

"Time runs short, you must awaken, you must awaken NOW!" The mystery man's voice said. The four sidekicks woke up after hearing the voice. Superboy was just staring at them. "What? What do you want?" Kid Flash said. Superboy just stared at the four. "Quit staring, you're creeping me out" Kid flash demanded. "Uh, KF, how about we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look?" Robin said to the angry speedster.

"Sapphire, can you use your ring to get yourself out?" Aqualad asked. "No, I can not, something seems to be blocking my concentration," Sapphire said trying to use her ring. "It's probably the thing on your head," Robin said. "We only sought to help you," Aqualad said. "Dude, we free you, and you turn on us, how's that for grati-?" Kid Flash said right after Aqualad. "Kid, please, be quiet now, I believe our new friend was not in full control of his actions" Aqualad defined. "What if I… Hmm. What if I wasn't" Superboy said.

"He can talk?" Kid Flash asked. "Yes, he can," Superboy said felching his fist. Three looked at Kid Flash. "Not like I said 'it'" Kid Flash said. "The xenomorphs taught you telepathically," Aqualad said. "They taught me much, I can read, write. I know the names of things" Superboy said. "But have you seen them?" Sapphire asked. "Have they ever actually let you see the sky or the sun?" Robin added.

"Images are implanted in my mind, but, no, I have not seen them," Superboy said looking down. "Do you know what you are? Who you are?" Aqualad asked. "I am the Superboy, a xenomorph, A clone made from the DNA of the Superman, created to replace him should he perish, to destroy him should he turn from the light" Superboy explained. The four looked at him in shock.

"To be like Superman is a worthy aspiration, but like Superman you deserve a life of your own," Aqualad said. "Beyond that solar suit, Beyond your pod, Beyond Campus" Aqualad added. "I live because of Cadmus, it is my home!" Superboy shouted. "Your home is a test tube, we can show you the sun," Robin said. "Actually, we have been here for quite some time," Sapphire said.

"Yeah, but we can show you the moon," Kid Flash said. "We can show you, introduced you to Superman," Aqualad said. "Heck one of us is a lantern, she can take you to the moon, but not the sun you know," Kid Flash said. Superboy's face loosened up when he heard that. "No, they can't," The scientist said. "They'll be otherwise occupied, activate the cloning process" Desmond commanded. "Pass, Batcaves crowded enough," Robin said jokingly. "And put the weapon back in its pod" Desmond demanded.

Guardian walked towards Superboy. "Hey, how come he gets to call Supey an "it" Kid Flash whined. Guardian put his hand on Superboy's shoulder. "Help us," Aqualad said. Superboy moved his shoulder from under Guardians hand. "Don't start thinking now" Desmond said, then a geno gnome jumped on Superboys shoulder. Then it's horns glowed red. "See, you're not a real boy, you're a weapon, and you belong to me. Well, to Cadmus, same thing" Desmond said.

"Now get back in your pod" He commanded. Superboy turned around and left the room. The assistant activated the cloning machine. The four started screaming in agony. "Where Dubbilex? Ooh! Ugh. Lurking as usual. Get the G-Gnomes downloading their memories, when that's done, delete the source material" Desmond commanded. But our four sidekicks were still in pain as DNA was being extradited from them.

"Superboy, you live" Aqualad whispered knowing Superboy could here. "That gives you the right to follow your own path, a weapon, or a person? The choice is yours. But ask yourself, what would Superman do?" Aqualad whispered. Superboy stopped in his tracks, he walked back to the cloning lab and broke off the door. When Superboy broke the door it stopped the extractor.

"I told you to get back to your-" Superboy pushed them all out of the way. "Don't give me orders" Superboy said bluntly, then looked at the four. "You here to help us or fry us?" Kid Flash asked. Superboy focused son Kid Flash. "Huh, I don't seem to have heat vision, so I suppose helping is my only option," Superboy said. Right after he said that Robin unlocked his cuffs. "Ugh, finally, luckily Batman isn't here. He'd have my head for being late" Robin said.

