The beginning of the school year. The beginning of the sophomore year. Freshman year went by in a haze as I have gotten over the initial stun of what high school was all about. Obviously, we have the cliche clicks and self-absorbed snobs who think they run the place and then, of course, there is the rest of us just trying to hide while the rest of our time in school goes by.
The first day is always the worst. Hordes of students scampering around trying to find their name on the board to find home period. The only way to describe the chaos filled event is a miniature wall street without the money so its a lose-lose for everyone. As i am making my way through the crowd I stumble over someones foot and bump into the person in front of me knocking their orientation papers into the ground when my nose is bombed with the sweet scent of a japanese cherry blossom perfume and my face caressed by the hair of what must have belonged to an angel. I snapped back into reality to quickly apologize but as the words left my lips they were gone and half way across the walkway. I look down to find a remaining piece of the orientation paper to find it had been torn the remaining piece with part of a name "rose-". As I looked at the torn paper my friend Jake emerges from the still fast-paced crowd! He was taller for a sophomore so he really stood out and he calls me in an excited tone "Max, so we got the same homeroom, my dude" I replied back matching his excitement "that's so dope lets head over there I wanna sit together" as I put the remaining paper in my back pocket and head off to homeroom I realize I can't get that smell out of my nose and my mind races with different thoughts and a feeling this year high school is going to change my life.