The start

I grew up in many different places but there is just one that helped me become who I am today.Let me go back a little,when I was born I stayed with my dad and grandma,I would spend nights with my mother and other siblings. When I became 10 I moved with her in a new house and became home schooled.

She would let me see my grandma sometimes but for the most part I was with her.Now I really love my mother but over a period of time she became crazy.

I didn't know what she was doing was child abuse at the time,but she would throw me, wip me,she even choked my brother three times. But it all changed after my older brother confessed to my mother saying that my father and my older sister had sex.

The sex was not rape my father was drunk and trying to fall asleep when this happened. My mother got him in jail and I was on the edge of being depressed. I was sad and mad and wanted revenge. I went through all my sisters stuff and then I found her diary. In that diary she wrote how she wanted me too die and that my brother and sister had sex. My sister is a Thot she can't keep her self TO HER SELF. But anyway I showed my mother and she was just as mad as I was that night my brother and sister where beat till they were almost dead. I called 911 and got them all took away.I went back to were I started at my grandma's. But it turns out my father was hit by a car while on he's motorcycle. And know I'm depressed completely,I tried so hard to revenge him to get this.Besides that I'm happy her with my grandma.



