
Chapter 6: Yug ♡


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Jimin was aware of the things he did. He knew why people were staring and whispering whenever he passed by and as hard as some days were, he was proud of himself. He never managed to be who he truly wanted to be during high school because of his painful shyness but once he reached college he decided he would do exactly what he felt like. He dyed his hair pink during the first year and around the same time he began buying his cute clothes, most of them pastel-coloured. The first time he wore lip gloss and an entirely-pink outfit people concluded that he was a "faggot" and that never actually changed.

His appearance was the reason why he was pushed while walking down the halls, being called names and having boys reproaching him that he looked like a girl. He sometimes thought about giving up but at the same time he couldn't imagine abandoning the only thing that made him feel somewhat free.

He was lying in bed and honestly, it wasn't his best day. It was Saturday so there was no wander he didn't get up yet as it was barely noon and he had nothing planned. Normally, he would have spent the entire day reading but his mind was running too wildly for that and he knew he couldn't have concentrate on whatever novel he would have picked. He snorted while thinking about how people from his uni would react if they would see his room. It was not as pink as they probably would imagine it but it was filled with his impressive collection of stuffies and there were cute things everywhere – from his boudoir to his huge closet. Bunny felt his uneasiness so he jumped on the bed before nuzzling his cheek, making him smile a bit.

"Hi, baby." He whispered to the black cat that snuggled closer to him, enjoying the fingers gently caressing the fur in between his ears. Bunny was the cat he adopted with Taehyung back when they were 16 and now that they were living together they both could see him all the time. His bestie was out of Seoul for the weekend with some other acting majors so he wondered if that had anything to do with how lethargic he was feeling.

His phone buzzed so he lazily grabbed it.

From: Jungkookie

What are your plans for today, kitten?

He smiled at the cute pet name and rolled so he was resting on his tummy.

To: Jungkookie

Nothing really. Would you like to come over?

In the few weeks they've been seeing each other he's been visiting Jungkook quite a lot and he was positive that he wanted his Dom to see his place. As soon as he received an affirmative answer he got up and went to take a shower and change himself into something nicer. He decided a pair of shorts and white knee-high socks were perfect, especially as he was drowning one an oversized pale yellow shirt that was entirely covering his shorts. He answered the door with a huge smile on his face about an hour later and Jungkook pressed a soft kiss on his lips before taking in the nice smell of coffee.

"Are you hungry?"

"I had brunch with Yoongi. Did you eat?" Jimin tugged on his hand, leading him to the kitchen as soon as he abandoned his shoes.

"I had fruit loops in the morning." He whispered innocently as the other sat down one on the chairs and followed him with his eyes. He poured the hot drink into two cups and offered one to Jungkook, sitting right beside him. "No appointments today?" The man sipped on the liquid before grinning and shaking his head – it was ridiculous how happy he was to see the boy.

"I rarely work during the weekends."

Jimin rested his head on his shoulder and exhaled loudly when he felt a hand sneaking around his waist. The tattoo artist's presence was calming and he wanted to spend the day like that, stealing kisses and caresses from time to time.


"Yes, baby?"

"Are you my boyfriend?" The elder thought the countless dates would have made that clear but he was not surprised that Jimin was so insecure.

"I am." He whispered and pressed his lips on a chubby cheek. "You're my baby, aren't you?" The pink haired boy smiled and pouted so he would obtain another peck. Jungkook felt somewhat guilty for not making this clear earlier so he cupped his face gently before kissing him again, this time longer and deeper, his tongue searching for a match. By the time they were done Jimin ended on his lap, his socked feet rubbing his as they weren't reaching the ground. A hand travelled to caress one of the exposed thighs and Jimin moaned against his lips. "I love these." He whispered as he toyed with the hem of a thigh high.

"I can do a pirouette for you."

"Go ahead."

The student giggled and got up in order to make a gracious turn and show off his outfit. He made a bow before returning to the elder's lap and felt a kiss being pressed on his nose.

"Such a pretty boy." Jungkook praised and gasped when he heard a tiny meow. Jimin immediately headed to the door and came back holding a black cat that was studying him curiously. The pink haired boy was watching him hopefully so he bit on his lower lip, recognizing the feline from the many selfies he's been sent. "Why – hello there, Sir." He said much to the other's delight. "This gentleman here must be Sir Bunny. It's such a pleasure to meet you!" He sounded very formal so Jimin's squeaky giggles filled the room when he grabbed one dark paw and began to shake it.

