

On the other end Huang Luhan who's sitting on the backseat of his car is getting impatient because of the heavy traffic. When his assistant caught a glimpse of him through the rearview mirror he decided to take the longer way where there is no traffic he immediately increase his pace as they reach the long road and within 15 minutes they reach the gate of Huang Mansion, the guards immediately open the gate as they recognized their young master's car. Huang Luhan rushed inside the house and run upstairs to his room. There he was welcomed by a sleeping Young lady in his bed. He approached her without making a sound afraid that she might be waken up. He carefully laid beside her after having a bath and changing into his night wear. He stared at her and caress her face with gentleness, his eyes glowed with love as he hugged her to sleep.

The next morning Liu Quing Shan was tightly hugging Huang Lu Han without even realizing it. She was dreaming or probably imagining that it was the life size teddy bear given to her by her foster parents. By that time Huang Luhan was already awake because he can feel Quingshan's body up close.

Seeing her face first thing in the morning makes him feel so energized and because of that he cannot stop himself from kissing her soft and red lips which causes Quingshan to open up her eyes. She was so shocked that she was able to push Huang Lu Han off of the bed. Huang Lu Han frowned as he got up but immediately soften his face as he saw her baby girl's flushed face.

"Good morning Wife" he greeted her as he leaned to peck on her lips. Quingshan was still processing everything when she suddenly felt the soft lips that landed straightly onto her lips.

"Who are you??" she asked while looking at him. They stared at each other for quiet long they looked at each other intently.

"You... Don't you really remember me?" Huang Luhan asked as he stare right into her eye trying to read and analyze what's on her mind. Quingshan just nod her head while still looking at him

"Why am I here?" She asked as she tried to stand up but she failed. Huang Lu Han come near her and place her back on the bed.

"Don't move you just woken up from coma, you still need to rest" he sternly said while tucking her into the huge bed. Lu Han feels so upset that her wife doesn't remember her and he's really bothered because the doctor said that her condition was good and her head wasn't hit by anything.

"Mister what happened to me? Why am I here? Where am I? Who are you?" Quingshan ask eagerly she was so desperate to have answers. Yesterday when she woke up, she was still in daze she was trying hard to remember everything but her head would just hurt so bad like someone pounds a hammer to it. So now that someone was here to answer her questions, she would do everything to make him talk.

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