
All hope is not gone(job hunting 2)


  (Mrs Johnson came out of her room,she went downstairs then she went to the dinning room,the table was already well  set)so,how was your job hunting?(Mrs Johnson asked as she sat down)bad(Tiya answered).

      They were not looking for a part-time worker(Tiya added,Mrs Johnson got up and went to the kitchen,she later came back with a plate)Why don't you start with this (Mrs Johnson said as she sat down then dropped the plate on the table).

    What is this?(Tiya asked as she open the plate)wow!mom,spag(Tiya screamed excitedly)yes dear,I made it just the way  you like it(that is diced carrots,green beans and meat with chopped tomatoes and fish) Mrs Johnson said wearing a smile)thanks mom (tiya replied).

Don't worry,you will get a job soon(mom said)but make sure you collect any poster of any job you see on the road(Mrs  Johnson added as she eat her food)gosh,I almost forgot(Tiya said and got up from the dinning chair,she went to her room).

    After some minutes,she came back with her phone and the poster(from the bus station)talking about posters,i saw this at the bus station(Tiya said)I had forgotten about it already(Tiya added as she sat down).

What kind of a job is it?(Mrs Johnson asked)that didn't say,they just wrote a number (Tiya said staring at the poster)well, call the number,let's see(Mrs Johnson said,Tiya dialed the number on the poster and a woman answered the call).

       Hello(the woman said,the voice was soft and gentle but it sounded like an old woman's voice)good evening mam(Tiya greeted)good evening(the woman replied) how can I be of help?(the woman asked).

Well mam,I saw a poster that they wrote job opportunity,this number was written in the poster,that is why I called)oh!that,no problem, I will send you the house address (the woman said)okay ma(Tiya replied)you can come tomorrow(the woman said).

      Alright mam,by what time?(Tiya asked politely)hmm,by 9:30am(the woman replied) okay mam,thank you(Tiya said and the call was ended)what did the person say?(Mrs Johnson asked as Tiya dropped the phone, Tiya got up).

       She said I should come tomorrow(Tiya answered almost jumping)really?(Mrs Johnson asked excitedly)yes mom,I hope she gives me the job(Tiya said wearing a smile on her face)but how will you get to the place, when you don't even know the place?(Mrs Johnson asked).

     She said she will send the address to me (Tiya answered,then a message entered her phone,she picked her phone from the dinning table,she looked at it and smiled) mom,she has sent it(Tiya said to her mom, who was already heading to the kitchen).

      That's great tiya(Mrs Johnson said)so where is the place located?(Mrs Johnson asked)it is in morning bloom,house 114,hmm, I haven't heard of this place before(Tiya said).

   Why don't you confirm from your sister,I mean Sofia(Mrs Johnson said) anyone,be it a sister or sofia(Tiya said and smiled)but you are right(Tiya added then unlocked her phone then she called sofia).