
Yu-Gi-Oh ARC V: Reincarnation adventure

Have you ever woken up in a room unknown to you and coincidentally you are in a world where the card game you just learned to play is something basic in the life of any human being and there are even schools that teach about this, because this is the story of a teenager who was reincarnated as sakaki yuya. This story is a One-Shot, you decide if it continues

Valkirye402 · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs


"Ladies and gentlemen, at this moment I will use a quick-play Spell, Hippo Carnival," announced a boy with red and green hair from the top of an ancient Japanese temple. He was wearing a red T-shirt, baggy green pants, and a white jacket that he wore as a cape.

A short distance away, a sturdy boy in a white uniform, cement sandals, and a pompadour hairstyle, along with a red ribbon, watched the boy on the temple seriously.

In front of him, three hippos dressed in colorful costumes resembling Brazilian carnival dancers appeared.

"It's showtime!" the boy exclaimed.

The hippos began to dance, but a little distance away, a pink-haired girl in a school uniform became angry and hit a device, which suddenly released lightning bolts and exploded.

The space where the boys were standing suddenly disappeared, and they fell to the ground. The boy with green hair, who was on top of the temple, took the worst blow and fell headfirst without moving.

"He's not moving! Oh my god, he hit his head! He might just be unconscious," Yuzu thought, running towards the action field. Gongenzaka also rushed towards Yuya, but he closed his eyes in frustration and left him on the ground.

"Hey, Gongenzaka, we have to take him to the hospital! Yuya is injured!" Yuzu exclaimed, but Gongenzaka remained silent.

"I always thought that Yuya's recklessness would get him hurt, but this... this just isn't fair," Gongenzaka finally spoke, leaving Yuya's friends perplexed.

Yuzu walked over to Yuya and touched him, and then she understood everything. Yuya Sakaki was dead.

Unbeknownst to Yuzu, her bracelet emitted a slight glow, forming a nearly invisible pink particle. The particle floated towards Yuya's lifeless body, covering it with an aura. After a few seconds, Yuya suddenly gasped for breath, as if he had come back to life, surprising everyone present.

"What the hell?" Yuya spoke, confused, as he looked around after taking a breath.

In response, he received not verbal but physical reactions from a stocky man and a girl he didn't recognize. They both cried out his name and hugged him.

"Yuya!" they both exclaimed, clinging tightly to him.

"Okay, what's going on?" Yuya wondered, trying to make sense of the situation. He recapped what had happened, starting with his friend recommending a game called "Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links," and suddenly finding himself in a strange place where people he didn't know hugged him and called him Yuya, like a Mexican YouTuber.

"Alright, I don't want to sound weird, but who are you? Where am I? And why do you call me a Mexican YouTuber?" Yuya asked, surprising the two young people.

"Yuya, stop kidding around! You almost scared me to death when you fell," Yuzu said, expressing her relief.

"Yes, the manly Gongenzaka scared me too, thinking I was about to lose you, my friend," the robust boy added, leaving Yuya even more confused.

"Uh... okay, but seriously, who are you?"

In Yuya Sakaki Yoko's house, a beautiful blonde-haired woman sat in her son's room, accompanied by a doctor who was examining him.

"Yes, without a doubt, he has a severe case of amnesia. He doesn't remember your name or anything related to you, ma'am. However, it's strange that he remembers things like studying and even language," the doctor explained, causing Yoko to feel saddened.

"I understand, doctor. But how long do you think it will last?"

"It's hard to say. Amnesia is a complex condition. It can be temporary, lasting a few days or weeks, or it can be permanent. We'll have to monitor his progress and provide him with support and therapy. With time, he may regain his memory."

"I see. Thank you for your help, doctor."

As Yoko thanked the doctor, Yuya was in his room, feeling confused and lost. The only thing he knew was that his name was Yuya Sakaki, and everything else seemed like a mystery.




