
Justice league intervenes

"Oh oh, someone's pissed" Remarked the flash.

On the monitor, the scene shifted abruptly. Asher, hiding no intention of equality in his action, vanished from sight, only to reappear in an instant beside Supergirl. With a predator's focus, he unleashed a punch that carried the weight of his supernatural strength, expecting to divide his adversary in twain. The force of the blow sent a palpable shockwave through the air, a testament to the brute force behind it. Asher's face twisted into a savage grin, eyes alight with the anticipation of victory. However, as he looked up, eager to witness the aftermath of his attack, his grin slowly faded into disbelief. Supergirl stood unharmed, regarding him with a look that mingled curiosity with mild annoyance.

The blow to his pride was immediate and cutting. In the wild dance of predator and prey, to have one's attack so effortlessly dismissed was akin to the ultimate insult. For a moment, Asher's predatory confidence wavered, caught between frustration and the realization of his underestimation. This moment of internal turmoil was shattered by an instinctive alert to impending danger. Without a second's hesitation, he vanished once more, appearing behind Powergirl. His movements were a blur, driven by a desperate need to reclaim his dominance. With no time to waste, he aimed to sink his fangs into her, anticipating the taste of victory.

But fate, it seemed, had a cruel twist in store. Crack—the sound, unmistakable and chilling, reverberated through the Batcave's speakers. Asher's fangs, those unbreakable tools of the hunt, had snapped upon contact with Powergirl's invulnerable skin. The sound, crisp and final, marked not just the failure of his attack but the shattering of his expectations. The room fell silent, every eye fixed on the screen, witnessing the moment Asher Eclipse, the fearsome predator, encountered a prey unlike any other.

In the shadowed confines of the Batcave, the Justice League members were glued to the screens, a collective disbelief hanging heavily in the air. Superman, his voice laced with confusion, broke the silence. "What? How come that happened?" The scene unfolding before them defied all expectations.

Asher's primal growl of frustration echoed through the chamber, a raw sound of pain and anger as he clutched at his mouth, the remnants of his broken fangs a testament to his failed attack. That brief moment of vulnerability was all Powergirl needed. With a swift motion powered by her Kryptonian strength, she delivered a punch that resonated with the force of a meteor impact, that ruptured his inside and sent him flying. 

Asher was sent careening across the room, his body a blur of motion as he ricocheted off the ground before coming to an abrupt halt against the wall. The force of her punch not only cleared the lingering smoke but also sent a clear message of her formidable power.

Supergirl's voice, tinged with alarm, cut through the tense atmosphere. "What have you done!?" Her superhearing, usually a source of reassurance, now confirmed her worst fears. "I can't hear a heartbeat," she announced, her concern palpable in the silent room.

Powergirl, caught between justification and worry, responded defensively, "He was trying to kill us! And he tried to bite me!!" Her voice was a mix of anger and guilt. Despite her defensive stance, the underlying concern for her companions shone through, her gaze flicking towards them in search of reassurance.

"How is he doing?" she inquired, turning her attention to Zatanna, as she swiftly moved to assess the situation. The magi's presence brought a calm efficiency to the chaos, her spells ready to mend what physical strength could not. The room held its breath, waiting for signs of life, for a heartbeat, for any indication that the clash of titans had not ended in tragedy.

"He will be fine he just needs some rest" Zatanna responded, Zatanna's words brought a collective sigh of relief through the room, though the atmosphere remained tense with the aftermath of the confrontation. Supergirl, visibly shaken by the fatal outcome, shifted her focus as the rest of the team members made their entrance. 

the other team members arrived, some were panicked seeing all the blood on Aqualad, others shocked that the beast was killed, more were even more shocked seeing their resident speedster looking like he had been sucked dry, while robin looks exhausted, the red hand print on his neck spoke volumes.

"We need to get these three to the medical bay, and someone needs to contact the League," Wondergirl stated firmly, taking charge of the situation. Her demeanor reflected her upbringing as a warrior, accustomed to the harsh realities of battle. Death, while never easy, was not unfamiliar to her, and the nature of their adversary, a "man" who had posed a significant threat, tempered her response, it was so typical of these types of men.

The team's immediate priority was clear: ensure the well-being of their injured comrades and seek guidance from the League on how to proceed in the wake of such an unexpected and violent encounter. 

As the team sprung into action, dividing responsibilities with precision born of training and necessity, the atmosphere in the room was one of hurried concern, each member focused on the task at hand. Blue Beetle and Artemis, with their mission clear, hastened to establish communication with the Justice League, relaying the urgency of the situation. Wondergirl and Supergirl, meanwhile, took charge of ensuring Robin and Kid Flash's safety, their movements swift and determined as they prepared to transport their teammates to the medical bay. Zatanna, accompanied by Beast Boy, carefully monitored Aqualad's condition, ready to intervene should his state worsen during transit.

Amidst the flurry of activity, Raven remained still, her presence almost ethereal against the backdrop of commotion. She had observed the conflict unfold with a growing sense of unease, her instincts telling her that Asher Eclipse was not the enemy/intruder Robin and Superboy perceived. Despite her desire to intervene, to voice the lack of malice she sensed, circumstances had prevented her. Now, with the team mobilizing around her, she sought answers to the question that gnawed at her: why had she hesitated? what was she sensing?

floating slowly towards Asher, the feeling she felt before was even more denser the closer she came, suddenly she felt an emotion from Asher, Raven spun, her movements languid as if moving through viscous air, her voice a warning to her teammates: "HE IS NOT DEAD!" But her alert came too late. Asher's form blurred, reappearing with startling speed behind Powergirl once more. The turn of heads towards the scene was painfully slow compared to Asher's lightning movements, highlighting the chasm between their perception of time and his.

