

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT Hehehehe... Power! What exactly is power? Is it the feeling you get when you're in control of almost everything and anything? Or the ability to foresee the future and you know– change it! Yes! I am an advocate of change. Quote me anywhere. And as we all know, change can never take place without POWER!!! I, Ren Dick, am the strongest. I alone with bring about change in this world with my power! But every great man has a past he wants nothing to do with. That doesn't matter now! Why? Because I am the strongest. In this world, the weak are to left to suffer and the strong to oppress. I feel like the Robinson Crusoe of our time. I shall be the saving grace of the world! And yes, I, shall defeat the demon queen. Yes, you heard me right. Not king but queen and make her submit to my power! Doing that would give me extreme power so I can stand strong beside the weak. To end their suffering and pain. During my journey, I recruited a lot of minions so the story– my story doesn't lose its taste and exquisiteness. Hehehehe, get ready to be amazed. Join me and my minions in this wonderful quest to change the world with my power! Yes, my POWER! |Additional tags: SMUT|

Smutty_Hoshi · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Her past (2)

I'm going to rewrite this chapter. I'm sorry if it isn't what you were looking forward to. I'm really sorry.

MISTAIKE'S P. O. V. cont'd

Everything was razed to the ground. It was such a horrible sight. The men were harpooned down. Most of the women and even children had cold heavy handcuffs placed on their hands.

Yes, including me.

Our eyes were blindfolded. I remember getting torn away from my older sister. We were orphans and only had each other. It was traumatizing.

I had my hands locked in a cold cuff and then put in a cart heading to only God knew where. They never reached their destination because the cart they drove us in was ambushed on the way.

We had been rescued by a group of adventurers who were very nice to us. There were about six women and seven children who had been rescued.

I was part of them.

Then we were all taken to a huge house where you met me. I was the only one that had remained.

Everyone else had either joined another guild or something. To be brutally honest, I had felt worthless.

For about thirteen years nobody felt I was worthy to join their guild. It was so depressing.

But I'm happy you finally came along to take me out. I am really grateful.

Ren here. Don't mind the author who had made this as concise as possible. I know right. She missed all the good spots of the story. Don't worry.

So, we've all heard Mistaike's story and honestly it's heart-wrenching. This is just like watching a movie. All in all, she broke down in tears as soon as she finished her story. "Don't be sad, we are here for you," I had encouraged and consoled her.

It really wasn't easy for one to feel depressed and all.

Am I boring you? I'm sorry. Welp the next chapter will be a W. So just act like you didn't see this. Yes, just act like you didn't.