POV - Yuya:

Let's see, first I realized that I am in a body that is not mine. Second, in my pants, I have a Yu-Gi-Oh deck along with some kind of tablet – a red one. I should open it and review its contents. Finally, number three, I can't remember my own name or anyone related to my previous body. I only remember things like studying engineering since I was 10 years old and some less important details.

I heard the door open, and a very attractive woman entered. Apparently, she is my mom.




POV - Narrator:

-"Yuya, how are you feeling?" she asked.

"I suppose that's fine, miss..." - he replied, unsure of what to call her. He knew she was not his mother by blood or soul; it was something complicated to understand.

-"Mom is fine, Yuya. I know you don't recognize me, but I'm your mother, and I care about you. The doctor said your memories could come back in a while, but don't worry, we'll try to keep your normal life from changing."

Yoko hugged her son, and hesitantly, he hugged her back.

A few minutes later, Yoko left but not before telling him that his friend Yuzu was downstairs to take him to a place called You Show Duel School.

Yuya looked at a deck of cards on his table and curiously examined it. He was surprised to recognize the familiar design of the Yu-Gi-Oh cards but was confused by the card names.


Yuya began to review the cards. Their effects were pretty basic, and he could barely perform Tribute Summons unless he played good Trap cards. That was it. Apparently, his best card was called "Odd-Eyes Dragon," but for some reason, he felt like he should distance himself from that card. A little voice in his head told him to stay away.

Yuya didn't dwell on it and put the deck in his drawer. He went downstairs to meet Yuzu, the friend he presumed to be the girl from earlier.

As he descended the stairs, he noticed a group of cats eating in front of his mother, with Yuzu smiling at them.

-"Oh, Yuya, come down without fear. The cats won't hurt you," Yoko said when she noticed her amnesiac son looking at the cats.

Yuya descended the stairs, still wearing the clothes he had on before coming home, but without the vest as a cape. Apparently, it was a school uniform, and he wasn't going to wear it unless he went to class.

-"Yuya, come on, everyone is worried and wants to see you... right, my name is Hiragi Yuzu. Even if you don't remember it, I'm your childhood friend," the pink-haired girl smiled, while Yuya nodded, his expression neutral. In this type of situation, he couldn't afford to relax and enjoy himself. He had to find out how he ended up in the body of a 14-year-old boy.

-"Okay, let's go, until later, Yoko-san," Yuzu said goodbye, and the blonde smiled.

-"Yes, take care, Yuya. I want you back here before dinner," she said, and the green-haired man nodded, still with a neutral expression on his face.




Being on "You Show" was an uncomfortable experience for Yuya. There were two children who admired him, as well as Yuzu, but he didn't know them, which made him uncomfortable.

He also met Yuzu's emotional father, who appeared intense but depressed because the ARC system, or so he called it, was broken and the school depended on it.

-"I'm glad that Yuya is fine and all, but what are we going to do now? The ARC system is broken, and the school depends on it," Yuzu's father said.

"Calm down, Dad. We'll find a way," Yuzu reassured him.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing a skinny man in a suit and fancy glasses.

-"Good afternoon. I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," the man spoke, while Shuzo, Yuzu's father, raised an eyebrow in confusion.

-"Who are you?" Shuzo asked.

-"Excuse my rudeness. I am the manager of the current Dueling King, Strong Ishijima. My name is Nico Smiley," the man introduced himself.

-"Our star LDS duelist, the dueling school run by Leo Corp., will have a day with his fans, and we would love to invite Yuya."

-"For what exactly?" Yuya asked doubtfully, while the others listened attentively.

-"Of course, for a duel. Three years ago, you challenged him when your father, Sakaki Yusho, suddenly disappeared and was labeled a coward."

-(So my father's name is Yusho, and he's been missing for more than three years... wait, how do I mourn?)

While he was thinking, Nico showed a poster with the image of the champion and an announcement of his duel. As Yuya looked carefully, he noticed that the text was in Japanese, so he deduced that he was in Japan.

