
Chapter 2: Hospital Discharge

Taehyung slowly starts to open his eyes as I bolt to him.

"N-Nari? Where am I?" Taehyung says as his face had a worried look.

"I was so worried" I say as I wrap my arms around him and tears start to spill.

"Nari what's wrong? And why am I here?" Taehyung starts to try moving out of the bed.

"Mr.Kim? Good you have awaken we have to discuss something with you" the doctor enters and gives Taehyung a sad look.

"Yes what is it?" Taehyung asks as he grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"You have been diagnosed with a terminal disease ...I'm very sorry but you only have three months left..." the doctor passes Taehyung a cup of water and tissue in case he had a breakdown but Taehyung didn't, he just smiled and agreed as they did more scans and let him go.

"Papa!!" The twins run towards Taehyung as he picks up the boys.

"Hey...how was grandmas?" Taehyung asks the boys who then proceed to tell us what they had done at my mothers house. We tell my mother what the doctor said and she says we should tell the kids although it'd be difficult.

How do you tell a child that their father is dying? How do you tell them he has 3 months left?

How do you tell them that they won't be able to play with papa anymore?


Taehyung decided to let it wait a bit as he said he was tired and wanted to get home and get some rest.

While driving home I noticed that Taehyungs color was slowly fading away. I tried not to think about it that much knowing I would break into tears .

When we get home the boys were there waiting for us as they help Taehyung to the living room and lay him there.

"I feel elderly now" Taehyung says jokingly.

The twins go and play with Jungkook and Hoseok outside while Jimin goes and gets groceries.

"Can we forget that I'm dying? .... I want to be the old me...I don't wanna be pitied I see how you guys are looking at me..." Taehyung says sadly as he gets up but not before losing his balance.

"We understand Tae but you need to understand we are trying to help" Seokjin says as he gives Taehyung a pat.

Taehyung shrugs him off and attempts to get back up but realizes he can't.

"I can't move my legs..." Taehyung says as he looks down.

"Why the fuck is this happening to me?! I have a fucking family! I didn't do anything bad why is this happening!" Taehyung yells as soon he has gotten hysterical and realized what's going to happen.

"I won't see my kids anymore! My wife! My friends! My family!" Taehyung soon is in tears as I go to comfort him.

"I don't want to leave you Nari" Taehyung says as he wraps me in a strong embrace.

"Then let's make the most of it" Namjoon suggests

"Let's go out more and take pictures so we don't just stay in this depressing setting." Namjoon soon pulls out a camera as the rest of the group is walking in along with the twins.

Seokjin motions for all of us to get in frame as Namjoon sets the camera on a timer.


"Whoa Yoongi you look taller!" Jungkook jokingly says as the room erupts with laughter.

Soon the group leaves as they help Taehyung up the stairs as they lay him down and he automatically falls asleep.

Hoseok and Jimin bought a wheelchair for Tae especially a elevator for wheel chairs.

I wake Taehyung and prepare his wheel chair as I than set him on the elevator as it lowers him down.

"Mommy why is daddy in a wheel chair?" Insik asks as he goes to Taehyung.

"Daddy is sick baby okay? Don't stress him out that much" I respond as I give him a light cheek kiss.

"Go wake up Minhyuk okay?" I tell Insik as he runs up the stairs.

"I'm going to tell them." Taehyung says as he looks up the the stairs.

"We don't have to right now" I say as I give Taehyung a peck on the cheek.

"How about we go to the zoo then?" He suggests as he grabs my arms.

"Alright I will get the kids ready" I go upstairs as I hear Taehyung take a deep breath.

"Uncle Nam are you joining us?" Insik says as he runs to Namjoon who picks him up.

"Of course why wouldn't I join?" Namjoon says as he squeezes his cheek.

"Where's uncle Yoongi?" Minhyuk says since he's his favorite uncle.

"I'm afraid he can't make it today" Namjoon says as he taps Minhyuk head.

"Aw" Minhyuk makes a pouty face.

We soon arrive to the zoo as Namjoon takes the kids and leaves me and Taehyung alone.

"Remember we came here for our first date?" Taehyung says as he looks over at the lions.

"I told you that I'll always protect you and care for you...." Taehyung looks at me with tears in his eyes.

"But now you are the one that has to care for me" Taehyung drops his head.

"Honey...don't worry..." I say as I grab his hand.

"How about we look at the Koalas?" I suggest.

"You mean Minhyuk?" Taehyung jokes.

I laugh as we make our way to the koalas.

"Wait let's take a picture!" He says quickly as he asks someone to take our picture.

I give Taehyung a cheek kiss and then he gives me a peck in our picture. We thank the woman who took our picture as we then headed our way.

"Nari?" I hear my name be called as I turn around to see him....my ex boyfriend, Changwoo Kim.

"Whoa it is you! You look great! and this is....Taehyung?" Changwoo says as he gives a slight chuckle when he sees Taehyung.

"um...thanks but I have to go" I say as turn around to push Taehyung until Changwoo grabs my hand.

"You shouldn't be doing that...being with him? Like that? Haha" Changwoo says as he walks towards me and I take a step back.

"Why don't you fuck off and leave me and my wife alone" Taehyung says as he turns himself around.

"What are you gonna do? Shove me?" Changwoo jokes.

"I will punch you" Namjoon says as he emerges with the kids.

"Papa!" Minhyuk and Insik say as they run to Taehyung.

"I suggest you leave them alone or I will kill you" Namjoon says as he is inches away from Changwoo.

"Tsk whatever" Changwoo then turns around and leaves.

"Maybe we should call it a day..I suggest" as I wrap my arms around Taehyung.

"Good idea" Namjoon says as we then start walking out the zoo.