
You Said You Would Make a Bad Movie, But You Made JOJO?

"My name is Yoshikage Kira, I'm 33 years old, and I live in the villa district in the northeast of Morioh. I'm unmarried..." "Cut!" Pucci, who was fiddling with the camera, interrupted, "Your introduction is all wrong, Kira!" "But director, I feel like this should be a very complex character. He has a kind of madness that others don't, so I want to capture that feeling of madness..." "Stop, stop. Who's the director here, you or me?" Pucci said again. "I told you to just act like your usual self. Just perform it that way!" "But I'm not a crazy killer!" "..." ... In short, this is the story of a transmigrator who found himself in Pucci's body. He joined forces with Araki's crew and worked under Jolyne Cujoh at the SPW Foundation to make movies. === This is a translation. I don't own the novel. ===

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter 149. Although I Smoke, Drink, and Fight Teachers, I’m a Good Kid

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Chapter 149. Although I Smoke, Drink, and Fight Teachers, I'm a Good Kid


Why was the audience's initial impression of Jotaro in the first episode of "Stardust Crusaders" generally unfavorable?

It wasn't just because of Jolyne's release schedule, which allowed Joseph (the previous protagonist) and DIO (the antagonist from the earlier arc) to steal the spotlight from Jotaro, the true protagonist. It was also because, during that jail confrontation, viewers hoped for Avdol to win more than Jotaro.

This wasn't because Avdol, a new character like Jotaro, was more popular. It was simply that viewers wanted to see Jotaro released from jail and join Joseph in defeating DIO, who had stained Jonathan's body!

In this context of unified "opposition," Jotaro, who had never learned about Stands before, only lost to Avdol due to the rules of the confrontation...

He did exceptionally well, perhaps even too well!

Unfortunately, victory belongs to the winner. Combined with the audience's expectation for Jotaro's defeat, Jotaro's first impression in Episode 1 came off as lackluster.

There was no "Thompson Wave Ripple Overdrive" from Joseph, nor did Jotaro have a desperate burst like Jonathan's to beat DIO to tears...

As a result, many viewers accustomed to those thrilling scenes felt disappointed.

But conversely, if Jotaro could provide an exceptionally stunning performance, would these viewers then cheer for him?

Seeing the sudden spike in viewer statistics and the intense showdown between Jotaro and Kakyoin on the screen, Akiyuki Shinbo suddenly realized why Pucci remained confident when the reception of "Stardust Crusaders" appeared less than promising, insisting that it was only a minor issue.

Kujo Jotaro, this guy...

"Your actions are undoubtedly evil!"

"If your Stand cannot be perceived by victims or the law, and won't even be detected! Then—"

"I will be the one to punish you!!"

His chest was severely hit, and his internal organs damaged.

Despite his Stand's precision, which could catch bullets, blocking most of the "Emerald Splash" and reducing much of the damage, Jotaro couldn't let his Stand take the damage for him.

Yet, as Jotaro declared this, nobody—not even the audience—seemed to remember that he was the injured one.

Driven by this statement, they even forgot that Jotaro's words essentially translate to: "Even though I, Jotaro, smoke, drink, brawl, fight teachers, and dine-and-dash, I know I'm a good kid."

... No, maybe the audience noticed.

Seeing the surging comments and messages on the screen, Akiyuki Shinbo sighed, "I see, so that's it! It all connects, huh!?"

Perhaps because the audience could sense the meaning behind Jotaro's words, they also realized how convenient a power the Stand is.

Only Stand users can see Stands, which means any Stand user could do whatever they want—whether it's using their Stand to kill or steal—without anyone knowing!

Victims cannot perceive their suffering, and the law cannot convict them.

So, what did Jotaro do after awakening his Stand?

He locked himself in jail...

That's the true reason for Akiyuki Shinbo's amazement.

Previously, he had always thought that Pucci's decision to lock Jotaro in jail at the beginning was a bad plot move.

Especially since the subsequent story arranged for Avdol to defeat Jotaro to continue the narrative.

If the goal was to have Jotaro leave jail, why lock him up in the first place?

It only gave Jotaro, the true protagonist, a bad first impression by having him lose initially.

That was Akiyuki Shinbo's previous reasoning, which left him unable to understand it fully.

He even doubted whether "Stardust Crusaders" was actually written by Pucci or if it was significantly inferior to "Phantom Blood" and "Battle Tendency."

But now...

It turns out he was the one who didn't understand.

Episode 1 was a setup for Episode 2! For this line!

A self-indulgent person versus someone who constantly restrains his desires.

If his guess was right, then next…

"Evil? You've got it wrong!" Kakyoin mocked, "Evil refers to the loser, and justice is the victor. The one who survives until the end is 'justice,' the process doesn't matter!"

—[Hierophant Green]!!

Jotaro's Stand has a range of about two meters.

As long as Kakyoin stays beyond that, Jotaro's Stand cannot attack him.

And if Jotaro starts approaching...

The long-range suppression of "Emerald Splash" proved that Jotaro, in his heavily injured state, was no threat!

"The loser is 'evil!'"

Seeing Jotaro trying to throw something from a distance but getting easily blocked by his pre-set "Emerald Barrier," Kakyoin laughed and said, "Die! Emerald Splash!!"

"What did you say? The loser is 'evil?' Those words..."

The muscular, bluish-purple figure crossed its arms in front of Jotaro.

Not only did it deflect and repel the destructive energy of the "Emerald Splash" with its muscles, but it also seized [Hierophant Green] at a speed Kakyoin couldn't react to!

"...describe you perfectly!"

Jotaro passed his judgment.

After this declaration, the muscular, bluish-purple figure relentlessly pummeled [Hierophant Green] with its fists!

"Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora! Ora————!!"

"My Stand will carry out the punishment!!!"

"Indeed, this is JoJo! This is 'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!'"

Akiyuki Shinbo exhaled deeply.

As for the view count?

There's no need to monitor it anymore!