Nico continued talking about the duel, but someone interrupted him.

-"I refuse," Yuya spoke, surprising everyone.

-"Why?! Everyone would love to see Strong Ishijima and the son of Sakaki Yusho in a duel," Nico spoke, surprised.

"I have three reasons to refuse this supposed duel," Yuya spoke, surprising everyone with his serious tone.

-"First, I had an accident today, so I am unable to do some things I did before. Second, my deck is not suitable for a duel against a professional; I will need time to make a new one. Third, this duel is just an excuse to crush the son of the previous champion and affirm that both father and son are equally useless," he finished, leaving everyone in shock.

Nico was about to speak, but Yuya continued.

"But I also have three reasons for accepting. First, this duel between me and Ishijima might give me some answers that I've been wondering since I woke up. Second, this may increase the popularity of You Show Duel School if I can win against him. Third, I gather that my participation will not be free, am I wrong, Mr. Smiley?"

If everyone was surprised before, they were now speechless. The Yuya they knew was a clown who always smiled lazily, but this amnesiac Yuya seemed much more mature than his friend.

Nico snapped out of his surprise and smiled as he rubbed his hands together greedily.

-"That's right, Yuya-kun. If you participate, we'll give your school a state-of-the-art Solid Vision System, and of course, it will be completely free."

-"I understand. Well, when is the duel?" Yuya asked, and Nico pointed to the poster on the table.

-"In two days. Prepare well yuya-kun, Ishijima won't make it easy for you."




It was dinner time, and Yoko and Yuya were eating in the living room with a somewhat uncomfortable silence. However, Yuya decided to break the silence.

-"Yoko-san, how exactly do you acquire cards?"

Yoko was a bit surprised but then smiled.

-"Well, dueling schools usually have upgrade packages, but your school hardly receives them, so it could be somewhat complicated."

-"I see... Do you know if there's a place where unwanted cards are left?"

-"Well... You could check the junkyard. Many people throw away cards there when they see that they are useless," Yoko suggested. Yuya contemplated going there tomorrow. Although there might be some cards in Yuya's deck that he could use, he wasn't excited about his playstyle and wanted to create his own deck.

The junkyard was quite large, with car and motorcycle parts scattered everywhere. Some battered cars were left on the ground, and Yuya could see the occasional card lying around.

-"Home sweet home. What a beautiful place you have here... And it seems there's no one to watch over the place. I can take my time. Tomorrow will be the duel. It's better to be prepare."




In the main stadium of Miami, the grand LDS event was taking place. Several people were dueling and having fun until Nico interrupted.

Just at that moment, Shuzo, Yuzu, and Gongenzaka entered the stadium.

-"Did he seriously accepted the duel?" Gon asked.

"Yes, but he mentioned something about making a new deck, so I don't know what he's going to do," Yuzu commented with concern.

"Very well, ladies and gentlemen, the main event of the day, the duel between Strong Ishijima and the son of the legendary duelist Sakaki Yusho, Sakaki Yuya, will soon begin."

The crowd screamed with excitement as Yuzu looked around, trying to find her friend.

-"This duel will follow the official Action Duel rules, specifically using Field Spell, Frontier Fang Castel!"

Suddenly, the center of the stadium transformed into a ruined old castle surrounded by trees.

At the top of the castle, a stout man with purple spiked hair and face paint smiled arrogantly.

-"The three-times champion of Action Duels, Strong Ishijima!" Nico exclaimed happily, while the crowd shouted with excitement.

-"On the other side of the field is the challenger, Sakaki Yuya," he exclaimed, but there was only Ishijima standing there.

-"Are you...?"

Everyone was silent, and they were about to protest, but Yuya calmly walked towards the field. He was wearing a black t-shirt, a white jacket, navy blue pants, and red and black tennis shoes. His goggles hung around his neck, and his signature pendulum was missing.

-"Sorry for being late. I had to make some changes to my deck."

