

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT Hehehehe... Power! What exactly is power? Is it the feeling you get when you're in control of almost everything and anything? Or the ability to foresee the future and you know– change it! Yes! I am an advocate of change. Quote me anywhere. And as we all know, change can never take place without POWER!!! I, Ren Dick, am the strongest. I alone with bring about change in this world with my power! But every great man has a past he wants nothing to do with. That doesn't matter now! Why? Because I am the strongest. In this world, the weak are to left to suffer and the strong to oppress. I feel like the Robinson Crusoe of our time. I shall be the saving grace of the world! And yes, I, shall defeat the demon queen. Yes, you heard me right. Not king but queen and make her submit to my power! Doing that would give me extreme power so I can stand strong beside the weak. To end their suffering and pain. During my journey, I recruited a lot of minions so the story– my story doesn't lose its taste and exquisiteness. Hehehehe, get ready to be amazed. Join me and my minions in this wonderful quest to change the world with my power! Yes, my POWER! |Additional tags: SMUT|

Smutty_Hoshi · Fantasy
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20 Chs

A team

I woke up with aches all over my body. And I don't even know whether for better or for worse both Birdynn and Mistaike were staring at my face too.

"Bossu, good morning," Mistaike said in a loud tone. I smiled at her. Birdynn was unusually shy.

And yes, they were still stark naked.

The door opened and a maid popped her head through the space. Her eyes widened when she saw us together– both girls naked.

It was obvious that she had gotten the wrong information into her brain, "Breakfast is ready," she said and left as quietly as she had come.

This was a misunderstanding!

In less than five minutes I had dressed up and the girls had done the same. At ten we were at the dining table.

My eyes were badly swollen. It was as if I had a thousand needles pricking me badly. It was torture to me.

Across the table sat Cunta. She was eating her croissant with a lack of enthusiasm. It felt like she was staring at me the whole time.

I managed to finish up my breakfast and so did the girls. My body still aches me though. Then before I knew it Cunta stood up abruptly.

She hadn't finished her meal. She walked up to me with shaky hands and sighed, "Fwen zu chen glun den mem," she chanted. I think it was a spell to heal me.

Yes, it was. Immediately after she finished the chant I felt a strange energy rush through my body. It was fantastic and I couldn't help but look at her in appreciation.

"Thank you," I told her and for the first time since we met she smiled. She smiled so much that she began to giggle.

She ran to her mother and fell into her arms, "Mom, I did it. I finally cast a spell," she cried in Regal's arms. Regal, her mother, hugged her tightly, "We all knew that you could do it," she said.

It was such a wonderful sight to behold.

So, our guild now had a healer. And a witch. As a witch, Cunta had the ability to place blessings and curses on people. She could also heal at will, as long as she knew the right spells to cast.

Birdynn, Mistaike, and I spent the morning having a heartfelt conversation with Cunta. She wasn't an only child, she had three older sisters who were just as strong as she was.

I wasn't surprised. Their mother was extraordinary. She had captured my heart with only her voice, I couldn't imagine how strong her magic would be.

Or her curses.

The day soon went by in the blinking of an eye. We were getting ready to leave the Xorxos' residence. I would really miss the place and all its charms.

It was really a shame that I couldn't sleep properly in the mansion. I wouldn't blame anyone. Strong people never put the blame on others. Never!

And since I am the strongest man alive, I accept responsibility for everything whatsoever that happens to me. That's what it takes to be a man.

The strongest man alive at that.

In the evening, Cuntel Font Xorxos came to give his blessings to his daughter one last time. It was obvious that he didn't want her going anywhere but what choice did he have?

He gave her a safety charm amulet, "Wear this on your neck always," he told her with teary eyes. She took it and hugged him.

I stepped in, "Rest assured sir, I'll take good care of your daughter," I assured him with a calm tone.

He nodded, "Go in peace," he said and we were off on our way.

We soon arrived at an inn, "The next thing we have to do is practice," I told them as we settled down to have lunch.

They were too occupied to listen to me. Guess I have to wait till they're done with their meals.

By fire and force, we are going to become the strongest team alive headed by the strongest man alive. Then he would wipe away injustice from the face of the earth.

Big men always had big dreams!