"You're so silly, Daddy." The name came out naturally so the little froze for a second before offering the well-behaved cat to the other.

"I am just showing respect to this courteous and honourable cat." He protested and caressed the small being's spine, enjoying the continuous purring. "I think he likes me."

"I think he likes you too." Jimin grinned, showing off his cute crooked tooth. "But I'll tell you a secret." He whispered and motioned for the man to lean towards him so he could whisper into his ear. "I like you the most."

Jungkook felt his heart skipping a beat at the adorable confession and if it wouldn't have been for Bunny, he would have pulled the boy into a tight hug and peppered his face with kisses.

"Is that so?" Jimin nodded, his eye smile still present. "I like you the most too."

They spent a lot of time talking and after Jungkook finished his coffee – which was a tad too sweet as Jimin didn't have a limit when it came to sugar – they moved to the bedroom, its owner eager to show off his stuff. He was not entirely surprised by everything surrounding him because he saw some of the things in pictures and he patiently listened to Jimin as he presented his favourite plushies. He recognised the octopus he bought for him from the aquarium and smiled because it was placed on the bed which suggested that the boy was sleeping with it.

"We have a lot of movies too but those are in Taetae's room."

"Does Tae know about me?" Jungkook was genuinely curious about his boyfriend's best friend; he wondered if they could meet.

"I told him that I'm seeing you but he doesn't know the details." Jimin whispered and grabbed the octopus to hug it close to his chest. "He calls you hottie."

The tattoo artist chuckled at the news and tugged at the stuffie, unable to take it away as little hands opposed to the action.

"Come here." The pink haired boy complied and found himself engulfed by strong arms. "I'm happy you want to spend the day with me." Jimin was not used to such loving words so he felt his heart pacing faster inside his chest as he kissed the elder's cheek. "What do you want us to do?"

"Can we cook dinner together?" That was a cute idea so Jungkook nodded.

"Of course we can but how about until then, kitten?"

"I want cuddles." He sounded a bit whiny but the other didn't seem to care, lowering him on the bed instead and draping an arm protectively around him. "We could watch something."

"How does an animation movie sound?" Jungkook knew that was what Jimin wanted to watch but he was also aware that he was too self conscious to suggest it. "You can show me your favourite."

A lot of pillows were strategically placed on the bed before the boy decided they should watch "Howl's moving castle" and took his seat in between the elder's legs. He was sitting comfortably and he fell asleep in the middle of the movie, Jungkook's hands still caressing his abdomen. When he woke up he got startled when he realised his head was resting on the man's arm and doe eyes were studying his probably-puffy face.

"Hey, sleepy head." He didn't want any of that so he buried his face into a white shirt, his eyelids still heavy with drowsiness. "Is Baby still tired?" A nod. "Okay, I'll keep the kisses for when you wake up."

"No ~" Jimin whined and rubbed his face with his sweater paws. "I want kisses now."

"I don't think you'll get any."

"Please." It was a soft whisper but Jungkook smiled.

"That's a lot better."

The boy didn't seem to be aware of how little-like he was behaving so the tattoo artist didn't tell him anything about it, knowing it would probably cause panic. He liked this sweet and playful Jimin and he hoped he will see this side of him more often as their relationship progressed and more trust was built. Their mouths met briefly before Jimin yawned cutely.

"I put away the laptop away after the movie ended." Jungkook whispered into his ear.

"Did you like it?"

"I loved it. I want to see every Ghibli movie now."

"We can do that." The pink haired boy concluded with another yawn. "Let's watch Princess Mononoke next." He only then realised how impolite it has been of him to leave his guest and go to sleep like that but by the look of it, his Daddy wasn't bothered. He scooted closer and soon initiated a make-out session that ended up with two erections brushing against each other by mistake. His breathing was hitched when they parted and he suppressed a moan that threatened to escape. Jungkook's hands were groping his backside greedily and that was only making his situation worse so a sob ripped through his chest.

"Do you want Daddy to help you?" The man's hoarse voice was almost unrecognizable but Jimin whispered a hurried "yes", hoping he would get the chance to release soon. "Yes what?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good boy." Jungkook slipped a muscular leg in between the student's and rubbed it against his bulging erection. "Go ahead, baby." It was fascinating how much the long moans were turning him on and he couldn't take his eyes off his baby boy's face which was painted with pleasure. His eyes were closed and his plump lips were parted, begging to be kissed again and again. "You're so beautiful, Minnie. You take my breath away."

The praises seemed to excite Jimin further so he continued to shower him with compliments, knowing it wasn't going to take a lot of time to make him cum.

