
Yume: Adventures Inside A Man's Dream

In an occurrence in which he was sent randomly into an unknown world, the Gods have taken a liking to him to give such a request. In a village called Branch, a guy named Marco was on a mission with his Senior, Vlera, to save the world from mass extinction againts Dragons. Considering that this is only in a Dream, his life depends on his actions. — Release of new Chapters: Sundays Original Birth/Publish Date: September 11, 2022

Reimarcl · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 27: Little Girl


Marco's scream echoed through the cave as he yelled the name — knowing very well that an opponent had sent his friend a bright explosion, brighter than her aura... The explosion have eaten her light, and so her life also...


It almost looked like that the time have stopped as the light on Starlight's hair began to disappear, and we're not talking about Marco's perspective, but to Blu's...

Vlera was at the very end of the large hole she went in to cut the monster's tail, she seemed to be the calmest out of everyone until he heard Marco's yell.

"That's... that's Marco... Oh, this is bad."

Vlera immediately ran back that will soon take the 2 minutes of her life.

As for Shaina, she's on a hard concussion after hitting the wall as she lays on Marco's lap, her head was suddenly moved away from his lap as she heard footsteps that seem to be running away from her.

"Ugh... Take this!"


Before even reaching the black entity that assaulted Starlight, Marco threw a knife towards the entity and immediately got swiped away as the entity sliced the knife in half. Marco continued to run towards the entity as he threw another knife.


Was the entity said before slicing another knife in half, Marco was finally infront of the entity until it noticed that he grabbed something from it's feet, it was Starlight.

"Blu, get Re to Shaina, now!"

The entity just stood as it's main target was taken by a lowly peasant.


Was the entity said once again before teleporting infront of Marco, he got really surprised by it, mostly when the entity showed him it's hand about to blow him up as well.

"You're got going to do that to me!"


Regardless of lifting Starlight in his arms, he made to protect himself using his legs to repel the entity's hand away. He swiped the entity's torso using his foot but no contact was wave after the entity teleported once again before it get hit. Marco reacted immediately and began to run once again.

"Quite... the reflexes..."

The entity just stared at Marco being unaware of what might appear behind.

"Yes, unlike you."

Blu soon appeared out of nowhere behind the entity making it surprised as to let a small explosion to disintegrate the woman behind her.

"Complimenting someone about their reflexes when them themselves don't have a decent one?"

Blu immediately moved infront of the entity escaping once again from it's range of vision. A frown could be seen from the entity as it's well aware that the enemy was right infront of her, and not behind her.


The entity was about to aim it's hand towards Blu, but then Blu herself did something.

"Stars: Lazerbeam!"

Before she even made the technique, the entity's hand already sent an unknown energy that seems to be as dangerous as to explode in contact. As both Blu and the entity's techniques collided together, it made a bright explosion — enough to make a baby blind. The explosion soon released numerous light particles that floats in the air. And by the same explosion, it sent Blu with her sister, Re, away towards Marco's location.

"Marco take care of her."

Blu's feet went sliding in the ground because of the momentum before she lets go of Re and asked for Marco to look for her. Suddenly, the entity made a noise.


By the entity's high pitched voice almost recognizable as a little girl's scream, Blu immediately guessed that she was fighting a female child.

"What a pity, your early years was about to end already...


She paused for a second as the light particles began to glow.

"Light... Must... Kill... Light..."

"... Intertwine!"


Blu soon pointed her hand towards the little girl as the glowing light particles began to approach her, she soon made another yell.

"MUST... KILL... LIGHT!!!"

The little girl stood from the ground as her hood was removed due to her sudden move, Blu immediately noted in her head that the girl have purple hair before it got eaten by her technique.


After her technique got in contact with particles to another, it made an explosion enough to knock down anyone by stunning it using light. Blu assumed that the fight was over by seeing the girl's body, but no body has been found after the technique.

"The girl... she's gone..."

Silence kept the place before Vlera came out late from the hole she went in.

"What's wrong, you guys?!"

After realizing, Vlera found that most of her members have been defeated, but Marco and Blu was here to explain everything to her.

It was afternoon when they managed to escape from the cave, they were lucky enough to avoid any fight after the little girl dissapeared. Hours have passed since the fight happened. Half of her team was defeated with not less than 5 minutes, her face was so blank to realize all this... as Vlera carried her friend, Marco with Re, and Blu with Starlight out of the cave...


"How could that happened?!"

"Vlera, you must calm down."

"No! How would I?! Blu, two of your sisters were unconscious!"

"Still, atleast they haven't died."

As she slammed the table, Vlera got nothing to do left but to complain about the recent events. Marco could be seem behind her who seems to be aiding her friend, Shaina, who just woke up five minutes ago, she soon spoke to Vlera.

"I'm... I'm very sorry that I caused you all of this..."

Shaina looked at the blanket on her leg as she sits on the bed where she was placed to rest. Vlera turned her gaze onto her with a worried look on her face.

"No... It's not your fault, Shaina..."

"Please, don't deny the fact. I was the one who led you there-"

"But I was the one who pulled this from the very start."

Shaina held her sentence when Vlera interrupted her, she was left speechless because of it, and Vlera began to talk again.

"It's too dangerous there, was it always like that?"

"Yeah... In terms of the large variety of monsters inside the cave, it's very common there, thus, having tbe name, The Forbidden Depths... I'm very sorry, I should've been aware of it's danger as the native of the place... I deeply apologize."

Marco comforted Shaina who seems to be sobbing as she hides her face with her hands.

"It's not your fault, no one liked this..."

Vlera soon can be seen circling at the room before she stopped walking and slammed the ground with her foot.

"Ah, this is useless... If I happened to be at the scene, I should be able to think of an action right now..."

No one responded as everyone was well aware that they have their own reasons as to lose their focus while the fight was happening.

"You know what? Why don't we share our own perspective from when the fight was happening and forge it together?"

After telling them her idea, Marco seem to be enlightened with the idea, Shaina turned her face up, and Blu at the window, listening still.

"Can I... go first?"

"Please do, Marco."

After raising his hand, Marco soon stands up from his seat as he took the attention of the majority before he made his sentence.

"You see... there was a little girl that became the reason of Starlight's defeat..."

For the first sentence of his statement, it already took everyone's attention, except for Blu, who should be the one elaborating the information. She did nothing but to nod as she placed a smirk on her lips, she soon saw Vlera's eyes who's looking at her direction and asked her.

"If Re got defeated before the fight even started, and Starlight was this little girl's victim... then the last Star... would be... Blu...?"

"Correct, Vlera...

This enemy is no joke.

She somehow holds a grudge, a deep one it is...

... To Starlight."

— End of Chapter 27