1 The You Who Once Smiled

Please look at me again with the eyes of love. Look at me and tell me that you are okay. Can you smile once more for me, the friend who wishes you all the best in this life?

Please don't do anything to end your life, look at me again and smile at me.

I want to hug you, I want to appreciate your existence.

Tell me when you are sad, because I want to know.

I'd like that we tell each other stories we told no one before.

"I am fine!" -You say with a smile on your face.

But the next day, you are gone.

I can no longer find you.

"Are you alright?" -I ask.

"I am really fine." -You answer.

Please, show me that sad face.

Tell me that you are not fine. I want to help you, i want to hug you.

Don't lose yourself in the bad emotions.

I always cared for you and always will.

Look at me once again.

I am waiting for you and your stories.

Don't go anywhere alone.

Don't go toward the darkness because you won't escape it.

Please stay with me in the light of hope.

Let me held that hand once again.

Let's show each other the hobbies we have and the things we want to do in the free time.

Don't go anywhere and stay with me.


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