
young master's cute and precious little wife

Huang zhilan, the young miss of the huang family and Gu junjie, the ony young master of the Gu family. these two people know each other and Gu junjie also take care of huang zhilan after her parents pased away with her brother. they only get to know each other's feeligs after a traumatising incident happened (which is in the first chapter). read the story of a girl that always take note of her actions suddenly become a possessive and lazy wife!

lil_winker · Urban
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39 Chs

Chapter 36 shameless brother

Now, the atmosphere have dropped and no one dared to speak because they know that this person was reslly seeking death. He have not only offended gu junjie but also huang zhilan! Didn't he know that huang zhilan's talent was more than a talent?

The huang corporation continue to rise because of her quick critical thinking skills and know how to attack her opponent at its weak points. Did he said that huang zhilan actually didn't have any talent? But his words were directed to both huang zhilan and huang peizhi so he actually meant that huang peizhi didn't have any talent despite his position as the president? Is this person want to die early?

Huang zhilan was unbothered but her words were cold and make the person's face red in embarrassment. "So what if he let his privacy and work mixed up? Director Liu, your private and work life is not good either and you have the guts to say I don't have any talent and Gu junjie chose me because I'm huang peizhi's sister? "

The man called Director Liu gritted his teeth. But he couldn't defend himself anymore when huang zhilan continued her words.

"Director liu, if you want to say that I don't have any talent, are you implying that what I have did for the Huang corporation was all not my efforts? If the projects that I have successfully did and gained money was not my achievements? Director Liu, you should just focus on your own talent that only liked to view short-skirted women".

Gu junjie looked at huang zhilan who looked at Director liu with cold smile hanging on her sexy lips. Her sharp-tongued attitude really didn't changed. Ahh, his girl is just so amazing She never let anyone belittle her and even defended him at the same time

'How sweet'

And huang zhilan who coincidentally glanced at gu junjie saw him mumbling that. She could decipher what his mumbling and instantly diverted her gaze.

This man! She was protecting his integrity yet look at him! Seducing her!

However there's no way huang zhilan was not smiling after he did that thus a smile formed but to everyone it was a cold smirk which make them shudder.

Why is she smiling for?! She always frighten them!

Huang peizhi didn't look at her sister and looked straight on Director liu. He admit that he was very idle but he will not be idle when a person said that every ahievements he have got today was not from his efforts. "Director liu, I won't say much because I'm more inclined to actions speak louder than words".

The moment he said so, Director Liu's pale face turned more paler. Huang peizhi have killed many people but the police force just didn't have any evidence to say that it was his actions but everyone in the business world know that because they also have witness him killing someone. Director liu, of course, valued his life more than his company.

Gu junjie glanced at huang peizhi, "if you want so, don't do it in my place please. I don't want to clean your mess again".

Assistant He who saw the situation have turned to this state, he sighed. he cursed that damn old man liu and toom a deep rrath before clearing his throat. "ehem, everyone. the company have chose the partner and the rest representatives can go back to their own comlanies now. thank you for coming".

Director Liu who was still red from the embrassment was the firdt to stand up. He walked out with heavy strudes in anger and the rest followed hin shortly. soon enough, only the huang siblings, gu junjie and their assistants were left in the room.

"brother, control yourself. though he is insulting us, it's also our fault for getting the partnerships using me," Huang zhilan shot her brother a glare.

Huang peizhi frowned, "what do you mean by using you? it's ny brain who think of this. I also worked hard".

and so, everyone was speechless.

how can he be so shameless?!


guys hello!!!

I'm really really sorryy!!

I have updated this chapter yesterday but somehow it got deleted and as you see earlier there's a 'no title' chapter. I'm so sorryy!!!