
NF: Paralyzed

This isn't your typical love story. This is not some fairy tail that will help a child sleep at night. Since day one I have cried an endless amount of tears. I have sacrificed everything that I knew and loved, but most importantly; The things that I want. This adventure has had me in situations where I honestly thought I was going die. But what is love without a little fear? This is not a story that someone will relate to later in life when they are grown and have children.

I was always told, you fall into love. You don't jump. Because if you jump they won't be able to catch you.

As I tell you this story, there will be parts that will either scare you, or make you angry. Trust me... I know that feeling.

Sometimes, I wish things were different. But if they were different he wouldn't be the same. He wouldn't be cruel to others. He would not be ugly to his family. He wouldn't lay his hands on things that are breakable. He things were different, he would be kind. He would be loving. He would be the man I fell in love with in the beginning.

I have become numb to my surroundings. I can feel my heart breaking more and more. I feel like I am paralyzed. But he doesn't care. I don't feel the way I use to. I know that I am lost. I am ashamed of who I am. Who am I? Am I still the women he said he loved? If so, why does it not hurt him to hurt me? I am lost, and it is killing me.

Each chapter is a song and its artist. To get more of an emotional connection listen to the song while reading the chapter.

I am screaming.... Can you hear me my love?

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