
Youth, Friendship, and Love

Just tell the life of Fania and Fiona. They hide the fact that they are twins. One day, Fania is forced to disappear, while Fiona must replace her in an arranged marriage by Fania's ex-lover. Kelvin is Fania's ex-lover who is very obsessed with her. Fiona wants to refuse the matchmaking, but her father insists. When he has to become Fania, people from his past appear, will he succeed in solving Fania's problems? Then how do Yos and Wandi feel for Fiona?

Daisy_Sunfloo · Teen
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11 Chs

Same but Different

"Anyway, I don't agree with you if you're with Kelvin!" Fiona growled.

"Tell me why, Fi? He's a good man. It's not strange, how come his son," replied Fania, still patient.

"You don't know him, Fan!"

"Okay, now you want to tell me, what I don't know about my boyfriend?"

For a moment Fiona did not answer in silence.

"Anyway, I don't agree and you have to get away from him immediately," continued Fiona.

She was still growling at his twin sister. Meanwhile, Fania chose not to continue the debate between the two of them. Usually they will get better on their own. This time wasn't the first time for them to fuss over trivial matters Fania's new boyfriend. Usually, if something went wrong, Fiona would always do the same.

Fania and Fiona are twin sisters. Their faces are almost exactly the same, only when they are next to each other can really see the difference. Fania's cheeks are a little chubby than Fiona's.

Fania's hair is dark brown, while Fiona's is light brown. They live in a rented house with their parents.

If they are arguing the dining table will feel quieter than usual. His mother would make them talk to each other, otherwise they would be punished by stroking each other's cheeks and saying, 'I love you.' These two ways always work for both of them.


"How does it feel to have a brother? I want it," said Fania.

One of the straight-haired girl's goalsthat couldn't possibly come true─is to have an older brother.

"Look for noh in Shafiy a lot!"

"Send it using the lightning reg, right? It takes five minutes to arrive so it's faster."

"Expedition using the human services of Rafania, not the services of magic!"

"You're the first to make this up!"

"Why are you answering me too?"

"Why do you keep arguing?"

"You started it, wlee..."

"It's done, oh God... sorry, twins, how come you guys aren't tired of debating every day. I'm tired of hearing that. I have a headache hearing your debates," said Mrs. Rani, stopping the twins' debate.

Even though they are twins, Fani and Fiona have significant differences. Fania tends to prefer to give in, more patient and gentler.

While Fiona is tougher and firmer. Even so, Fiona loves her sister who is only three minutes away from her. If anything bothered her twin sister, Fiona didn't hesitate to cast her deadly stab.

Fiona is very happy to have a twin sister. What he doesn't like is that people are always comparing him and his twin.Fania is more feminine while Fiona is more tomboy in the way she dresses. However, that doesn't detract from her beauty at all.

Fania and Fiona are not in the same school. They decide for themselves. Get out of your comfort zone─he said, because since kindergarten they were always side by side.


Her father told her that Fiona's friend was waiting in front of the house.

"Where did you come out, Fi? Wasn't you getting ready in your room?" Elia asked. surprised. The same expression on Devika's face.

"I'm Fania, not Fiona," said Fania kindly.

"Fix, you're not Fiona! Fiona can't be that friendly with people."

"Yeah, I already said that I'm Fania."

"So you're ... twins?"

"Yes, I and Fiona are twins. You can already see it."

"What's it like to have a twin?"

"Not bad," replied Fania.

Fania always gives the same answer every time she receives a similar question.

Elia and Devika Fiona's best friends─ didn't even know that Fiona had a twin sister.

Fania and Fiona go to different schools. Initially opposed by both parents. Only after Fania persuaded her parents did they get permission. Fania is clearly easier to get whatever she wants. Unlike the case with Fiona.

Fania likes reading romance novels while Fiona likes reading comics. Never mind a novel, just reading a one-page textbook she can fall asleep. But strangely enough, Fiona has liked math lessons for a long time.

Even though Fiona looks lazy to study, there is no need to doubt about grades. He has often been in the top five in his class since middle school. Is that enough? certainly not. Again and again his father compared himself with Fania who could not be separated from the top three.

If Fiona has never dated, then it's different with her twin sister. She had dated several times and almost none of them escaped Fiona's blessing.

Especially this time, Fiona strongly opposes Fania and Kelvin's relationship. But when Fania asked the reason for Fiona's refusal, she again and again gave no logical answer.

At most she simply replied that the man was insincere and only intended to make fun of him. Even so, again and again Fania chose to give up and did not continue their debate.

Even though Fania looks better in all aspects than Fiona, she is still a normal human who has flaws. Fania studies hard and gets stressed easily. If his grades decrease, she will study hard until she is stressed. Of course it was a normal thing, it became unusual because Fania vented it by smoking.

One day he was caught by Fiona...

"Why are you smoking, Fan?"

"Just feeling stressed."

"Stressed because your grades dropped yesterday?"


"You're really too bad! That's all you think about."

"I'm not like you, anything is considered easy. We are the same but not the same. I can't."

"You know the reason when Mama finds out? You can be scolded by nine books, you know?!"

"If mom finds out, it's because of you!"

"What if you find out yourself?"

"Do you think we're in a television series? All the events are explained in detail by the director?!"

"You're the one who smokes, why is it my fault?"

"Come on, please stop asking me why so long debate? I'm really dizzy right now, I'm stressed!"

"Yeah, fine."

Fiona relents.

Even though they are twins, it is clear that his father loves Fania more. Of course it had made Fiona jealous.

Not infrequently homework is more often delegated to Fiona. According to her father, Fiona is stronger than Fania.

"Fio is also human, Dad. Can't Fio be tired?" Fiona complained one day. But his father ignored it.

The same expression as Fania who didn't react. Accustomed to being spoiled by his father, he likes to be lazy. Only her mother always supports Fiona,

"It's okay. If you're tired, just rest. I'll let mom do it later."

"You don't have to, Mom. It'll be over soon. Mama just rest in the room," Fiona replied.

Fiona couldn't bear to let her mother finish the work that was pending on her. Moreover, his mother has been working at home since morning.

"It's really nice to be you, Fan," Fiona muttered.

Fania was lying from behind their room with vanilla cream nuances.

"I'm sorry, Fi. I'm also really tired. But I still love you so much, my twins," Fania whispered as she closed her eyes.

Even though the twins even spend almost 24 hours of their time together, they don't open up to each other. Especially Fania.

Fania will only tell if it is unbearable. Even about Kelvin, Fania wouldn't have told him if it wasn't for Fiona who knew about it first.