"Seriously? That's what you're worried about" Kid Flash asked. "The whole League will have our heads after tonight" Kid raised his voice. Robin went to the controls and pressed some buttons, opening the pods and turning off the thing on Sapphire's head. "Free Aqualad, I'll get Kid Mouth," Robin said. "Don't you give me order's either" Superboy said in anger then jumped towards Aqualad's pod.

"VL, you should be able to use your ring now," Robin said. Sapphire made two lock picks with her ring and used them to open the cuffs, then takes off the thing on her head. While the other two freed the others. Superboy broke the cuffs off of Aqualad lads wrists. "Thank you," Aqualad said to Superboy. Superboy nodded, once Robin freed Kid Flash the five ran out of the lab. "You…! You'll never get out of here, I'll have you back in pods before morning" Desmond yelled after them. "That guy is not whelmed, not whelmed at all" Robin said throwing his Birdarangs at the glasses of DNA.

"What is it with you and this "whelmed" thing?" Kid Flash said running off. As they ran the things on the wall glow red. "We are still 42 levels below ground, but if we can make the elevator-" Aqualad was cut off by xenomorphs blocking the way. When they looked back they saw something crawling out of them. The bigger xenomorphs tried to crush them but they moved in time.

They all charged through, but Superboy punched one in the face, but another on punched into the ground. The others got through smoothly without getting hurt. But stopped in shock seeing Superboy fighting the xenomorphs. "Superboy! The goal is to escape, not to bury ourselves here" Aqualad shouted. "You want to escape?!" Superboy yelled, then grabbed one of the Big xenomorphs and throw it at the other two.

Aqualad pride the doors opened. They looked down then up. Robin used his grappling hook kid flash leaped to the other side of the elevator. Sapphire flow and Superboy did the same. But after a couple of floors, he started falling. "I… I'm falling," Superboy said as he and he and Aqualad fell. Sapphire made a platform for them to land on. "Superman can fly, why can't I fly?" Superboy asked.

"Don't know, but you can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Still cool" Kid flash said looking on the bright side. "Thank you Superboy said. "Guys, this will have to be our exit," Robin said as the elevator was coming towards them. Superboy and Aqualad kicked the elevator doors open. The five got out of the way of the elevator. Soon xenomorphs on the floor found them and they ran. "Turn left, brother," a male voice said.

Superboy was confused by the voice in her head but decided to listen to it. "Go left. Left" Superboy said. "Turn right," a male voice said again. "Right" Superboy copied. When they turned right it was a dead end. "This is bad," Sapphire said. "Great directions, Supey. You're trying to get us re-podded?" Kid Flash said. "No, I don't understand," Superboy said. "Don't apologize, this is perfect" Robin said.

The five crawled through the vent. "At this rate, we'll never get out" Kid Flash complained. "Shh," Superboy Shushed. "Listen," Superboy said. The five heard chattering coming from the vents they were in.

with Desmond

"Someone, Robin, I'd wager, hacked our systems deactivating internal security cameras, but he neglected the motion sensors. Xenomorphs are closing in, they're all coming out in there" said Desmond running in the bathroom. But instead of the four heroes and Superboy, it was the xenomorphs in the vent. "Agh, he hacked the motion sensors," said Desmond

Back with heroes

"I hacked the motion sensors," Robin said. "Sweet" Kid commented. "Still plenty of them between us and out" Robin explained. "But I've finally got room to move," Kid flash said running up the stairs. When xenomorphs were in front of them he pushed them out of the way. "There are more behind us" Robin warned. Superboy turned around and stumped on the staircase and it fell. Then kept running.

The kid made it to the top but was stopped when the emergency door shut, causing him to crash into the door. "Oh, crud. Unh" Kid Flash said as he hit the wall. "We're cut off from the street," Aqualad stated. "Thanks, my head hadn't noticed," Kid said sarcastically. Superboy punched the door and tried to pry it open Aqualad tried to help. "Can't hack this fast enough," Robin said. Then the xenomorphs found.

Sapphire made a wall in front of the xenomorphs. "No use, I'll take too long," Robin said. Then he spotted a door.

