I was walking back home, going through the forest by the left edge of the village, a bit sad that the school year already ended. I don't like it whenever summer comes, as it means being away from my friends and trying hard not to be bored. I walked slowly, as if doing that slows down the day. I saw something flicker by my right and saw a girl with a knife rushing towards me. Sensing danger, my body chose flight from its fight-or-flight responses. I ran, not knowing where to go, as it seems like this girl is dead set in killing me. I ran, being careful so as not to trip.

"HELP!" I shouted, hoping someone will hear me. Fear is evident on my face. I'm in the woods, with a crazy girl who wants to kill me chasing me. No one will hear me, as I came to realize I was running deeper into the woods.

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO RUN, MIRI! THIS WILL BE QUICK," the crazed woman shouted to me.

I slowed down, not because I want to but because I'm tired, when suddenly, I was dragged to the side. I looked at the one who caught me.

"Please help me," I told him.
