

When the teens saw this video, they couldn't stop crying. For the first time in their lives, they felt that the simple act of eating everything that comes from animals is already cruel; the cruelty of the ass, we have all participated.

They felt deep anger towards themselves because, thanks to the food they received, it was due to the slaughter of those poor animals, and at the same time, they felt sadness for the same reason.

They could not articulate a word after seeing that video that has been heartbreaking for them.

This video, in particular, motivated the teenagers to do something but drastic and definitive to save the lives of these innocent animals.

"We have to do the same as Cody and go, without anyone recognizing us, to that farm and film everything that happens inside it," Sookie said.

"But how are we going to disguise ourselves and go to that farm without our parents' permission?" Sherazade asked.

"Good question and I have the answer for that, and it is the following: we are going to use the old clothes that are stored in the school warehouse, we put them on, and that's it. As for going without the permission of our parents, well, all this it's for a good cause, "said Madeleine, willing like Sookie to do whatever it takes to stop this slaughter of animals.

"I have a question: what day would we go to that farm to film everything and expose it to the public?" Talulah asked, intrigued how they would enter the place without any problem.

"It has to be this Saturday. We can't leave it for later," Jules said, ready to do anything to unmask this cruel slaughter of animals.

The friends stopped because Sookie's mother was calling them to eat pizza.

They are happy to be at Sookie's parents' house; since Sookie's friends saw her parents as if they were their parents and the same thing happened with the parents of Sookie's friends.

While they were eating pizza, none of them could handle this secret and they told Sookie's parents everything, including her because, between them, there was no secret of any kind.

"Why do you want to do that?" Sookie's dad asked, surprised, after hearing the girls' confession.

"We want to do it daddy because it is the only chance and the last hope that these poor little animals have to be freed before they are eaten," said Sookie, answering each question slowly so as not to make mistakes.

"Since you are determined to carry out this plan, I will help you…", Sookie's dad was trying to say; But, he couldn't finish saying what he wanted to say because they started jumping and screaming with happiness.

He was seeing how important this is to them, as it is to them as well.

Sookie's dad is the type of person who will always be in favor of animals and the environment and against what humanity is doing against them.

He had to wait until Sookie, and her friends finished the scandal they had made to continue with what he had left unfinished.

"Now that you are calm, I will say the following, and it is", was again interrupted by Sookie and her friends.

"What's the condition daddy?" Sookie asked, eager to know what her dad might tell her.

"Well daughter, the condition is as follows, and that is that you, continue with your studies, while your respective parents, we will take care of this matter," Sookie's father finished saying this, with a firm and sure voice of what he was saying.

Immediately, they all accepted, although they wanted and wished with all their souls, to actively participate in this plan, to save the animals, they knew that Sookie's father is right and they let him take care of everything.

So it was. Not just Sookie's parents; but also, their parents actively participated in stopping the slaughter of animals, stopping once and for all the animal killers who are behind all this.

When they managed to get all the information about these clandestine farms and what they were doing to the animals, they decided to go public, no matter the cost.

With the evidence collected, they quickly went to The New York Times to show them this report and see if it was worth going public.

The New York Times agreed to make this report public because they thought it was excellent material to make it public.

After the New York Times, they also went to the police station, to present formally and with evidence, complaints against these clandestine farms and what they were doing with the animals.

This is the worst scandal for this type of company, a first for reporters, an important cause for the police, and a strong fight, for all people who were in favor of animals and against this cruelty.

Not only did this clandestine farm fall; but also, the vast majority of clandestine farms, clandestine companies, and men who are in favor of the cruelty they were doing towards the poor animals.

After all this, Sookie and her friends were able to continue studying quietly, knowing that they will not continue to kill more animals, only for the consumption of humanity.

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