"This way," Robin said kicking the door open the four followed, only to be faced with even more xenomorphs and Guardian. They were surrounded by xenomorphs. They readied themselves for a fight. All the G-Gnomes horns glowed red and Aqualad, Robin, Kid Flash, and Sapphire passed out, but Superboy only fell to his knees. "Perhaps, for the sake of all xenomorphs our brother Superboy should make up his own mind," said Dubbliex telepathically.

"It was you," Superboy said back. "Yes, brother, I set the fire and lured your new friends down into Cadmus, woke then when they were in danger." "And guided me, why?" Superboy asked. "Because you are our hope, the xenomorph hero, you will blaze a trail for all our brothers, showering us the way to freedom," Debbliex said. Soon Guardian came back to reality. "What's going on?" Guardian asked. The other four started regaining consciousness.

"What is your choice, brother?" Debbliex asked. "I choose freedom" Superboy answered. "Feels like a fog lifting," said Guardian. The unconscious heroes regained consciousness and stood up. "Guardian?" Aqualad asked. "Go, I'll deal with Desmond" Guardian said. "I think not," said Desmond. "Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to Cadmus," Desmond said and drank the substance that he was holding. Desmond started groaning in pain as his body started transforming.

His clothes started ripping his skin started peeling, his body period started growing. Once his transformation was done let out a roar. "Everyone, back" Guardian tried to attack Desmond but was side punched away. Superboy got angry and charged at Desmond, punching him in the face. Desmond jumped up and went through the ceiling with Superboy on top of him. "That's one way to bust through the ceiling," Robin said shooting his grappling hook.

"You think Lab Coat planned that?" Kid Flash said grabbing onto Robin. "I doubt he is planning anything anymore," Aqualad said jumping up. They were all shocked to see Desmond holding Superboy then throw him at the four. Three got out of the way but Aqualad got hit. They both fell to the ground and slid, Robin and Kid Flash helped them stand.

Kid Flash ran up to Desmond then slid under him, when he was distracted Superboy and Aqualad both punched him, Desmond Stumbled back then fell tripping on Kid Flash. "I learned that one in kindergarten" Kid Flash said. Then Robin jumped up and through his Birdarangs at him, but he flicked them away. Superboy tried to grab Desmond, but he grabbed him and shoved Superboy into one of the pillars.

Superboy tried punching him multiple times but Desmond punched him and almost broke the pillar. Sapphire created a gain bat and hit Desmond with it, but he only stumbled back a little. With his other hand, Desmond slammed Sapphire into the ground. Kid Flash came running in anger but was thrown and grabbed, Aqualad tried to help him but was pushed back when Kid Flash was thrown at him. Desmond punched Aqualad through a pillar which made the building shake.

"Of course," Robin said pulling up his virtual screen. "KF, get over here," Robin shouted, Kid Flash and got up and went over. While on the other side of the room Desmond had Aqualad's face in a tight grip. Sapphire shot beams at Desmond putting his attention on her, giving Superboy and opportunity to attack. Superboy punched Desmond in the pack of the knee and back, then jumped on his back. Desmond threw Aqualad then slammed Superboy into a pillar and broke it.

On Robins Screen, it showed the pillar being destroyed. "Got it?" Robin asked. "Got it," Kid Flash said running off. Kid Flash ran up and punched the skin off his face. "Got your nose," Kid Flash said. Desmond threw Superboy on the ground and went after Kid Flash. "Superboy, Aqualad, Sapphire" Robin called pulling up his screen.

"Come and get me, your incredible bulk" Kid Flash insulted. Desmond destroyed the pillar trying to hit Kid. Kid Flash Kept distracting Desmond while Robin explained the plan to the others. "This one, that one, and that one" Robin pointed. Superboy and Aqualad broke the pillars, while Sapphire created a hammer and got the other. "Sorry, try again," Kid Flash said when Desmond mist. Robin drew an X on the ground.

Aqualad uses his dual-wields to pour water on the floor where the X was, Kid Flash ran to throw the water spreading it out, Sapphire made a faint boot with her ring and hit Desmond in the face with it, making him fall back. "Oo, she just gave you the boot," Kid Flash said. Then Aqualad uses his electricity on the water to electrocuted Desmond. "Move!" Robin yelled. His bird ranges exploded bringing the whole building down.

