
The party Night

Alazne felt dizzy. Her vision blurred with the amount of heat upsurging in her body. She wanted to cool it off in a cold bath if it weren't for the party she was caught in. She couldn't refuse when her highschool classmates called her to the get together party. She indeed had a good highschooling with the people there so she agreed nonchalantly.

When Alazne looked at the venue in the group chat she couldn't believe her eyes. It was the most popular hotel in the city how can normal university students with petty allowances got a spot was something that she didn't feel right. So by asking it up straight, Nina her highschool bestfriend answered that it was Hart who arranged the party. Alazne thought "well if it is Hart then it's no wonder". Hart was that one rich kid in school who always bought new things to showoff, adding he was one good looking hunk many girls admired him. But something about him always ticked off Alazne so she tried not to engage with him in the highschool. She wanted to drop when she know it was Hart who arranged the party. But her UNI roommates had their weekends planned, if she stayed back she would be alone. So she decided to come.

Alazne put on her white dress that she bought recently. A knee length wavy bottom and frill top that clung to her body at the right places to add a little exotic look. Alazne never wanted to people look at her like that . If it weren't for her best enemies attending the party too. Her rivals Jo and Karin who always teased her,called her names throughout the childhood. So she wanted to show off for today that's the reason she choose that dress.

Her initial plan is to board a cab but Nina who was suppoused to pass by the way said she would pick her up. Alazne who got down saw a old breeza car waiting at her dorm. Nina who came out of the car came giggling and running to Alazne hugged her. The long old friends felt happy meeting each other. Nina said "wow Alazne you look great now,that's a real glow up". Alazne chuckled "well talk about yourself you've gotten pretty too". They got into the car driving to the party talking about their lives in Universities. They remembered the good old days when they thought of getting into the same university but results came out unexpected so the long bonded friends had to break off. Now they've reunited Alazne thought it wasn't a bad idea to attend the party.

As Alazne wished that was a quite blow for the others who thought of her as a pushover. All they knew Alazne was that nerdy girl with large spectacles but now the Alazne they saw was blinding. She was the star of the night. During party Alazne noticed the change in her friends behaviour. some guys who didn't even knew she existed came upto her bootlicking. Alazne felt disgusted no one cared about her when she looked normal but now that she's all dressed up everyone swooned around her. As much as she wanted to escape the party seemed never ending.

After some partying they got to drinks round. Alazne was alight drinker so she tired to avoid that part of the party but Hart was persistent. Now Alazne didn't hate him for nothing. She stated that she couldn't drink much so they ordered a different drink her. Everything was fine until then the waiter who bought the drinks looked strict to his work and the people were friendly but once she took a few gulps Alazne knew that something was definitely messed up in the drink. She looked at everyone around her but none felt suspicious. She got up to talk with Nina to get her out of this party but she couldn't find Nina anywhere. "where's Nina she asked the person beside her now that her vision blurred she couldn't say the name of the person" "Jo just took her out to talk about something" replied the person. Alazne couldn't take it anymore her heat waves surged within her body. She decided to get out for a cab, but before she did she heard someone speaking "oh Alazne aren't you feeling well….you kinda look out of it" someother exclaimed "yes, you're sweating" "do you need help ?" "someone help her" and then she felt rough grip around her shoulders "yes, I'll take her outta here" although the voices from earlier are unfamiliar she could recognise the last one it was Hart for sure. There's no way Hart's going to get her out safe. he was the most dangerous of all that she wanted to escape from that party. She thought growing up all these years must've fed some sense into his brain. But soon Alazne realized she was wrong Hart never changed from the way his hands groped her in the places an old classmate wouldn't do. Now it was clear that the one messed up with drink was Hart and Jo. She cursed "what did I do wrong to you ?? why are yo doing this to me??" Hart spoke " don't you speak ! didn't you dress up all like this to seduce me?" as weak Alazne's nerves went she still managed to punch that guy who's trying to drag her into the room. She kicked him in the manhood with all the strength's that left and ran away leaving the guy middle in the corridor moaning in pain.