
Time to show them who Asher Eclipse is, (gone wrong.)

As Superboy was the first to take action, he lunged forward with a speed that was nothing short of remarkable, and the room erupted into chaos. Bat-shaped projectiles whizzed through the air, following in Superboy's wake. Asher, observing the team's readiness for battle, realised he needed to assert his own strength.

Asher Eclipse couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and amusement as he observed the situation unfold around him. It was a classic scenario, a hallmark of the DC universe's dynamics, where actions often preceded understanding and patience. "They're always so quick to leap into action, never pausing to hear someone out," Asher mused internally, his thoughts laced with irony.

It irked him that this pattern of impulsive behaviour, especially when juxtaposed with his own preference for calculated and thoughtful actions,. "It's always about acting first and listening later; only they do not do this when it's beneficial—like during a villain's grandiose monologue. How typical," he thought, a wry smile playing on his lips.

In this particular instance, Asher found himself inadvertently in the role of the misunderstood intruder, thanks to Batman's strategic absence. Batman, the one who was supposed to vouch for him and ease his integration into this group of young heroes, had chosen to remain a shadowy observer, leaving Asher to fend for himself amidst a sea of suspicion.

"This must be some sort of test," Asher concluded, his crimson eyes scanning the room, taking in the postures of readiness and suspicion from the team. "A test of how I handle conflict and misunderstanding. Well, two can play at this game."

Asher's vampire nature thrived in such high-pressure situations, where every move and word could tip the scales. He knew he had to tread carefully—too strong a show of force could confirm their misgivings about him, and too weak a response could undermine his position.

With a deep, silent sigh, Asher prepared to assert himself, not as a threat but as an enigmatic new team player in this complex tapestry of young heroes, misunderstandings, and strategic gambits. His stance was calm yet assertive, and his expression was a careful blend of openness and reserve.

"I suppose it's time to show them who Asher Eclipse really is," he thought the only way to fix this is to beat the ever-living daylight out of them. In moderation, of course, all these thoughts took place in less than a second.

As Superboy lunged towards him, Asher read the trajectory with ease, his supernatural agility on full display. With a fluid, almost balletic movement, he sidestepped to the right. Superboy's momentum, unrestrained and unguided, carried him past Asher and into the wall with a resounding crash. The maneuver was a perfect blend of grace and precision, a testament to Asher's vampiric reflexes and spatial awareness.

Next came the bat-shaped projectiles, hurtling through the air with lethal intent. Asher, rooted to the spot, presented an image of serene confidence. The projectiles struck an invisible barrier, dropping harmlessly to the ground. Further attempts – explosions, electrical charges – all met the same fate, dissolving against Asher's impervious form. His nullification field, an invisible shield of vampiric energy, rendered their efforts futile.

The team, seizing the momentary distraction caused by the explosions, moved to encircle Asher. They closed in, confident in their numbers and the coordination of their attack. However, Asher's crimson gaze swept over them, a spark of challenge flickering within. He stood at the epicenter, unflinching, an enigmatic figure shrouded in power and mystery.

In this standoff, Asher's intention was not to escalate the conflict but to assert his formidable nature. He wanted to convey that he was not an adversary to be taken lightly, yet he held no malice towards them. It was a delicate balance, one that required finesse and an understanding of the fine line between demonstration and aggression. The room, charged with tension and uncertainty, waited for his next move, the outcome of this encounter hanging in a delicate balance.

Asher P.O.V

In the swirling haze of the battle, a realization dawned on me. I knew precisely who to target first, drawing upon my accumulated knowledge. I took a deep breath, allowing the smoke to rush into my lungs, yet a curious freshness lingered on my tongue. This air, unlike the oppressive atmosphere of Gotham, was pure, enriched by the unspoiled nature surrounding the mountain. Suddenly, amidst the chaos, a sweet scent captivated my senses – a fragrance so pristine and untainted, devoid of any pollution or artificiality.

I couldn't see my own expression, but I felt an overwhelming hunger, a burning desire within me. It was an insatiable yearning, lust to indulge in the exquisite cuisine that lay before me, so tantalizingly close. My usually calm heartbeat accelerated, echoing loudly within my chest. For the first time in this new existence, I felt truly, DEEPLY ALIVE!!!

The blood of every being on this island called out to me, each unique pulse a symphony to my heightened senses, I was having a sensory overload. My control wavered; I yearned to taste every last drop. Suddenly, a familiar scent, a reminder of Gotham's tainted air, infiltrated my nostrils. A growl, animalistic and fierce, escaped me before I could register it. I was overwhelmed by an array of flavours and emotions, magnified beyond anything I had previously experienced. A profound loathing, unlike any other, consumed me.


