

Wholesome. Normie. Dank. Surreal.

A Mate of mine, used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when BeastMaster64 kept balance between the Wholesome Tribe, Normie Kingdom, Dank Nation, and Surreal Nomads. But that all changed when the T-Series attacked. Only BeastMaster64, mastered all four memes. Only he could stop those street shitters, but when the 9year olds' needed him most, he vanished. Sum years have had passed and the T-Series is nearing victory in the War.

A month ago, Mr. Beast and the men of my tribe (no wahmen) created tons of accounts with the Dank Nation to help fight against Tseries' Sub Bots, leaving me to look after the sub gap. Vox News believe that BeastMaster64 was so racist, he says the N-Word as he pray to Jahseh Onfroy and that he should be removed from any platform. But I'm black and I'm giving him the N-Word pass so its gucci. I believe that somehow BeastMaster64 is reborn into something unhinged; a killing-machine that when he claps, he saps all life from a being until nothing's left but a value of its worth. I hope that T-Series gets bankrupt and vanish along with their sub bots, and their shits at the streets.

Heyyy Guys!!! (and gals) HAHAHA

hope yall appreciate my work!! Share it and please leave a comment; share me your thoughts and your suggestions towards this EPIC STORY OF BEASTMASTER64 (he isnt out there yet but ye..)

and i will make sure to do my best to not ruin whatever your 1st impression (cuz apparently ruining somwthing is my forte)


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