Aqualad hugged sapphire and put his body over her, Superboy did the same thing with Robin and Kid Flash. But before the rubble fell on them Sapphire made a dome protecting them. Once the rubble stopped falling Sapphire made giant hands clear the rubble so she could let up the dome. "Oh right I forgot you could do that," Robin said. Aqualad looked around. "We did it," Aqualad said out of breath. "Was there any doubt?" Robin said also out of breath. He and Kid Flash high fived each other. Superboy walked over to the unconscious Desmond and stared at him.

"See? The moon" Kid Flash said pointing to the moon. Superboy stared at the room, the first time I ever really saw it. Then something came flying towards them. It looked like a brief then it looked like a man it was… Superman. "Oh, and Superman. Do we keep our promises or what? Now, all we need is for Sapphire to take you there," Kid Flash added. Superboy then looked a little shocked. Then other members of the League showed up in front of the five.

Superboy walked up to Superman then showed him the symbol on his suit. Superman looked at him with a shocked yet angry expression, will Superboy looked at him with a kind face. Superman looked at his face still in a frown, and now so is Superboys. "Is that what I think it is?" Batman asked in his raspy voice. "He doesn't like to be called an "it" Kid Flash walked up and informed.

"I'm Superman's clone," Superboy said shocking everyone (but only a few showed it). "Start talking," Batman demanded. So they did.

The Green Lantern (John) took Desmond to prison, while the five stood together waiting for the next thing. Superboy looked at Superman as he was talking to Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. Manhunter noticed then Superman. Superman looked over then Superboy looked away, but looked back. The three saw, then Superman walked over to him. "*sigh* we'll uh, figure something out for you," Superman said.

"For now, better make sure the blockbuster creature square away" Superman added then flew away. "Cadmus will be investigated, all 52 levels, but let's make one thing clear…'' Batman said. "You should have called '' Flash said getting a glare from Batman. "End resolve aside we are not happy, you hacked Justice League systems, disobey direct orders, and endangered your lives," Batman said.

"You will not be doing this again" Batman added. "I'm sorry, but we will," Aqualad said. "Aqualad, stand down," Aquaman said. "Apologies my king, but no," Aqualad said earning an eyebrow raise from Aquaman. "We did good work tonight, the work you trained up to do, together on our own we forged something powerful, important," Aqualad said. "But this is about the treatment at the hall, the four of you-" "The five of us and it's not," Kid Flash interrupted harshly.

"Batman, we're ready to use what you taught us, or why to teach us at all?" Robin said. "Why let them tell us what to do? It's simple, get on board or get out of the way" Superboy said. The rest looked a the mentors. They stared at each other in an intense way. They gave in.

Mount Justice July 8, 08:04edt

"This cave was the original secret sanctuary of the Justice League, we're calling it into services again sense you five are determined to stay together and fight the good fight, you'll do it under League terms" Batman explained. "Red Tornado volunteered to live her and be your supervisor, Black Canary's in charge of training, I will deploy you on missions," Batman explained. "Real missions?" Robin asked.

"Yes, but covert," Batman answered. "The League will still handle the obvious stuff, there's a reason we have these big targets on our chest," Flash said pointing at his ch. "But Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter, Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly," Aquaman said. "The six of you will be that team," Batman said. "Cool, Wait. Five?" Robin asked. "This is the Martian Manhunter's niece Miss Martian," Batman said.

"Hi," Miss Martian said. "Like this gig every minute," Wally said. "Uh, welcome aboard. I'm Kid Flash, that Violet Lantern, Robin, Aqualad. It's cool if you forget their names," Kid Flash said putting speeding through the last to names. "I'm honored to be included," Miss Martian said. "And we are honored to have you," Sapphire said grabbing her hand. The rest of the group moved closer to her.

"Hey, Superboy. Come meet Miss M," Robin said. Miss Martain's top turned into a black T-shirt with the red X on it. "I like your T-shirt," Miss Martain said. Superboy's frown turned into a smile. Robin elbowed him and Kid Flash ran to his other side and put his arm around Superboy's shoulder. "Today is the day," Aqualad said.

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