Fuelled by this intense hatred, I surged forward at an astonishing speed, targeting the source of the detestable scent. The scent that haunted me, that I abhorred above all else, had to be eradicated.

Aqualad's Perspective

As Superboy launched himself at the enigmatic Figure, M'gann quickly established a telepathic link amongst us, courtesy of Robin's rapid strategizing. We moved in unison, a coordinated effort to encircle the intruder who had breached our sanctum.

Navigating through the thickening smoke was a challenge, but M'gann's mental map was a beacon in the haze, guiding each of us with precision. The tense air vibrated with the muffled sounds of confrontation. Suddenly, a series of pained exclamations pierced through the smog. "ARGHH!" The cries were disconcerting, a sign that our plan was unraveling.

Frantically, I reached out to my teammates telepathically, "Talk to me, guys, what's happening out there?" There was a pause, filled with the crackling of the smoke and the muted thuds of combat.

Kid Flash's voice crackled through the link, tinged with confusion and urgency. "I don't know, man, it's like he can see right through this smoke. He's already taken down Robin, and I've been trying to get to him, but I should clear up the—" His sentence was abruptly cut off by another cry of pain, his voice joining the chorus of our struggling teammates.

A moment of hesitation gripped me. The plan to regroup seemed the only logical step, but before I could turn back, a shadow loomed out of the smoke. Its form was indistinct, but the menace was unmistakable. In that split second of realization, a cold hand of dread clutched at my heart. Then, all was consumed by an enveloping darkness, and I knew no more.

General P.O.V

In the world of Gotham and its dark tales, Batman stands as a figure shrouded in mystery and resolve. To those well-versed in the lore of DC, the notion of Batman, the ever-composed Dark Knight, betraying any flicker of emotion is unthinkable. His stoic facade is as iconic as his emblematic cowl. However, for the uninitiated who haven't delved into the depths of his layered story, one that has been retold and explored in countless narratives, it's a revelation waiting to be discovered.

Batman's persona is etched from the harrowing tragedy of his childhood. Witnessing the brutal murder of his parents not only scarred him but also kindled a burning desire for vengeance. This singular event set him on a path of rigorous training across various disciplines, moulding him into a formidable force. With each challenge he faced, each mistake he rectified, Batman forged his identity as Gotham's guardian – a symbol of fear for the wicked and hope for the innocent.

Yet, in this moment, an expression of sheer shock and confusion etches across his normally impassive face. It's a rare glimpse into the emotional turmoil that he usually keeps meticulously hidden beneath his cowl. The situation unfolding before him has pierced through his armoured composure.

Superman's voice, usually calm and measured, now resonates with a tone of urgency and disbelief. "How could this happen!!!" he exclaims, his words echoing through the cavernous space of the Batcave. The usually unshakeable Man of Steel is visibly shaken, his eyes searching Batman's for answers.

Around them, the air is heavy with tension, a tangible undercurrent of disbelief and concern threading through the assembled heroes. Each of them, from the fastest man alive to the Amazonian warrior, is grappling with the unfolding events. The Justice League, a coalition of Earth's mightiest, finds themselves at a rare loss – questioning, doubting, trying to piece together the puzzle.

Batman, recovering from his initial shock, adjusts his stance. His mind, a whirlwind of strategies and scenarios, begins to work overtime. He's analyzing, deducing, trying to make sense of the chaos. His gaze shifts from Superman to the monitors displaying myriad feeds – each one a different piece of the enigma they're desperately trying to solve.

The room falls into a tense silence, every hero waiting for Batman's assessment, his guidance. In times of uncertainty, they often turn to him, the master tactician, for clarity. But even the Dark Knight seems to be grappling with the magnitude of the situation.

Superman steps forward, placing a hand on Batman's shoulder. It's a rare gesture, acknowledging the weight of the moment and the need for unity. "We need to understand what's happened, Bruce. We need to act," he says, his voice now steadier, a beacon of leadership.

Batman nods slowly, his mind already racing through possible solutions. "I'll need to access all available data, cross-reference with our intelligence. We might have overlooked something crucial," he states, his voice regaining its usual commanding tone. He turns towards the Batcomputer, his fingers flying over the keyboard, bringing up screens filled with data and some live footage in rooms that look like-.

(A/N: You guys are killing it with the power stones, we are officially moving into the rankings, this chapter makes 15k words, lets make it to the top 10!!)

(A/N: Almost forgot, 70/70 stones for next chapter.)

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