Yuya looked at the transformed setting in surprise. He expected a table on a platform for the duel, but a castle was far beyond his expectations.

-"Well, since the challenger is here, we can begin."

Ishijima took out a tablet similar to the one Yuya had and placed it on his arm. Suddenly, a slot opened, revealing a deck of cards and a sheet of light across the width of the device.

Yuya looked at this in shock, wondering what that tablet was capable of. Now he was even more determined to take it apart.

Hesitantly, he took out his own tablet and did the same, except he placed the deck inside the device instead of it already being inside.

-"Well, it seems both duelists are ready. Draw your five cards." Nico Smiley exclaimed.

"Duelists, in this Battle Palace, you can roam the land and fly through the sky with your monsters! Set your eyes on the latest evolution of dueling, ACTION..."

-"DUEL!" Ishijima exclaimed, while Yuya looked around, still feeling confused.

-(Please tell me I won't have to listen to this every time I have a duel.)

Suddenly, a sphere exploded, scattering cards all over the field.

Yuya looked at his hand and then touched his screen, causing several writings to appear.

-"Hey, would you mind starting first?" Yuya spoke, while Ishijima frowned.

-"Don't underestimate me, kid. I'm the champion. But if you insist so much..."

Ishijima - 4000 LP

Yuya - 4000 LP

"My turn. I activate my Spell card, Savage Feast Level 5. With this card, I can Special Summon two Level 5 Warrior-Type monsters, but their effects will be negated," Ishijima declared.

He inserted the card into the tablet and drew two cards from his hand, placing them on the field.

The sight that followed left Yuya in shock. Two ogres materialized before him: one green and the other red.

Lava Battleguard - Level 5, ATK: 1550, DEF: 1800

Swamp Battleguard - Level 5, ATK: 1800, DEF: 1500

"The monsters from the cards came to life!" exclaimed Yuya, bewildering the older duelist.

(It seems like this boy has never dueled before,) he thought.




"Oh no, I forgot to explain how duels work to Yuya!" Yuzu exclaimed fearfully.

It was evident that a boy with amnesia wouldn't know how to duel or even be familiar with a Dueling Disk.

"Calm down, Yuzu. Yuya will be fine. With or without amnesia, he has always been a strong boy. He won't let himself be defeated," Yoko reassured, earning the attention of the three present.

"Are you sure, Yoko-san? Yuya seems too surprised," Shuzo questioned.

"Yes, I'm certain. He will be fine."




"Now, I will sacrifice my monsters to summon a higher-level monster," Ishijima declared.

"Charged from the depths of the forest, crushing giant trees in its path. King of the wild, ruler of nature! Battleguard King!"

Battleguard King - Level 8, ATK: 3000, DEF: 1100

"Here he is, Ishijima's champion's ace monster!" exclaimed Nico, while the spectators screamed with excitement at the spectacle.

Yuya swallowed nervously and took a few steps back.

"What's wrong? Are you scared? I didn't expect any less from that coward's son," Ishijima taunted.

"Not at all, I'm just surprised," Yuya replied with a slight smile.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I'll place a card face-down and end my turn," Ishijima announced.

A giant card materialized face-down in front of Ishijima.

Instead of starting his turn, Yuya stared at his tablet, reading the text on it.

"Sakaki Yuya, are you going to start your turn?" Ishijima asked with confusion, while Yuya looked at him, slightly perplexed.

"Wait a minute... I'm reading the rules," Yuya said, shocking everyone who didn't know about his "amnesia."

(This is very different from Duel Links. First, there are 5 slots for monsters and 5 slots for spells and traps. Second, you start with 5 cards. Third, the capacity limit of the Extra Deck is 15 cards.) Yuya thought to himself.

"Well, my turn... I draw," Yuya said, pulling out a card and looking at it.

"From my hand, I activate the Spell card Lightning Storm. With this card, if I don't have any face-up cards on my field, I can destroy all the monsters on your field."

