even better – teleport an entire army to the enemy's fortress. That would be a fun fight!

– And the truth! If you want, I can send you some guides on lucid dreams, you can try.

– Lets do it.


Friends had fun. Emily behaved absolutely at ease throughout the holiday. Closer to eleven o'clock in the morning, Tayuki went home, and Hikaro stayed the night at the Okada brothers' house, like Emily herself.

«I don't like this...»

Asleep, Hikaro, without betraying himself, completely and completely immersed himself in the battle against the army of darkness. After finishing everything according to the standard scenario, he was again the only survivor. This time the battle took place outside the walls of the city, where he had recently visited. On a green light lawn lay a lot of soldiers who fell in battle. Having not enjoyed the taste of adrenaline enough, the guy thought to create an additional batch.

«What else can you have fun with?»

Suddenly, a rough, unnatural voice whispered from behind:

– Are you fooling around again?

– Who is there?! Hikaro turned around, but there was no one there.

– I'm here…

The guy turned back and even then he saw a certain dark entity in front of him.

– Ah–ah–ah! – He fell awkwardly to the ground and immediately began to rise. – What the hell? Who are you?

– I? – the stranger asked. – When I see you, I can't understand myself… What is more important, who are you? – the man in black hid his face, but there was a feeling that it was he who was frightened, and not he of someone.

«I didn't think that the pawns of this world had their own will. He got me interested».

– If so, « let him feel my greatness «, behold! – Hikaro slowly rose into the air, growing huge wings. Under the rays of the sun, he became like an archangel. – I am the God of this world! Bow down to your creator! «That's right, he was the one who showed up then… on the first day.» Takigami waited for a bow from his subordinate, but to his surprise, it didn't happen. – Bow down! – This time he snapped his fingers, as he always does when he interferes with the usual course of things. «What?! And he didn't move».

– I'm not going to bow my head to a stupid boy…

«What the heck?!»

The stranger looked firmly into Hikaro's eyes, but his face remained dark, empty, as if there was nothing under the hood.

– ... who imagine himself by my creator!

– Ah, isn't it? – the guy was clearly confused and did not know how to behave further.

– Believe me, my surprise is many times greater than yours ... You don't know something ...

– What exactly? Go on, – Takigami landed, waiting for an answer.

– I didn't say I'd share this with you, – the stranger continued his speech, pacing thoughtfully around Hikaro. – Interesting…

The guy got angry.

– Could you at least say your name?

– Why so impolite? Introduce yourself first. It's just okay.

– Hikaro Takigami. Now you.

– Interesting… Hmm, let me think… Takigami… Gami… Tami… Kami… Mata… Gami… Magatami. Call me Magatami.

«It's like he just came up with it. Here's the bastard!»

– Why were you running away from me?

– I? Sorry, you are confusing something. I see you for the first time.

«Not. It's definitely him!»

– Don't want to talk? OK. But why are you so different from the rest?

– I can guess why, – the stranger chuckled. – But I won't talk. Let me tell you one thing: the world has changed. It happened about a month ago...

«When I first got here».

– … but in recent days, everything has begun to gradually return to its place. I think a week will be enough... Then we will meet again. I want to see your surprised face, oh young God! Oh yeah, you won't mind the new power, will you? – he extended his hand to Hikaro and seemed to pierce it through him, after which he abruptly pulled it back. – When you talk to someone, clap your hands three times. You will be in for a surprise.

– Wait!

Takigami tried to stop him, but Magatami quickly vanished into thin air.

«What nonsense! What else should be back? I don't understand a damn thing!»


Hikaro woke up.

«It's still night, isn't it?»

The room was illuminated by moonlight from the window, and the hand on the clock pointed to one.

«I only slept for two hours, but why? Phew, well, it's stuffy here, I'll go to the balcony. He seems to be at the end of the corridor».

The young man slowly pulled on his trousers and left the guest bedroom.

«Hmm. Clap your hands three times... what did he want to achieve with this?

The boy applauded thoughtfully as he stopped outside Tsukisuke's room. Silence-breaking moans caught his attention.

Tsukisuke loomed over Emily, holding her thin wrist with one hand. The pair were distracted by the clapping and froze for an agonizing two seconds, looking at each other.

– Are you out of your mind? If only the door was closed, – he mechanically tried to look away, to take a step back, protecting himself from such an absurd situation, but something inside seemed to make him do the exact opposite . – Wanted to connect hearts, but merged into ... – the guy panicked and swallowed air without the ability to speak.

– Why are you so angry? – Tsukisuke got out of bed and stood in front of Hikaro.

Emily climbed up behind him, holding her unruly bra. Her legs gave out and she fell to her knees, after which she laughed wildly.

– Hikaro, don't you want to fry me?

«In terms of?!»

