
Chapter 2

Yuki had just finished his tutoring session with the three Mafia siblings. He sighed and stood to stretch his legs. His glanced at his watch and sighed in relief as it read eight o' clock. His hopes came crashing down as he remembered that Micheal, the last sibling, was still in training with his father.

"Hey Maya?" Yuki asked tiredly.

She looked up from math book in front of her, a bored expression resting on her face. Kono had given up on trying and was taking a nap on the couch with his head resting on Luca's shoulder. Luka was the only one that ever really paid attention. even if he didn't like Yuki, he still appreciated the focus.

"When do you think Micheal will be done? I want to go home now."

Maya just shrugged her shoulders and rested her head on the table. Yuki was feeling how she looked, and Yuki hoped he could tutor him another day.

The door opened and two men walked in. Yuki was rubbing his eyes and stopped to blink at the newcomers. He recognized them as Micheal and his father, Reid.

Reid looked at his children and exhaled sharply. Kono had woken up and Maya just grunted her acknowledgement.

"Hello Yuki. I hope everything went smoothly today?"

Yuki nodded and looked past him at Micheal. He was the oldest so he was expected to take over when his father stepped down.

"I was hoping I could tutor Micheal tomorrow maybe? It is pretty late today, and I'm sure he is already tired from training with you?"

Reid looked at Yuki thoughtfully for a moment and nodded, agreeing with him.

"Yes, training did go later than I expected it too. I don't have a problem with that. Do you Micheal?"

Micheal shook his head and Yuki began gathering his things. Something in his pocket crinkled, and Yuki remembered the candy he got earlier. He offered it to the others, who accepted it happily.

Yuki smiled at them while they opened and ate the candy. Even Luka seemed pleased with the gift. Reid come from behind Yuki and motioned for him to follow.

Yuki went with him and they walked down the hall, talking quietly.

"How are their grades doing Yuki?"

Yuki told him that all four had greatly improved. He seemed pleased with that, and stopped at a door on the right. Yuki recognized it instantly and looked at Reid. He smiled at Yuki and opened the door.

"She has been wanting to speak with you for a while."

Yuki nodded and stepped inside the room. The curtain were pulled shut, and the lights were dimly lit. Yuki saw her sitting up in the bed and smiled. The woman was the mother of the four he tutored: and the wife of the mob boss.

She turned her head when they entered and immediately grinned when she saw Yuki.

"Yuki, you're here finally!"

She laughed and beckoned him forward. He moved closer and saw the bags under her eyes.

"Hello Anna. How are you?"

Yuki didn't like calling adults by their first name, but she had insisted on it.

"I'm doing fine. How are my kids treating you?"

Yuki grimaced and she laughed. They talked about their grades and such before she fell silent.

"How's home Yuki?"

He flinched and hung his head. Reid was silent and lingered at the end of the bed.

Only the two of them knew about what happened at home. Anna has smelled his wounds as soon as she saw him, and Reid knew the looks of abuse. Neither told anyone, and Yuki was very grateful for it. They were both werewolves as well, so they knew the stress of having an omega son.

"It's the same. Not too bad, but it could be better."

Anna nodded and grabbed his hand. She gently squeezed it and held his gaze.

"You don't have to go through this you know. I would gladly get up and beat a few things into your parent's brains."

Yuki laughed slightly and shook his head.

"I know you would. It's okay though, I know they are trying their best."

Yuki pulled away and Anna grabbed his hand again.

"I mean it Yuki. I consider you a close friend and your practically family now. Just say the word and it's done."

She nodded confidently, and Yuki looked at Reid. His face was calm, and Yuki couldn't tell what he was thinking.

He had been friends with them for years now. The five had met when they were in middle school. They were one grade higher than Yuki, but their paths still crossed. Yuki felt bad that no one wanted to play with them, so he reluctantly made friends with them. It was a big mistake on his part. They had become attached to Yuki, and stayed with him constantly. He figured it was because of having no other friends, and his mother taught him to be nice, so they stayed that way until they finished middle school. The four went off to high school before him, so they had a year of separation.

When they met again in the high school, they were happy, and Yuki was surprised. The group had changed more than he thought they would. He was still being abused at home, since it started when he entered middle school, and wasn't the same either. They tried to ask questions, but quickly learned that Yuki wasn't going to tell them anything. Reid and Anna noticed it, but let Yuki go until he was ready. But that didn't mean that they wouldn't check up on him every now and then.

Yuki smiled at her and pulled away again. She let him go this time and looked at Reid.

"Have someone drive him home tonight honey. I want to make sure he gets home alright."

He nodded and kissed her gently. Yuki waved goodbye and walked back out into the hall. Reid followed and closed the door behind him. He turned back to Yuki and patted his head.

"Good job today Yuki. I'm glad that I could count on you with those idiots."

He smiled and began walking away. Yuki touched his head and ran up to him.

"I'm sorry that I made her worry, especially when she is sick."

Reid sighed and then laughed.

"She is as stubborn as a mule. Don't worry about her."

Yuki smiled and continued walking with him.

"Now. Let's get you home Yuki."

Next chapter