"What!?" exclaimed the surprised Ishijima as he watched Yuya's Dueling Disk send a surge of lightning towards his monster.

Ishijima rushed into the castle, searching for an Action Card, but what he found proved to be useless.

Battleguard King was destroyed by the lightning, leaving Ishijima with a frown on his face.

"What a turn of events! Yuya managed to destroy the champion's monster as if it were nothing. Could this be the opportunity to win?"




"Hey, hey, did a beginner really manage to destroy that monster?" a spectator remarked to his friend.

"This duel is going to be incredible."

"From my hand, I summon Speed Warrior," Yuya declared. He placed the card on his field, and suddenly, a humanoid being dressed in a full-body suit, visor, helmet, and breathing apparatus materialized.

Speed Warrior - Level 2, ATK: 900, DEF: 400




"Speed Warrior? Was that monster in Yuya's deck?" Shuzo asked skeptically, sharing the same doubt as Gon and Yuzu.

"No, the deck he's using is one he created yesterday with cards he found in the junkyard. When he returned home, he spent hours building it." Yoko explained, surprising the trio.

"From the trash? But will they be good enough to beat a professional? If those cards were discarded, it must be because they were useless." Yuzu expressed her concern.

"Yuzu, something that Yuya always said is that there are no useless cards. It seems that even with amnesia, he still holds onto that belief." Gon spoke proudly of his friend.




"Are you taking me seriously with such a weak monster?" Ishijima scoffed, but Yuya paid no attention to his remark.

"Battle! Speed Warrior attacks directly! At this moment, its effect activates. In the turn it is summoned, during the Battle Phase, its attack is doubled."

Speed Warrior - ATK: 900 + 900 = 1800

The monster swiftly kicked Ishijima, knocking him to the ground with a pained expression.

Ishijima: 4000 - 1800 = 2200 LP

"I'll set 2 cards face-down and end my turn." Yuya declared. Two cards materialized face-down in front of the green-haired man.

"I've been wondering for a while now, how long have you been a duelist?" Ishijima inquired.

"Since I can remember... which is yesterday."

-(From what I've observed, this guy doesn't seem to know about Action Cards. This gives me an advantage.)

"My turn, I draw."

"I activate the Spell card Monster Reborn. With this card, I can revive a monster from the graveyard and bring back Battleguard King."

"I now activate the Trap card Battleguard Rage."

"This card can be equipped to a Warrior-Type monster, granting it 1000 additional ATK points. But if the equipped monster destroys a monster, that destroyed monster returns to the owner's hand."

"I activate my Trap card, Dark Bribe. This card negates the effect of your Spell or Trap card and destroys it. However, as a result, you get to draw a card," Yuya exclaimed as Ishijima's card cracked and exploded.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Battleguard King, attack his monster!" Ishijima commanded.

The red ogre swung its weapon at Yuya's monster, but Yuya remained unfazed.

"Why aren't your life points decreasing?" Ishijima questioned.

"During your attack, I activate my Trap card, Rainbow Life. By discarding a card from my hand, all the damage I receive this turn is converted into life points."

Yuya: 4000 + 2100 = 6100 LP

"Tch, my turn is over."




"This is incredible! The champion hasn't been able to touch Sakaki Yuya's life points. Could it be that today will be the day the undefeated is defeated?"




"My turn, I draw," Yuya said, looking at his card with a smile.

"From my hand, I activate the Spell card Tuning. With this card, I can add a Synchron card from my deck to my hand and send the top card of my deck to the graveyard."

Yuya tapped his screen a few times, and a card was ejected from his deck, which he took into his hand. Then, he shuffled his deck, and the top card was sent to the graveyard.

"Synchron?" Ishijima questioned.

"You'll see. From my hand, I summon Junk Synchron!"

A small humanoid figure dressed in orange clothing, with an engine on its back, materialized in front of Yuya.

