

This is a REMAKE. (chapter release from monday to friday if nothing happen) Original name :I’m the wrong protagonist Original Author: HEIYE FUYIN Summary: "Welcome to multiverse MOON System!" "We are happy to inform you that you have been selected as a potential USER of our interface" "Seeing as you are a beginner you will receive a starter pack including a free 5 star guarantee gacha and a free of charge preferential treatment period to get used to our service .If you decide to join now you can additionally get a free dimensional storage space to store your items" "We also provide a special time-travel pass, allowing you to experience the feeling of being a protagonist" {Press "OK" if you accept and "NO" if you refuse} In a dark a boy sitting in front of his computer read the content of the message and pressed the “OK” button. At the same time, the boy’s consciousness paused, and a black hole appeared in front of him and completely engulfed him. After a pause a line appeared on the screen that lit the dark room {Welcome to the Multiverse [PLAYER]} this is a Fanfiction i don't own any character or data relevant to the type moon or danmachi universe those are owned by they respective Maker.

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31 Chs


Original name : I'm the wrong protagonist "REMAKE"

Original Author: HEIYE FUYIN


Hello this is SCARLETT COTHER in my first project of THE REMAKE type work i hope you enjoy the experience.As for how i would publish my work here is a bref description:

First i would publish my novel as fast as I could handle without compromising quality (regularly at weekend by a rate of 08ch/week) after 50 chapter I would switch to an other work to not get bored and abandon the Serie the next project will be voted from a list by my patreon support and will go the same. after 50 chapter I will go back to the old project and so on until I completely run of idea. to be clear most my project will go to 100+ chapter (I hope it happen)

for the one that want to support me here is my Patreon (just made one because i needed it)


thank you

intro to the story:

"Welcome to multiverse MOON System!"

"We are happy to inform you that you have been selected as a potential USER of our interface" "Seeing as you are a beginner you will receive a starter pack including a free 5 star guarantee gacha and a free of charge preferential treatment period to get used to our service .If you decide to join now you can additionally get a free dimensional storage space to store your items"

"We also provide a special time-travel pass, allowing you to experience the feeling of being a protagonist"

{Press "OK" if you accept and "NO" if you refuse}

In a dark a boy sitting in front of his computer read the content of the message and pressed the "OK" button. At the same time, the boy's consciousness paused, and a black hole appeared in front of him and completely engulfed him. After a pause a line appeared on the screen that lit the dark room.

{Welcome to the Multiverse [PLAYER]}