
Guess what happened.

During those school-term holiday, sometimes Jayden will asked Joyce out on a date, sometimes they will asked Sherly or Lily to join them. However, since they both hadn't confessed yet, they kept their growing closeness by themselves. Both Sherly and Lily did not know that both Jay and Joyce had been secretly going out together sometimes.

Joyce was shy about this since it's her first time having feelings for the opposite sex so she didn't tell Lily even though they were as close as sisters.

The routine phone calls went on almost everyday. Until it had turned into a habit. If they don't chat for even a day, both would feel that there's something lacking in their life.


"Joyce, your phone!" Mrs. Wong called Joyce.

"Okay Mom... I'll pick it up upstairs!"

"Hello! Jay???!!" she picked up excitedly..

"Joyce?" a feminime voice was heard instead of masculine one.

"Lily!!!!" she stuttered,

"did you just said Jay just now?" Lily asked suspiciously.

"When did I said Jay? I said Hey!" you must have heard wrongly. Hahaha..." she replied quickly. She wS sooooo relief... she was almost caught red-handed.

"Oh? Maybe..." Lily was convinced. "So, have you bought the ticket back? We only have 2 weeks left you know..."

"Oh right, I need to ask my parents about that. Have you bought yours?"

"Nope! Was waiting for you... it's boring to go back to S country alone... Let me know when you bought your plane tickets, okay?"

"Sure Lil.. Do you think we should go back a few days before school starts? I mean we need to prepare before school starts right?"

"Yeah.... I think we should..."

"Guess what Lil, we should ask Jayden and Sherly to go back together too... That'll be more fun!!!" An idea suddenly crossed Joyce's mind.

"Now why I didn't think about that... I'll call Jayden... No-No-No... should probably asked Sherly first then let her call Jayden and asked...." Lily started mumbling and talking to herself before saying to Joyce, "You should go check the ticket and the dates... Then let me know..."

"Kay Lil, I'll call you back tomorrow.."

After she ended her phone call, Lily started to excitedly called Sherly.

"Hello...?" upon hearing her voice Lily immediately shouted into the phone.


Sherly was shocked and immediately dropped the phone. She quickly catched it before it fell on the floor...

"Hi! Who is this?" Sherly was confused who this psycho caller that shouted so loudly the moment she picked the phone.

"Hey! it's Lily!" Lily replied laughingly. "Did I scare you? I was too loud right??? hahaha..."

"Hmmm...." No wonder... It's Lily... The girl's voice is always boisterous. Especially when she's super excited about something. "Hey! What's up?"

"Have you bought plane tickets to go back to S country yet?" Lily asked her immediately.

"Yeah...I bought it already..." Sherly replied. "Why?" she wondered why Lily suddenly asked her.

"It's nothing actually. I thought it'll be more fun if we all can ride on the same plane back to S country."

"Oh.... My plane was bought when I came back. My mom bought return tickets for me as it's cheaper."

"Jayden?" Lily asked immediately trying not to sound hopeful and anxious at the same time.

"Jay? I think his ticket is also bought already." to her mom she asked," Mom, have auntie Oh bought Jay's ticket?"

"Yes, we bought the tickets together. it's the same as yours." her mom replied.

"Oh, okay mom. Thanks!" aftet replying, Sherly told Lily,"His is the same as mine. why don't you buy the same return date as mine? We can still go back together. Sherly suggested.

" When is your flight?"

"It's next Saturday. 10 a.m. flight by World Airlines"

"Okay Sherly, I'll ask the travel agent to help me booked the tickets tomorrow...." lily was very excited.

"Bye, Sher...."

"Bye Lily"


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