


Brad: Don't worry, he has a different mission there. Any news about T-Series affiliation?

"....Fine. I may have a lead. I'm currently tracking a wahman. I suspect that she might have a connection inside the Palace."

Brad: ....

Brad: So, What?

"Bit of a lackluster, ha?"

Brad: Sorry, I'm just watching something.

"Damn, Brad back at it again with the stalking. You're fully aware of what you're doing is creepy, ye?"

Brad: ...

Brad: Just tell me what you got.

"I mean, is it Aloona?"


"aight chill wtf, So where was I?"

Brad: idk. THE WAHMAN.

"Oh yeyeye, So there is this wahman I've been following.."

Brad: You mean Stalking? gottem.


Brad: Sorry, continue.

"..Ye, I've noticed that every midnight, she suddenly appears at the back of the Palace, like, out of thin air, she's like a witch or something and..."

Brad: And?

"idk mannn, her go-to is the Purble Place."

Brad: What's a Purble Place? Sounds like what a bored teenager would go and play, lmao.

"It's like a strip club"


"But they don't actually strip-strip, yk? Wahmen there just; they talk to you, eats salad in front of you, tease you and make you donate cash and stuff."

Brad: She must be a maid or something. No Royal Blood would ever dishonor their position like that, I mean why would she even work if she is a Royalty.

"Are you even listening?! She. Appears. Out. Of. Thin. Air. She must be special. Maybe, a King's Sorcerer if you will and maybe she's broke af rn?"

Brad: Idk, that's a steep assumption imo, full of maybes'. Have you spoken with Ricardo about this?

"But what if, I'm right? What if through her, we can prove that the The Dank Nation is secretly under the rule of the T-Series? Ricardo? Lmao, I don't need his help."

Brad: That's the point. What if you're right, what will you do? You can't just kidnap a Royalty and interrogate them; besides you might get yourself hurt or worse, get killed.

"Why don't the other countries help us, huh? Where are they?" Where did you even get this lead?

Brad: I can't tell you, I'm sorry. I want to but I can't.

Brad: I will let Ricardo know about this, maybe he can give us more insight about that wahman to assure her connections inside and if you're right, we'll make a plan first on how we can extract answers from her but for now stay safe and please don't be stupid.

Brad: Heyyy.. Are you there??




It's full moon. I cautiously wander around the back of the Palace as I await for the appearance of the Mysterious Wahman. Good Lord Jahseh, Brad is tiring. iM BrAd iM YoUr bOsS, ShRiMp. What a goofy nibba.

It is 1am and there is still no any signs of her.

"today's her day-off, huh"

I was about to leave when the top part of the Palace exploded! The surroundings became vague as the fogs thickens. The King's Guardsmen immediately responded. Heck, They even almost spotted me there. They're trying to capture someone. (I think) I'm not sure but it seems like whoever they're catching, it's getting away. Is that the Wahman running, are they chasing her? Better get to her first.

I follow her trail and it leads me to the Swamp.

Now, this isn't any other ordinary swamp we are talking about. People here at Dank Nation fears a gnawing creature. Some say it's just a folklore, while the others claimed that they have seen it and witnessed its wrath. They describe its ears as soft but pointy, and its odor is filthy and spoiled at the same time, they even compared it to onions. But for me (whats poppin?) mission comes first and I will shut down whoever uglyass come at me.

*brushes are rustling*

*sudden quick movements everywhere*

I stopped. I feel like I'm being surrounded. Are the stories true? I can hear someone, no, something is breathing heavily.

In an instant, everything is so calm, noiseless, hushed.

Then a loud voice with a weird Scottish accent exclaimed.


It jumps out of the brush and sucker punch me out of existence. I got knocked down cold then slowly fainted.

Next chapter