

Breaking through the current stage of Lv.1 is also a goal of Bell. It would take a certain amount of time to accumulate the necessary excelia before achieving this goal, in addition to the accumulation of experience and technology he also needs to accumulate various ability. Bell wasn't worried that his attributes weren't growing fast enough or how his physical abilities were already growing fast before he received the favor. But The growth in stamina and agility is unusually fast. Otherwise, he wouldn't have walked to the city of Orario in less than a month.

Having been blessed just make the progress faster, Bell believed it wouldn't be long before he broke through the shackles of that boundary. It's just that the process of breakthrough that is troublesome Bell doesn't want to be targeted by anyone who has a can pose a danger for him, otherwise it may bring him a lot of trouble. But he didn't think too much about it, as of now he doesn't have the conditions to be watched. The only thing to be careful about is not to be seen using the INVENTORY, otherwise the rumors will soon spread in Orario. And he'll be a target for someone.

Of course, it's important to hide yourself, but it's even more important not to act sneakily. Action requires only caution, not sneakiness. Bell's life experience tells him that once people see this sneaky picture, then the good deeds will also target him. So, Bell just covered his head and walked down the dungeon.

Listening carefully to the sounds around him, slight footsteps keep appearing around. Bell quickened his pace and walked deeper into the first floor, just after the sounds around him became clearer. Coming to a place far from the entrance, Bell suddenly stopped. The clear footsteps around him also became much smaller, but there were still many sounds in Bell's ears. The hand under the trench coat had already grasped the short knife brought at home.

The voice in his ear approached little by little, and just as the sound appeared behind him, Bell turned without hesitation. As soon as the eyes narrowed behind the picture, a small green goblin came into view.

Bell noticed that the goblin grabbed the weapon in his hand ready to stabbed him, but he easily dodged it by turning around. At the same time, the short knife in his hand slashed through the neck of the goblin as it crossed from the goblin.


A blood sword sprayed from the goblin's neck. It seems that for goblins, normal people are the same deadly as they are. The goblin who had been fatally hit quickly turned into a cloud of black ash and gradually disappeared into the walls of the dungeon.

[That's the way it is. Monsters in dungeons will die after taking enough fatal damage, and after death, they will reintegrate into the dungeon, thus being transformed into the next monster by the dungeon. Continuous use in the cycle should also be regarded as a special ability of the dungeon.]

Then Bell noticed a dagger and a small purple magic stone falling to the ground, which was clearly a goblin drop. The Magic Stone to Bell is understandable but why even the dagger did fall? The weapons in the hands of the monsters were given at the same time as they were created by the dungeon, and are part of the monsters. As long as the monster's weapon is not dropped properly, it will also disappear into black ash after the monster is taken down.

[It seems that my luck is not bad.]

Bell deliberately walked over the drops and was absorbed into the INVENTORY the moment the trench coat obscured it. Then it was taken out of the INVENTORY and held in the palm of his hand. With a bump of the short knife and the Goblin Dagger collided, a crack appeared on the blade of the short knife that Bell had brought out from the guild but the Goblin Knife was unharmed.

[Sure enough, the gap in equipment is also quite obvious. The short knives held by the first-level goblins are so sharp, but why can this goblin drop his weapon so easily?]

Bell had a slight doubt in his mind. But this layer of doubt soon converged. It doesn't matter if it's easy to fall or not, dropping it means that the short knives that come with it can be retired. As for whether it is so easy for a goblin to drop a weapon the only way is by killing other goblins just to make sure. It's just that for now Bell needs some time to calm his mind.

The excitement of killing a monster for the first time temporarily weighs down on him and fear start to take place. Bell wasn't good t overcoming fear, especially the horror movies style that used to be on television. This kind of thing needs time to be able to adapt but time is a luxury bell didn't have. The sound of footsteps in his ears gradually began to increase. The voices are deliberately controlled, and the sound is not very loud, it should be the sound of goblins.

Bell worked hard to restore his breathing so that his body could in battel ready stat as soon as possible. The hand that slowly held the Goblin Dagger no longer continued to tremble with excitement. Breathing no longer continues to be rapid. The first thing you need to pay attention to survive in the wild is your physical strength. The same is true in the dungeon, where stamina and energy are the first things to keep an eye for. If you can't measure the upper limit of your physical strength, then you can easily fall into an ambush of monsters and die easily. Soon four to five goblins were hiding in the nearby darkness, a dark corner that could hardly be seen by the human eye. Fortunately for Bell he was accustomed to the darkness, and his eyes could already see his target in the darkness. This also allowed Bell to officially see what a goblin looked like. The body is dark green, a slender body and a little sharp ear, but the expression on the face is unusually vicious. They hands hold a slightly curved short knife. A frightening cold light can be seen at the edge of the blade, telling its danger to all how see it.

(Four… No, it's five.)

Bell was very calm. Obviously, it was the first time he faces monsters but his body soon began to get used to this state of fighting.in this state Bell does not know if it was conscious or just that his body unconsciously started adapting. Bell felt his mind also surprisingly focus. Confirming that the distance to the five goblins is relatively big. One-on-one is nothing to be afraid of, but there are many places where this kind of encirclement scene needs to be taken into account.

[Therefore, I still need to make use of the INVENTORY. Using what's stored in the INVENTORY to fight will really make my combat a little more complicated and with less margin for error.]

[I'm located far away from the entrance to the first floor, and even a novice wouldn't come to such a remote place. Well, my actions here won't get me the attention of people.]

Bell had already made a decision in his mind that this time the battle would not only be to horn his skills, but also test to the practical use the INVENTORY Mid battel.

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