
» Prologue

"The best relationships start off as friendships"

and this story is one proof of that statement.

Sandy hails from a wealthy background.

She have everything she wish to have.

Through it all, she stays humble and cheerful.

She sees everything in a positive light.

Because of her optimistic vibe,

everything around her cheered up.

Except him.

She had never seen a person so full of negativity.

She sees his loneliness

and the dark shade that surrounds him.

She wonder,

what happened to him?

Though curious,

she didn't want to be nosy


she just can't help it

Everything start at something

For sure he started happy and for some reason became sad

and she , well,

She will start at being friends with him.


This novel is a romance fiction.

If somehow had some resemblance to something (reality or what), then, wow! We think alike! lol. 😊😅😂😜

kidding aside, hope to read this here and not anywhere else. 😊

Enjoy !