
such a great surprise

(They both started staring at each)you look good(a woman who was passing said after seeing them staring at each other for about a minute)hmm(Justin said then remove his hand from her mouth)wow,you two look good together(the woman said wearing a smile)oh no ma,we are not a couple(Tiya said).

   Really??(the woman asked then she laugh and left,Justin smiled as the woman left) arch,lets go to the burgers truck(Tiya said) alright,after you(Justin said,Tiya smiled then lead the way,Justin followed her,he was just smiling all the way).


                     TIYA'S HOUSE 

    (Mrs Johnson was in the living room, watching tv when she heard a knock on the door)who could that be?(Mrs Johnson asked herself as she got up from the couch)Am coming(Mrs Johnson said after the person knocked the second time,she went and opened the door)oh it's you,Mr Donald(Mrs Johnson said after she had opened the door).

      How are you?(Mr Donald asked)am fine (Mrs Johnson answered then smiled) please do come in(Mrs Johnson said)Am sorry(Mr Donald apologize as he entered into the house)for what exactly?(Mrs Johnson asked) for coming much earlier than the time(Mr Donald said)it's alright,there is no need for any apologize(Mrs Johnson said).

       Please have your seat(Mrs Johnson said after entering the living room)thanks(Mr Donald said as he sat down)so what can I offer you?(Mrs Johnson asked) nothing,am fine(Mr Donald replied)no,you must have something(Mrs Johnson said)I know(Mrs Johnson added then went to the kitchen and came back with a can of yogurt).

    Please have this(Mrs Johnson said)thanks (Mr Donald said as he collected the can of yogurt from her and smiled)I know it's little (Mrs Johnson said)no it's perfect (Mr Donald said)thanks(Mrs Johnson replied)please excuse me,I will just get dress and come(Mrs Johnson said then went upstairs and after about ten minutes she came out).

      Sorry,if I took long(Mrs Johnson apologize as she walk downstairs,Mr Donald got up on hearing her voice,so he turned to the stairs and saw her,he started staring at her(she was putting on a red shirt and black skirt with red heels and a black purse)Mr Donald!!! Mr Donald!!(Mrs Johnson called out,she was now standing in front of him).

     Hmm,oh yes(Mr Donald said)I said am sorry(Mrs Johnson said)there is no need for you to be sorry(Mr Donald said then Mrs Johnson chuckled and smiled)well you look gorgeous(Mr Donald said)thanks(Mrs Johnson said)but you know that you don't need to say it,if you don't want to(Mrs Johnson added)well,I mean it(Mr Donald said).

      And try to forget why we are doing this and just see it as...nor..mal date(Mr Donald said)what?(Mrs Johnson asked)never mind (Mr Donald said then Mrs Johnson smiled) let's go(Mr Donald said as he stretched out his hand then Mrs Johnson place her hand on his hand and they both came out of the house,they came out of the gate and got into the car then the driver drove away).

   Where are we going to?(Mrs Johnson asked)it's a surprise(Mr Donald answered) what kind of surprise could that be?(Mrs Johnson asked herself)okay,I can't wait to see it(Mrs Johnson said then smiled,they drove for about 45 minutes before they arrived at a beautiful gate,the driver drove pass the gate then packed the car at the packing lounge).

        (Mr Donald came down from the car and lend a helping hand to Mrs Johnson)wow!!sky loung(Mrs Johnson said on seeing the sign board)surprise!(Mr Donald said)great,I am greatly surprise(Mrs Johnson said)thanks for the surprise(Mrs Johnson added then placed her right hand on Mr Donald's shoulder,Mr Donald smiled after glaring at her).

    Lets go in(Mr Donald said then they went into the restaurant)have your seat(Mr Donald said as he pull the chair backwards, then Mrs Johnson sat down and Mr Donald push it forward)thanks(Mrs Johnson said)it's nothing (Mr Donald said then went to sit down,he collected the menu,he gave one of the menu to Mrs Johnson)no need,please order for both of us(Mrs Johnson said).

     Alright,if you say so(Mr Donald said then looked at the menu,he rises up his right hand, to get the attention of a waiter,the waiter came)yes sir,what can I get you?(the waiter asked)we will have meat bake,huvevous rancheros,pudding,chicken pie,dumplings, pork fries with champagne and purple Rim-job(Mr Donald said).

   Right away sir(the waiter said and left) isn't the order much?(Mrs Johnson asked)I don't think so(Mr Donald answered,after a few minutes,three other waiter came with some trays)enjoy your meal(one of the waiters said after they had drop the trays on the table) thanks(Mrs Johnson said then the waiters left)please eat(Mr Donald said then Mrs Johnson started eating).

    I heard you own a beautiful and big restaurant(Mr Donald said)ha ha It's just my source of income and beside its not that big (Mrs Johnson laugh and said)then it's beautiful?(Mr Donald asked)a little(Mrs Johnson replied)you are like a business woman(Mr Donald said then Mrs Johnson smiled)you know right?(Mr Donald asked) not really(Mrs Johnson answered).

   I didn't even thought of it(Mrs johnson said)you better start thinking of it now(Mr Donald said)you are a business woman,you are as rich as those working in a company (Mr Donald said)and I tell you,you may even be more richer than them(Mr Donald  added) you are joking(Mrs Johnson said) am serious, ones not only rich when he or she has materials things or wealth(Mr Donald said).

    Having a good character,being able to rise a lovely daughter,being able to fend for her, that us richest and nothing on earth can compare this(Mr Donald added then Mrs Johnson smiled)thanks for those words(Mrs Johnson said)don't every forget what I have just said (Mr Donald said)I wont,I will always keep it in my heart,thanks again(Mrs Johnson said then they continue eating).