

Reader (REAPER)

"Alright I have decided of my wishes " Thinking very hard about what he want as a begining . So he can survive anywhere he goes.

G.A- " I am waiting for your wishes Mortal " .

Reaper -" My first wish is to have Dragon God bloodline "

G.A-" That could be granted but You will recive the powers over time the more you will use them the more powerful they will grow , there will be ten levels for the bloodline to fully awaken and you will b able to pass on the bloodline to your decendents but they will become dilute unless they too fully master the whole 10 levels ".

Reaper -" alright that is good enough ,My second wish is to have Mystic eyes of death preception that should be able to see anything or persons time of death and place with the death lines and death points " .

G.A-" You will not be able to see someones time of death and place knowing the time of and place of death of your loved onece will drive you crazy beyond repair if there is a time and place fixed for someones death you will never b able to alter it or in worst case indirectly you will be the one triggering the death but you can see death lines and points " .

Reaper-" Sigh Fine, and for the third wish i would like to have a system "

G.A-" Humm, A system it can be arranged but you will not have it as if its a game you will not have a shopping option you will be limited to only grow by altering your status points gaining 10 status point with each level and an inventory" you will not have the gamers body or mind as that is too op and out of reality ,

the system will have some automatic functions that will be revealed with time "

Reaper-"Hey thats not fare , why am I receaving a dumbed down verson of the system ,I want to have it in full " .

G.A- " Its coz i m not the one going there but you if its was me i would have recived the full pakage have fun ".

with that the grand authority become silent and then sound of a snap ecoed in the nexus.



(A/N - Congratulations Mr. Reaper i will try to do my first few chapters with a MC with your namesake in it , and i will follow other reviews along the line . choose which world you would want him to go ( MCEU, Marvel-616, DXD, Arefureta ,Avatar Aang , Avatar Kora , DCU, DCEU,Konesuba , Berserker of Gluttony ) .)