– Today you pressed me so gently and strongly that I even liked it ... As if I were more important to you than just a friend.

Takigami was stuck in an abyss of confusion.

– Is it true?! – Tsukisuke angrily went to Hikaro and slapped him in the jaw with a sweeping blow. – Oh, fuck!

The boy fell to the floor. Unlike sleep, here the pain is felt completely and completely, because he was not able to get up or rewind time so easily.

– I suspected for a long time that you liked Emily! And that's what you do with your best friend, right?! – Tsukisuke turned to the girl. – And you?! Wanted to sit on his lighthouse?!

«It all looks like a bad dream! What the hell is going on?!»

– Well, I really would like you both. – Her crazy smile made her shudder.

«She's not serious, is she?»

– Hikaro, can I hit her?! – a sudden question even more confused.

«Why is he asking me this?»

– What are you?! Of course not!

Okada cooled down and didn't hit his girlfriend.

– Oh, I love it when Tsukisuke is so formidable! Listen, listen, – the girl's eyes lit up with interest from a sudden idea. – Do you want to see him go through my back door? If you understand, what I mean. Or maybe you can try it yourself?

Hikaro abruptly stood up and violently hit the wall, thereby knocking down the photo frame that was previously hanging on it to the floor, where the three of them stood in an embrace, and Himitsu stood behind them.

– Yes, do what you want! Fuck yourself to death! Damn psychos! Yes, you fu...

The guy instantly flew off the stairs, naughty hands pulled the door handle and jumped out into the street. Fury told him to run away, made the young man stumble out of the blue and did not allow him to think sensibly.

«What was it now? They seem to have discarded everything human, – the guy stopped with caution, looking at his palms. « I clapped three times».

– Seriously?! – a bitter cry tore through the throat, but was interrupted by the trill of the phone. – M?


– What happened between you all? These two weird things, which is embarrassing to say, and then went to her house.

– Emily's house?

– Yes. I don't think this will end well. They seem to be crazy! Do you know something about it?

«I'll explain later, I'll run to them now».

– Come on, I too.

«It's on the other side. Damn!»

After an outrageously long rush, a bridge appeared ahead. This meant that the path to the high–rise building was halved.

«Magatami didn't say how to undo it. I'll try with the same cottons, but first ...»

Right in front of the young man, a slightly drunken company collapsed and gathered back into a heap, trying to painlessly go down to the embankment: three guys were dragging a girl by the arms under a clear degree. Hikaro circled around them and clapped his hands experimentally. – Hi, how are you? «Wow!»

A guy with a black «hedgehog» immediately hit one of his comrades, threw the lady over his shoulder and ran away in the opposite direction. Comrade, rising, muttered under his breath:

– After him, I won't meet with this thief again, – he spat foam tinted with blood on the asphalt.

«What should I ask him. Maybe…» – What do you like most of all?

– Drink, what else? Ahh, can I go home?

– No. «I obeyed…» – And what do you like? – he asked the second.

– What means «what»?! – in sincere bewilderment answered the man, not only with bristles, but also with a face resembling a boar. – Dirt and sweat, it's clear as day. There is simply nothing better than the smell of a real man!

«Yeah. And now?»

Hikaro clapped again three times.

– All my life I dreamed of becoming an actress, – the first began thoughtfully. – But it turns out I have balls. Here's the problem.

– Lie down on the ground! Takigami ordered. «It works?»

– Pfft, we're home.

The guy was about to rush further, when suddenly screams were heard from behind.

– I like to dance!

– And I will do push–ups: my woman has long said that sports are useful.

«What? Why do they keep doing crap? What's the point of asking for permission but not following orders? Repeated claps don't seem to help. Ah, don't care. I already lost time with these experiments».

Emily lived in a huge apartment building. Running up to him, Takigami immediately looked up. His worst fears turned out to be correct: Tsukisuke and Emily were standing on the edge, about to jump.

– Don't you dare! – Hikaro exploded. – What are you standing for?! – he turned to the crowd of onlookers crowded below. – Help! Let's at least pass, creatures!

Instead of correcting the situation, people who had just been calm to what was happening began to provoke teenagers.

– This is the show!

– Jump already, it's time for me to sleep, get up for work at six!

– Boy, do a somersault!

From the mouths of decent–looking citizens, rudeness and bullying poured endlessly.

– Hug and kiss in flight! It will be so romantic! – shouted a young girl.

Hikaro jerkily made his way through the crowd of cruel and indifferent townsfolk.

«Here you bastards! Although the herd is calmer in front. Probably, not everyone heard me, – running up to the door, he noticed Himitsu next to two figures, who was trying to dissuade his brother and his girlfriend from such an evil act . «Better not tell him, let him just keep them there until I come running!» Damn it! – unfortunately, the elevator was broken, so Hikaro had to climb up the stairs. Step by step, he approached his friends, fell more than once and broke his knees and elbows, but immediately jumped up and ran on. – I'll save them! Tsukisuke! You've been with me since ... since childhood! I would have died long ago without you! And Emily, don't you dare die! Do not dare! I ... I lo ...»

