
Chapter 038: Before the Wedding (Part One)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"As for the wedding, you're not worried about it, are you? I've heard that brides are usually very tired and busy."

"The wedding is being handled by a professional wedding company, and Xigu's mother and Xigu will take care of it. The bride just needs to look beautiful in her wedding dress, right?"

Ning Youran, "..."

She sighed as she looked at Chi Huan's serious profile while she carefully chose, and gently said, "Huanhuan, you're still so young, marrying Mou Xigu like this... Are you really sure you won't have any regrets?"

Chi Huan was looking at a men's watch when she heard this, pausing in her action, and chuckled lightly, "Whether I'll regret it or not, who knows?"

"Then why marry him?"

Chi Huan smiled, turning her head to look at her, "Who can guarantee that marrying any man will definitely not lead to regrets?"

Ning Youran was taken aback, standing to the side as she watched Chi Huan comparing several watches.

After spending the afternoon shopping together, Chi Huan didn't call Mo Shiqian to pick her up until after they had dinner outside.

Since it was dark, Ning Youran took a taxi and left first. Chi Huan waited at the mall, and from a distance, as the handsome and tall man approached her, Chi Huan inexplicably felt that...

Mo Shiqian was in a bad mood.

After he took the things she bought, he walked towards the parking area and put them in the trunk of the car, then opened the door for her.

Only then did Chi Huan look up at his strong and resolute jaw and ask, "You... are in a bad mood?"

He didn't speak, didn't engage, but his light-colored lips appeared especially thin and sharp, creating an illusion of being cold and detached.

Chi Huan felt awkward and pursed her lips, bending down to get into the car.

Only after that did Mo Shiqian close the car door and walk around to the driver's seat.

At the foot of her apartment building, he naturally wanted to help her carry the things she bought upstairs. Chi Huan quickly stopped him, "No need, most of these things need to be taken to the new house; there's no need to bring them out specifically."

He glanced at her and closed the trunk again, his voice indifferent, "If there's nothing else, I'm going to leave."

"Are you in a bad mood because you had a fight with your girlfriend?"

Mo Shiqian looked down at her, his Adam's apple rolling, still not speaking.

The weather was not good, and the dusky hue was even darker.

Chi Huan sighed, knowing she could not pry anything out of him. After all, he had never shared any details of his private life with her over the years.

She took her bag and stepped back twice, shrugging her shoulders, "If you really had a fight with her, then don't come to pick me up tomorrow. Spend more time with her... The rival has come to the door, and you're still so calm, I'm off, bye."

Having said that, she turned and walked into the apartment building, holding her bag.

In the dim light, as the autumn wind blew, Mo Shiqian stood still, watching the small figure of the woman with her dress billowing in the wind. After a moment, he finally took a step and left.

It wasn't until she was in the elevator that Chi Huan remembered she had something to give to him. After a moment's thought, she decided to let it go and give it to him next time.


The next day, Chi Huan was getting ready to move the things she bought the day before into the new house. However, the rain continued until around four or five in the afternoon; it had only lessened a little. She thought about calling Mo Shiqian to help her move, but after taking out her phone and preparing to dial, she gave up on the idea.

After today, he would no longer be her bodyguard, and since he probably had an argument with his fiancée these past couple of days, there wasn't anything particularly heavy, she could drive there herself with the car keys in hand.

The sky was especially dark, and Chi Huan had another, more secretive reason for going there to put things away.

Tomorrow was the wedding, and tomorrow night would be the wedding night. Last time at the Wenhai Hotel, she had wanted to... but failed. Just thinking about what would happen tomorrow night made her palms sweat and her heart race.

So at the very least, she needed to get used to the environment.

While entering the villa complex, Chi Huan saw from a distance a familiar black Lamborghini coming from another intersection, cutting her off and moving at a great speed.

She was startled, and the windshield wipers were moving, so she could still see the license plate number of that car.

The drizzle was becoming heavier, and the sky seemed to darken even more.

The Lamborghini stopped in front of the new home they were about to move into, and of course, Chi Huan also saw the slender figure standing in the curtain of rain in front of the door.

As soon as the Lamborghini stabilized, Mou Xigu got out of the car, clearly in a rush.

Chi Huan watched them from a distance, her hands unconsciously slowing down the car until she finally stopped and turned off the engine.

Right after Mou Xigu got out of the car, he grabbed the wrist of the woman drenched in the rain and tried forcefully to bring her into the car. His handsome and gentle face was filled with an anger he had never shown before, "Su Yabing, have you lost your mind? Why are you here getting soaked in the rain instead of staying at the hospital?"

Chi Huan could hear each word of his roar clearly.

Su Yabing struggled as he dragged her, forcefully pushing him away, "Let go, don't bother with me, Mou Xigu, let go!"

The woman was almost screaming, her screams filled with a sobbing tone.

She had obviously been standing there for more than a moment. Her hair and clothes were all drenched, and she seemed like a drowned rat, shivering in the cold wind, "Am I the one who's gone mad, or are you being too oppressive? Mou Xigu, if you want to marry her, just go ahead. The Mou Family has so many properties, you have so many villas in your name, why do you have to take this one as your wedding home?"

Overcome with emotion, Su Yabing surprisingly demonstrated the strength that far exceeded what one would expect, making it difficult for even a grown man to drag her into the car as he wished.

Mou Xigu didn't say a word, only wanting to get her into the car.

It was so cold in the late autumn, and the rain was picking up.

Su Yabing struggled fiercely; even Chi Huan didn't expect such a delicate-looking woman to have such strength, "Let me go, Mou Xigu, do you really have to erase all our memories and past until there's nothing left before you'll be satisfied?"

Finally, Mou Xigu gave up on trying to force her into the car.

He held her shoulders with both hands, trying to coax her with a patient voice, "Your injury isn't healed yet. Be good, come back to the hospital with me, okay?"

Su Yabing kept shaking her head, her entire body going limp as if drained of strength, "I shouldn't have come back... I shouldn't have returned, Mou Xigu, I hate you, I hate you..."

With the sky so dark, Chi Huan didn't understand why they couldn't see her eye-catching car, but she could clearly see the pain and helplessness on Mou Xigu's face, his body especially tense as if he was enduring extreme restraint.

Then, he finally picked up the limp woman from the ground and walked towards the villa's main entrance.

Half a minute later, the door opened, and he carried her inside.

Was it because the car's heater was turned off, or was it indeed very cold today, that she felt a chill all over?

Chi Huan watched them until they completely disappeared from her sight.

She thought about following them inside, no matter what was about to happen, what might happen, it wasn't too late to stop it.

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