
Chapter 7.3


I turned sharply and barely managed to hold back from growling. It may seem trivial, but yesterday I lost in the first round of the tournament, and now, in the general sports hall, I was watching my tormentor. Sigis, a thirteen-year-old Zabrak, was studying in Sora Bulq's Vicarage group. The main contender for victory this year. That's what I call bad luck. Poor Rein lost with a score of four to one. And I had to face him right at the beginning of the match when no one believed in me and underestimated me, after which it took Sigis two minutes to defeat a seven-year-old.

And the next day, during one of the physical education classes, I noticed how this little Zabrak was training. So I decided to observe, and while I was observing, I thought that maybe Master Drallig was wrong about my genius. Intellectually, I understand that it's too early for me to compete with almost Padawans, and I don't hold any negativity towards Sigis, but it's so frustrating. Genius, damn it, hitting me in the liver with a stick.

And then, when my self-flagellation reached its peak, someone unexpectedly tugged at my robe from behind.

- Tammi," I said, smiling forcefully. "Don't approach sentient beings so stealthily. It's unnerving."

-S-sorry," she mumbled, lowering her head.

-O-o-o-h," I sighed, running my hand over my face to calm down. "I'm glad to see you again, little one," I smiled more naturally. "Did something happen? Did you want to ask something?"

-The instructor was talking about Up Shoch, but I couldn't get it right," she muttered to herself, still not raising her head.

Up Shoch, in case you didn't know... well, why would you... anyway, it's a hand-to-hand combat technique of the Shii-Cho style. A straight punch that sharply transitions into an elbow strike. Honestly, I can't imagine what's so difficult about it.

-And where... I scanned the hall with my gaze. "...is your instructor?"

Honestly, I didn't feel like dealing with minor issues.

-Over there," she waved her hand. "He's helping others."

And indeed, the instructor she pointed to was in the midst of the children, showing them something with blocks.

-Tammi," I said as sincerely as possible, "you just need to approach him and ask for help. Instructors are here for that. They are professionals and can help you much better than I can."

-I did ask," she slouched even more. "But I still can't do it. Besides, he's busy with others."

First, my roommates bothered me, then Ahsoka and her friend, and then the whole group. And just when my life settled down and fell into a routine, this girl appeared. God, why? If you help her now, I guarantee she'll cling to you. But I can't bring myself to tell her off. But I should.

-Tammi... um... I still think you've approached the wrong person. We have instructors for learning, and you should ask them about anything you don't understand. Not a youngling just two years older than you.

-Sorry." If she had the opportunity, the girl would probably slouch even more, but instead, she just turned around and slowly walked back to her group.

It breaks my heart. B-r-r-r... snap out of it, Rein, someone is just trying to manipulate you. In a childish way, but it still works. Okay, let it go. Glancing at Sigis, I once again scanned the hall - still no sign of Drallig. It's rare, but it happens, which means I'll have self-training today.

After classes, while I sat and meditated in our room with the guys, I suddenly realized that the crystals I've been infusing with the Force for years are not bottomless. It seemed that by pouring energy into them, I was diluting water with water - they no longer contained the "mist," and in return for what I pumped into them, the same amount was coming out. It took me three years to fill them to the brim, and I had no idea what to do with them now. I decided to set them aside for better times, occasionally checking how well they hold the Force and whether it "leaks" from them.

- My heart is soaked in blood. B-r-r-r... snap out of it, Rein, someone is just trying to manipulate you. In a childish way, but it still works. Okay, let it go. Glancing at Sigis, I once again scanned the hall - still no sign of Drallig. It's rare, but it happens, which means I'll have self-training today.

After classes, while I sat and meditated in our room with the guys, I suddenly realized that the crystals I've been infusing with the Force for years are not bottomless. It seemed that by pouring energy into them, I was diluting water with water - they no longer contained the "mist," and in return for what I pumped into them, the same amount was coming out. It took me three years to fill them to the brim, and I had no idea what to do with them now. I decided to set them aside for better times, occasionally checking how well they hold the Force and whether it "leaks" from them.

- My heart is soaked in blood. B-r-r-r... snap out of it, Rein, someone is just trying to manipulate you. In a childish way, but it still works. Okay, let it go. Glancing at Sigis, I once again scanned the hall - still no sign of Drallig. It's rare, but it happens, which means I'll have self-training today.

After classes, while I sat and meditated in our room with the guys, I suddenly realized that the crystals I've been infusing with the Force for years are not bottomless. It seemed that by pouring energy into them, I was diluting water with water - they no longer contained the "mist," and in return for what I pumped into them, the same amount was coming out. It took me three years to fill them to the brim, and I had no idea what to do with them now. I decided to set them aside for better times, occasionally checking how well they hold the Force and whether it "leaks" from them.

- You seem quick today," Jiro said, watching me put the crystals into a plastic case.

Pausing in front of the bedside table, I looked thoughtfully at him.

- Where is everyone?

- Sam is at the training facility. And Palatt and Rama should be in the gym. At least that's what they said.

- Any reason to think otherwise? - I didn't understand.

- Um... well... - he hesitated. - They were discussing how many gifted individuals are working with Midji.

Damn it, again. It seems like those two idiots decided to go against the principle and try to rob the cafeteria where Master Midji runs the show. And it's not about the food, I told them after the first time that if they really needed something, I would get it for them. I'm not planning on exposing their personal accounts that are slowly but surely filling up. Let them grow up first. In response, they nodded, and two weeks later, they pulled another raid. And after that, guess what - they scolded me, ME, and deprived them of their free time, making them sit and meditate instead. Well, I'll survive. The guys need an outlet in this boarding school too. I wonder how they will be punished this time?....

Finally, I have a little bit of free time, enjoy ;)

TheTranslateMancreators' thoughts
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