Who is the murder? At the Age of 8, Ayden his parents got murdered but nobody finds the murderer. He wants and is determined that he will take his payback. Will he find him/her? And What will he do? (there are a few non-childfriendly situations)
Grandmother:'Look out Ayden! '
Ayden:'Yess Granny! '
grandmother:' come down my little one and fast we are going home. '
I runned as fast as I could to go home, finally back to my parents. Tomorrow would be my birthday party if that one thing didn't happen. I drinked my coca cola and went to the car. I was really happy.
Let me tell you something about me:
name: Ayden
age: 8 years old
How I looked like: wild blond hair, black/ dark brown eyes
personality: kind, happy and playfull
hobby: Football of course
On the way back we sang all kind of songs. We enjoyed our day without my parents who told me that I couldn't eat as many candy as I want. When we arrived it was quiet. I trow my jacket on the floor and runned inside the living room. I yelled as hard as I could:'Mom dad I ate as many candy as I wanted. The playground was fun and I met someonesomeone! Mom... dad...! '
I went through the living room and came in the kitchen. I saw my mom and dad covered in blood laying on the ground. I was to little so I thought it was taken or something so I shaked with my mom and told her:' Mom you can wake up we are here. I can play with you...' I remember the disappointment when she 'ignored' me. I was mad. Then my grandmother (on my mom's side) went inside and took me away. She took her phone and told me that I need to stay in the living room. I remember that the police came inside and that my granny took me to the bathroom to wash my hands and putting another shirt on by me because it was all covered in blood. My grandmother was almost crying. I saw that she needed to cry but she keeped her strong. I was so stupid back then and asked:' When can I play with mom and dad? '
My granny bursd out in tears and told me:' You can never play with them... they.... died.... '
I was speechless and runned away from her. I went to my dad and yelled at him. I told him that this wasn't funny and that they need to wake up but nothing happened.
Stupid... Stupid me! Everytime that I think about that day my hair comes standing straight up over whole my body. My mom was really pretty she had golden locks and beautiful green eyes. I can't really remember them but my dad had brown hair and brown eyes.
They took me somewhere, I still don't know where, and write some weird things on a papier. ever since than I lived with my granny, Layla. The next day was my birthday, I didn't smile that day because I realized that I would never see my parents again only because of that stupid person who wanted to kill them, I thought that is what happened. The police came a couple of times to ask questions. They asked about my grandfather but he left my grandmother when my mom was about 5 years old. A year later I almost never talked to someone, even to my grandmother not. There where a couple of psychologists where I needed to go to but even to them I didn't talk so my grandmother gave up the hope. She talked to me and I answered but with as less words possible. At that time I don't had any friends because I was always home, I didn't even go to school. At the age of 10 I went back to school. I met a boy named Charles he was really nice and smart he was even that type of boy the girls want to be with and I was he's friend the less attractive guy who everyone loves as a friend. I couldn't think that a friend maked me talk more and be happy again. I started to play football again. I sat in the same team as my buddy and it seemed like nothing could be better. When I wasn't with me friends I was quiet and sad but i smiled more. My grandmother became happier and saw that I only needed a friend.