
Time for outting


    (Tiya got to her room,she opened her school bag and collected the comic book, she sat on top her bed,she opened the honey comb then she took from it,she looked at the time,it was 11:00am,so she opened the comic book and started reading)wow!!this is interesting(Tiya said after some minutes as she put some honey comb in her mouth,then she kept on reading).

      Finally,am done(Tiya said as she closed the comic book,then she got up and went to where her bags were,she collected a blue handbag,she kept the comic book in the bag after that she throw the bag on the bed then she looked at the time it was now 12:15pm, she went to her wardrobe then she pick a blue singlet and a jean trouser,she wore them then she put on a black jacket).

     (She arranged her hair and her face,she put on a black skin boot,she pick up her phone from the bed then she pick up her blue hand bag from the bed,she opened the handbag then she kept her phone in the handbag,after that she hang the handbag on her shoulder, she looked at herself in the mirror then smiled)am all set to go(She said then smiled and walk towards the door,she opened it then went out of the room).

    Mom,am leaving(Tiya said as she walk downstairs)already?(Mrs Johnson asked from the living room,she was sitting down on the couch watching tv)Yes mom(Tiya replied) okay,hope you didnt forget your credit card (ATM)(Mrs Johnson asked)oh gosh,I  almost forgot about it(Tiya answered then rushed upstairs,she later came downstairs after some second) thanks mom(Tiya thanked her mom).

   I got your back(Mrs Johnson said then winkle at Tiya)mom!!(Tiya stressed and smiled)what?(Mrs Johnson asked)Am just saying(Mrs Johnson said then looked away) mom(Tiya called)yes(Mrs Johnson answered as she turn to face Tiya)do you of any cash to spare?(Tiya asked)huh I do(Mrs Johnson answered)but you have your credit card with you right?(Mrs Johnson asked).

   Yes i do(Tiya answered)so what do you need cash for?(Mrs Johnson asked)well,in case of anything,it's good to be prepare (Tiya answered)you are right,give me a sec(Mrs Johnson said then got up from the couch,she went upstairs,she came downstairs after some a minute)here(Mrs Johnson said as she hand over the money to Tiya)Thanks mom(Tiya thanked her) Have fun(Mrs Johnson said then sat down) you too mom (Tiya said)don't stay out too  late(Mrs Johnson said)sure mom(Tiya said as she open the door and left).

                     AT THE PARK

      (Justin was already at the park,he was waiting for Tiya who has not yet arrived,he was standing in front of the park gate,he put his hand on his pocket and brought out his phone,he dialed Tiya's number)hello (justin said after Tiya answered the call)am sorry (Tiya apologize quickly)I will soon be there (Tiya added as she got down from the bus then she started running towards the park gate).

    Am here(Tiya said still on the call waving at Justin then she stopped running and she was breathing heavily,Justin smiled and ended the call,he walk to meet her)Am sorry for keeping you waiting(Tiya apologize)it's alright(Justin said as he ruffled her hair)thanks(Tiya said) shall we?(justin asked)yeah(Tiya answered then they entered).

      (Justin was staring at Tiya while they were walking)so where would you like to go to?(Tiya asked)hmm...let me see(Justin said as he place his right hand on his jaw)oh the roller coaster(Justin answered then smiled after thinking for some time)sure,lets go then (Tiya said then they find their way to the roller coaster,Tiya made the payment,after that they got in).

   Wow!wow!(Tiya and Justin both screamed out cheerfully)this is amazing!!(Tiya shouted then started laughing) wow!!(Tiya screamed again,justin smiled then looked at her)let me (Justin said as he removed Tiya's hair that was near her eyes,Tiya started to blush)oh it has ended(Tiya said then jumped down from the roller coaster)here you go(the boy who put on the roller coaster said as he gives Justin a photo)thanks(Justin said as he collected the photo).

    (Justin looked at the photo then smiled,it was a photo of him and Tiya on the roller coaster)let me see(Tiya said then Justin showed her the photo)Wow pretty(Tiya said as she put her both hands on her cheek)I will keep it(Justinsaid)are you serious?(Tiya asked)do I look like someone who is not serious?(Justin answered her question by asking her a question).

     Not really(Tiya answered)then it's settled (Justin said as he took his wallet from his back pocket,he opened the wallet and put the photo inside)it is safe here(Justin said as he keep the wallet in his back pocket) let's go (justin added)right this way(Tiya said then they started walking,they walked for a long time,seeing a lot of fun activities).

    Oh,is that what I think it is?!(Tiya screamed asking)what is that?(Justin asked)burgers!!(Tiya answered pointing at the burgers truck) burger,that's alright(Justin said with a smile and they were about to take a step to the burgers truck when something cut his attention)wait(Justin said then Tiya stopped, she turn to face him).

What is it?(Tiya asked)what is that?(Justin asked pointing to a blue and pink truck)oh,that is cotton candy(Tiya answered) cotton candy?(Justin asked)yeah(Tiya answered again)do you want it?(Tiya asked) not really(Justin lied)hmm,lie, you can't lie to me(Tiya said pointing at his face)Am not....(Justin tried to denial it) stop,just say the truth(Tiya insisted with a sad expression).

   You are right(justin said as he ruffled Tiya's hair)i was not being truthful(Justin added)so you want it?(Tiya said as her face lightened up)yes(Justin answered then smiled)I knew it(Tiya said)wait here,i will be right back(Tiya added then went to the cotton candy truck) good afternoon sir(Tiya greeted the man selling the cotton candy)good afternoon dear(the man replied).

      Can I get two cotton candy?(Tiya asked) yes of course(the man replied with a smile) what colour would you like to have?(the man asked then Tiya turned to face Justin,she smiled then turned to face the man)I would like to have a blue and pink cotton candy(Tiya answered then gave the man her credit card) here you go(the man said then gave Tiya the cotton candy)thanks(Tiya replied).

      Thanks(the man said as he hand over the credit card to Tiya)you are welcome (Tiya said with a smile on her face,then she left to meet Justin)here,have this one(Tiya said handing over the blue cotton candy to Justin, Justin took it from her then they both put it in their mouth,Tiya smiled)how is it?(Tiya asked)really tasty(Justin replied)I must confess,I have never tasted anything like this before(Justin said as he put the cotton candy in his mouth again).

       You are not serious(Tiya said and started laughing)you are really funny(Tiya said)but it's not a joke(Justin said then Tiya looked at his face)you are serious?(Tiya asked then Justin chuckled)yes I am(Justin said then looked up then looked at Tiya and smiled)the only things I have tasted is chocolate chips, chocolates,cookies, cupcakes,cakes and other expansive snacks worth 3000 dollars each(Justin said).

      (Tiya's mouth and eyes were opened on hearing the amount)what!!..three thousand dollars!!(Tiya shouted then Justin quickly closed her mouth with his hand because she was loud and he don't want to draw attention to himself,then a romantic fiddle music's started playing in the background(this magic moment by the drifters)they both started staring at each other).