
Nicholas Aston

Diana walked into her office briskly and collapsed tiredly on the swivel chair

"What other schedules do I have today?" She turned towards her P.A

"You have a meeting with Mr Nicholas at 4pm and a family dinner with your parents at your family penthouse in xx city" Tina replied and Diana scoffed

"Family?" She hissed

"Wait, isn't Arry supposed to meet with Mr Nicholas instead?" Diana frowned

"Miss Arry said you should handle it..." Tina said

"And why is that?" Diana inquired sharply

"Well...she didn't tell me the reason ma..." Tina trailed and Diana picked up her phone and dialed arry's number immediately

"Sis" Arry called cheerfully at the other end of the line and diana fleered in disgust

"Aren't you supposed to meet with Mr Nicholas for the advertisement proposal today? Why is it on my schedule? What do you even do in the company for Pete's sake?! just resign if you're going to be useless,okay?" Diana fired angrily

"Com'n sis, aren't you being too harsh? I'm having issues with my marriage so I'm emotionally drained these days, I know you can't understand since you're not married but I promise to make amends, okay? Just hang in there hmn?'' Arry said calmly and hung up

"What the....geez!" Diana cursed inwardly and sighed angrily

"Go get the car ready" Diana ordered and Tina obliged immediately



Ravish restaurant

Diana hissed in frustration and dialed Nicholas's personal assistant's line again buh she didn't pick up

"Should I order something for you ma?" Tina asked cautiously and Diana respired irritatedly

"Now, this is my limit! We're leaving, go get the car ready?" Diana said and grabbed her bag angrily

"Patience, you need a lot of patience when working young lady?" A masculine voice suddenly came in and Diana eyed the latter annoyingly

"Don't you think you're being rude, young man? You stood me up for f*cking two hours, I have other things to attend to you know, the least you could do is apologize, stop being a narcissist" Diana hurled angrily

"I can see you're very upset.well then, shall we go down to business now?" Nicholas asked rhetorically and took his seat making Diana scoff

"Where's your manners,huh? You should apologize for delaying me, is that so hard" Diana said angrily

"Look here miss Diana, I don't have time for your sentimental objectives, if this is how you do business then I'm out of here" Nicholas said arrogantly

"Well then" Diana said and lunged out of the restaurant angrily

Nicholas scoffed in disbelief and turned to his P.A

"Dan, get me all info about her" he said and Ella nodded

"Okay sir" Ella said

"I'm so sorry sir" Tina bowed apologetically and scurried out but Diana was gone

Tina respired helplessly and hailed a cab


D Maxwell's penthouse>>


"Good day dad" Diana greeted abruptly as she walked into the dinning room

"I'm not invisible, am I? You're late too" Mary, Diana's stepmother scorned

"Leave her be mom, she never greets you anyway" Arry said

"How was the meeting with Mr Nicholas?" Mr Maxwell asked

"He was two hours late so I left" Diana replied casually

"You did what?! Are you out of your mind? We need their company to advertise our new product to exceed the current market rate, but you walked out on him?" Arry interposed angrily

"Who is supposed to meet with him in the first place? You manage the marketing department so it is your duty, don't you dare pin it all on me, I tried my best, that dude is rude" Diana spatted angrily

"Your mother surely was from the ghetto, you speak so out of class" Mary spited in disgust

"Arry is having issues with her husband, that is why we are having this gathering in the first place, Arry is going to divorce Fred" Mr Maxwell said

"What! Divorce who?...dad,That is a joke, right? Arry won't divorce Fred after everything, she can't divorce him! " Diana said indignantly

"Why can't I? If I'm no longer happy in the marriage, I can walk out, can't I?" Arry said defensively

"You can't! Not with Fred, not after everything! You guys can't do this to me" Diana said, almost crying

"Listen Diana, I'm not supposed to but I'm going to say this now, Arry is going to take over MCB GROUPS so she needs a strong ally, Fred is having a financial crisis due to the recent scandal and we can't afford Arry staying with him so we decided she's going to be set up with Nicholas Aston..." Mr Maxwell explained and Diana scoffed in disbelief

"Dad....what are you saying? MCB belongs to my mother, it is automatically mine, Fred was my fiance, I was f*cking pregnant with his child but you watched Arry snatch him away from me, I haven't gotten over those memories but what now? Arry wants a divorce and wants to move on while I'm still tranced? You must really be joking " Diana said furiously

"Well my dear, as you can see I'm not. This is exactly what I'm always afraid of, your eyes, they look exactly like your mother's "

"You listen to me now, find a way to apologize and get the contract signed with Nicholas Aston ASAP, he's going to become part of our family soon" Mr Maxwell said firmly

"Yes sis, imagine a great guy like Nicholas Aston as our ally, MCB would become more popular and wealthy than you can ever imagine, just get the contract signed so father can set up a personal meeting for us as soon as possible, don't worry about the company's image, Fred has already agreed to sign the divorce paper, you know how ambitious he is so just do as father said for the sake of the company Hun, do you understand?" Arry said and Diana bit her lips angrily

"Just why the heck are you guys doing this to me? I've always f*cking served this family with all I have, do you even have the slightest idea how hard it was during Fred's case, and now it's a Nicholas? Aren't you guys being too cruel and unfair? Even though you don't consider me a part of the family, can't you at least have a human feelings?..." Diana hurled while trying hard to hold back the threatening tears

"Com'n Diana, why do you always think like this, of course you are family and we would've engaged you with Nicholas Aston instead but what would you do with your kid? A family like the Nicholas's would never accept a single mother you know" Mary tried to convince her

"Oh, is that it?" Diana asked with a determined expression on her face

"Of course, it is. You know how we all think nowadays" Mary said

"Then I'd make Nicholas Aston mine then, you needn't worry about my kid" Diana said

"Alright....wait, what! You'd do what?" Mary asked in utter disbelief

"I said I'd make Nicholas Aston mine, all I need is just a month, is that okay?" Diana asked solemnly and everyone's face became white, they were totally dumbstruck ,

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