Junk Synchron - Level 3, ATK: 1300, DEF: 500

"Junk Synchron's effect activates. When this card is Normal Summoned, I can Special Summon a Level 2 or lower monster from the graveyard in Defense Mode with its effects negated."

-"From the graveyard?"

-"Come back, Speed Warrior!" Yuya exclaimed.

Speed Warrior reappeared, kneeling with its arms forming an X.

"Also, since I have a tuner on my field, I can summon Quillbolt Hedgehog from my grave!"

A porcupine with orange fur, its back adorned with screws instead of thorns, emerged in front of Yuya.

Quillbolt Hedgehog - Level 2, ATK: 800, DEF: 800

"Increasing your defenses to last the next turn?" Ishijima questioned with confusion.

"I'm not that naive, champion." Yuya responded with a hint of mockery in his voice, which Ishijima noticed.

"I'll put an end to this with my ace card."




"Ace card? Does he mean Odd-Eyes Dragon?" Yuzu questioned, sounding confused.

"I don't think it's that. He already Normal Summoned, so unless it's a Special Summon, he won't be able to do anything," Gongenzaka replied.

Yuya's expression darkened, and his eyes took on two different colors: purple in the right eye and blue in the left. A beam of vibrant green light descended behind him, causing Junk Synchron and Quillbolt Hedgehog to disintegrate into particles that ascended into the air.

"I Synchro Summon by tuning my Junk Synchron with my Quillbolt Hedgehog!" Yuya declared.


"The stars come together to call forth a new power! and forge a path of light. Synchro Summon!"

The particles converged, and a bright green light engulfed the field.

"Appear, Junk Warrior!"

Junk Warrior - Level 5, ATK: 2300, DEF: 1300

A humanoid warrior emerged from the light, clad in blue armor. Its body was composed of mechanical parts, and its face had a cream color with circular glasses featuring red lenses. It wore a white scarf.

Inside a dark room illuminated by large screens, a man in a suit stared at the display in shock.

"Sir, we've detected massive summoning activity!"

"How many?" asked a gray-haired teenager dressed in a navy blue shirt, a red scarf, white pants, red glasses, and shoes.

"Only one, and it's a Synchro Summon. This is impossible. The energy emitted is much higher than that of the Synchro Dimension."

"Locate the duelist's position," the teenager ordered.

A few seconds later, the duel between Yuya and Ishijima was displayed on the screen, and the teenager observed the duel with curiosity.

"Who is he?" he wondered.

"His name is Sakaki Yuya. According to the data, his win rate is only 20%, so it shouldn't be possible for him to perform a Synchro Summon."




Those watching the show had their mouths agape as they witnessed their friend execute a Summon that only elite duelists were capable of.

"This is incredible! Sakaki Yuya managed to perform a Synchro Summon!"




"Your ace card is a Synchro monster," he said, clearly surprised.

"It's quite simple, if you ask me. But the outcome of this duel is already determined inside my head," Yuya responded confidently.

"At this moment, the effect of Junk Warrior activates. When this card is Synchro Summoned, its attack increases by the combined attack of all monsters with a level of 2 or lower. Currently, Speed Warrior has an attack of 900, so Junk Warrior's attack rises to 3200."

Junk Warrior: ATK 3200

"Now, Junk Warrior attacks Battleguard King with Scrap Fist!"

Ishijima cursed under his breath as he realized he had an Action Card in his hand but was unable to use it.

Ishijima: 2200 - 200 = 2000 LP

"I end my turn," Yuya declared.

Ishijima began to feel desperate. He had no cards on the field, and his hand was nearly empty, with only one useless card remaining.

"My turn, I draw!" Ishijima shouted. However, when he looked at the card he drew, his eyes showed defeat.

"I end my turn," he admitted defeat.

"I draw, Junk Warrior attacks you directly!"

Ishijima: 2000 - 3200 = 0 LP

Winner: Sakaki Yuya

You will decide if this One-Shot becomes a Fic. Leave your comments and advices. Express without fear.

Valkirye402creators' thoughts