In a moment charged with a mix of horror and disbelief, Asher Eclipse acted with a predator's precision. The room, previously a hub of coordinated activity, descended into chaos as Asher's new fangs found their mark in Powergirl's neck. The blood, unique and potent, rushed into Asher's mouth, a taste unparalleled, fueling his dark hunger even further.

The outcry that followed was a cacophony of emotions—rage, shock, worry—all converging into a singular focus towards Asher. "POWERGIRL!!!" Their voices melded into one, a collective scream that punctuated the air with its intensity.

Without hesitation, the team sprang into action, driven by a blend of protective instinct and a surge of collective purpose. Each member, despite their shock, was united in their resolve to intervene, their movements a testament to their training and bond. The urgency of the moment propelled them forward, each step fueled by the need to protect one of their own from the unforeseen threat Asher posed.

As the room bristled with the imminent clash, a loud chime resonated through the chaos, arresting the attention of everyone present. The sound, mechanical and precise, was the call of the Watchtower's AI, announcing arrivals: [B.0.1 Superman, B.0.2 Wonder Woman, B.0.3 Aquaman, B.0.4 Green Lantern, B.0.5 Martian Manhunter.]

This announcement marked a pivotal shift in the atmosphere. The tension, previously thick with the anticipation of confrontation, was suddenly cut through by a wave of relief and expectation. The members of Young Justice, poised for action a moment ago, were enveloped in a glow of light, signaling the activation of a boom tube—a sophisticated means of teleportation exclusive to the League and its allies.

This emergency measure, a contingency plan devised by the ever-prepared Batman, had been entrusted to Robin for moments of dire need. The activation of the boom tube, seamlessly executed by Robin with a press of a second button on his utility belt, was a testament to the trust Batman placed in his protégé and the foresight he had for his team's safety.

In an instant, the dynamic battlefield was emptied, leaving behind a silence that spoke volumes of the swift action taken to safeguard the young heroes. This strategic retreat, while abrupt, underscored the importance of preserving their well-being in the face of an unpredictable and potentially deadly threat.

Back in the safety of the Batcave, the Young Justice team would find themselves regrouping, taking stock of the events that had unfolded so rapidly.

In the Batcave, concern hung heavy amidst the hum of medical equipment and the glow of various screens. Black Canary, ever the counselor, led a discussion with the walking wounded, dissecting the unexpected encounter and assessing their emotional state. Their faces, etched with a mix of fatigue and determination, reflected the mental toll the battle had taken.

Across another screen, a lighter scene unfolded. Where Wally West, known as Kid Flash, a blur of motion, devoured a mountain of food, his hyperactive metabolism fueling his insatiable hunger. Laughter crackled through the room, a welcome reprieve from the tension.

Yet, all eyes ultimately returned to Kaldur'ahm, Aqualad's pale form barely visible beneath the medical equipment. His stable but critical condition served as a stark reminder of the fight's brutality. His injuries, like silent whispers, spoke of the risks they all shouldered.

It was within this solemn context that the Justice League members, those who had not been present at the scene of conflict, turned their gaze to the central monitor. Batman, with a few keystrokes, initiated the playback of the day's events at Mount Justice. 

Asher, his taste buds buzzing with the intoxicating blood of Powergirl, was consumed by a fury he'd never known. THREE TIMES they'd snatched his prey! A primal roar, raw and deafening, shook the very foundations of the island. Fresh quarry had arrived, and his hunger gnawed even deeper. Blood, familiar and potent, drew him like a beacon. In a blur of motion, he vanished.

He materialized before Superman, fist aimed like a meteor. This time, the Man of Steel stumbled back five staggering steps. Disbelief etched across Superman's face. Even Batman, ever the stoic, couldn't mask his surprise. After all, Asher's previous blow barely fazed Powergirl. Was it rage fueling his strength? The Dark Knight's brow furrowed, a sliver of unease creeping in.

"Did he just get stronger?" Questioned superman in the batcave watching the monitor more intensely, even batman looked a bit stunned, after all his punch did nothing against Supergirl, making this sudden escalation in strength both baffling and alarming, is it the increased rage he felt that caused his increase in strength? batman question...slowly his face began to lose some colour.

Constantine, leaning back with a weary sigh, muttered, "Got a nasty feeling you lot won't like this, but...our vampiric pal here might be getting stronger with every sip." His face, already etched with lines, seemed to deepen in concern.

Batman, his expression darkening, contemplated the grave possibility. 'Is he gaining aspects of the blood he drinks?' The thought was a cold splash of reality, hinting at a power that could redefine the nature of their struggle.

(A/N: 0/100 power stones for next chapter,

Hey everyone!

First things first, the next chapter won't magically unlock with Power Stones this time. There might be a slight delay because I have some things going on IRL.

BUT! Don't worry, I'm still fully committed to getting you guys the next part of the story. I'm working hard to have it out on time, and if anything throws a wrench in the plans, I'll definitely post something, even if it's a shorter update or a fun sneak peek.

As always, thanks for your patience and support! You guys are the best!)

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