Hikaro climbed onto the roof and, without slowing down, ran to his friends, where he collapsed at their unshakable legs, clapping his hands in panic. – No need!

– But we must, Hikaro, only on the other side, me and Tsukisuke will be together ... forever!

– And what about me? – he was on all fours and firmly held their feet, setting himself the task of not allowing them to move forward under any circumstances.

– Come with us.

– Not! This is silly! There is no damn thing on the other side, and you will not be together! Don't forget where the reality is! Together you will only be here!

– But you said yourself that reality is boring.

– I...

Hikaro roared, not knowing what else to say. Terrible emotions killed all common sense.

The girl began to sing:

– Life was given absurdly clear, we only had to endure, and now in partial love we want to die at this moment.

– Why?! Why are not you listening to me?!

– Enough for you. Have fun! Now there will be a show! Look how many viewers! Poor things, they have not yet understood that it is better to please everyone with their death than to live like driven cattle. By the way, do you have gum with you? I forgot to brush my teeth.

– I'm leaving. – Tsukisuke let go of his girlfriend's hand and turned around, wearily rubbing the bridge of his nose.

– What?

He backed away from the edge and headed for the stairs.

– Emy, see? Tsukisuke left. He changed his mind and so did you...

– Where are you, bitch?! Don't want our hearts to join together again?!

– Tsukisuke stopped, but didn't turn around.

– It's idiotic. Hikaro is right, we won't achieve anything this way. I don't know about you, but I don't want to die!

– Wait! And what about Emily?! Hikaro was at first glad that Tsukisuke no longer thought about death, but then fell into a stupor from his behavior. He could not even think that his friend would leave his girlfriend in her precarious position in every way.

– If she wants to kill herself, it's not my job to save her.

«Who's then?»

– Coward! Scared of death? My death will be a curse on your soul! And you'll be joining me soon! Understood?!

The girl was screaming in a voice that wasn't her own, but that didn't stop Tsukisuke. He calmly descended, holding the railing firmly with his right hand.

– Emily, come with me, please! – Hikaro got up and still begged his girlfriend.

– Why? Why should I stay here?! Even Tsukisuke doesn't care about me! Damn, get away from me already, I want to write!

– I don't give a damn!

– M?

– I love you! And I won't let you die!

– That's it, Hikaro, – her usual joyful smile flashed across her face, which was immediately replaced by a serious, determined look. – In that case, I'm sure ... – the girl was about to jump, but the guy grabbed her by the forearm. Emily furiously jerked her hand toward herself with such superhuman strength that Hikaro almost fell off himself. However, he fell to the very edge. – I can't. My hands are in the blood of my parents, I can't live with it. I'm sorry, but I really need to fly away. I've been wanting to know what it's like for a long time.

Spreading her arms, the girl closed her eyes, relaxed her body and leaned back freely, as if on a huge bed. Either the wind ruled her body, limp in subconscious horror, or she herself wanted it, but her right hand to the last stretched forward to the hand of a young man in love, who was moving away from her faster and faster.



Medics and police soon arrived at the scene. Unthinking screams accompanied the wave of fleeing people for some time.


Hikaro, as if in convulsions, rolled and twitched on the edge of the roof, grabbing with one hand the other, then his head, tore his hair and repeated the cycle.

– No–no! Emily! What are you up to?! Get up! Do you hear?! Get up! Get up, stupid!

A little more and he would have fallen after him, but Himitsu grabbed him and dragged him along, saving him from a possible fate.


In the dark night, only the moon illuminated the earth. Her light illuminated the room. Grieving room for a loved one. He lay on the tear–soaked mattress, trying to sleep. And plunging into a slumber, he thoughtlessly repeated the same phrase:

I won't let you die...

My creative pseudonym is ALeN13. My real name is Valerii Voronin. I am from Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia region. Year of birth: 2000

In 2016, I started creating my own fantasy book universe. At the moment, a book "Yumegen: The Best World" is already ready, now I am writing "Yumegen: The Bloody Sun". In total, I plan to write at least five books on the Yumegen universe.

Previously, I wrote in Russian language. I had a public on the social network VKontakte, where I had more than 2500 active readers. But after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, I decided to switch to my native Ukrainian language. And there was also an idea to translate into English, which I am doing now. Thus, I want to popularize Ukrainian culture to the whole world. Hope you can help me :)


PayPal: genkito13@gmail.com

You can specify what to use your donations for. It can be advertising, character concept art, book cover, professional translation and more.

My Instagram: www.instagram.com/alen13_writer/

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