"Daddy – I'm close." The boy moaned and wrapped his arms around the other's neck, moving faster against the thick thigh. "Please, can I cum?"

A few seconds were parting him from his orgasm but everything stopped when Jungkook withdrew his leg.

"No, Daddy. Please –"

"On your back, kitten. Spread your legs for me." Jimin did as he was told, his hair a mess as he bent his knees. His eyes widened when he felt Jungkook taking his shorts along with his boxers off before throwing them beside the bed. A slap fell on his right inner thigh and he immediately spread his legs wider, feeling his member leaking precum on his abdomen. He was expecting to be fingered so when Jungkook got closer and took him into his mouth, his tongue flat against his underside, he squeezed his head with his thighs involuntarily.

"Daddy –" It was rare that he was on the receiving end when it came to oral sex so he knew he wouldn't last and grabbed the man's shoulders in order to push him off. Jungkook got the message and released his erection in order to suck on his balls.

"You can cum." As soon as he began blowing him again the younger's body became tense and he moaned with his mouth full, causing for ribbons of white to spurt down his throat. He made sure to keep going all through the orgasm and pulled away once Jimin whined because of the overstimulation. "Good boy." He whispered against plush lips.

His jeans felt uncomfortably tight so he allowed Jimin to return the favour, his hands secured into pink hair as he guided him through the entire act. Their limbs tangled afterwards and Jungkook made sure to smother his boyfriend with kisses until he eventually burst into giggles. The playfulness has been interrupted by a phone that buzzed and they soon found out that it was Jimin's. The latter grabbed it and saw it was an Instagram notification so he tapped on it, seeing it was a new comment on a selfie he recently posted. Jungkook peeked at the screen and his jaw almost dropped when he saw what his sub was looking at.

Kill yourself, faggot.

Jimin's smile faded just as fast as he blocked the person and he threw the phone across the bed, turning around to cuddle the tattoo artist. The elder's brain didn't let him react soon enough so he simply hugged the smaller boy tighter, happy that there were no tears involved.

"Does that happen often?" He felt his heart breaking when Jimin nodded. "I'm so sorry, baby. You don't deserve any of that, I wish there would be a way in which I could protect you." He kissed his forehead. "Those fuckers' comments don't mean shit."

"I just don't understand why they are so bothered by me." All he ever did was to be himself. Lately he was seriously considering leaving all social media behind but at the same time that sounded like defeat.

"They're fucking nuts." Jungkook replied right away, causing for a little smile to pull at the corner of Jimin's lips.

"You're not supposed to use bad words." The man needed a moment to realise what his boyfriend was talking about and as soon as he comprehended where the conversation was going he sported a little smile himself.

"You're right. You're such a smartie, aren't you? Do you think I need to be punished for my mistake?" Jimin's squeaky giggles turned his smile into a grin.


"So what will it be?" He was curious what the boy would come up with.

"I think you lost your kissing privilege for an entire hour." Jungkook let out a dramatic "no" as he buried his face into his palms. "I'm sorry but I think discipline is important."

"You're right but I can't help myself when I see that my baby is upset."

Despite their previous activities it looked like the affirmation made Jimin feel shy because his cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink and Jungkook would have kissed them if it wasn't for his interdiction. He was satisfied with himself because the sadness seemed to be forgotten and he wanted to keep it that way.

"So what do you feel like doing?"

"I bought some glittery markers and..." Jungkook arched his brows, confused. "I was wondering if you'd let me colour your left arm." Jimin looked borderline panicked so the man accepted, wondering how his kabuki mask tattoo would look when coloured.

When all the utensils were put on display the tattoo artist understood that must have been something his sub wanted to do for a long time but didn't have the courage to ask. It was cute so he offered an encouraging smile as the boy picked a blue marker.

"What's this one's story?" A short chubby finger pointed towards what seemed to be a mechanical bird due to the key that was sticking out of its back.

"It's a reference to one of my favourite books." Jungkook answered and watched as cinnamon eyes lit up like the sky on the 4th of July.

"What book?"

"The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles by Haruki Murakami." Jimin's lips formed a perfect "o". "I'll lend it to you if you're interested."

"I'd love that."

Jimin was genuinely curious about what kind of literature his boyfriend was enjoying so they spent the following couple of hours chatting while the younger did his handiwork. He was looking incredibly cute, scrunching his nose in concentration while applying the thin layer of paint on the inked skin, so the tattoo artist made sure to kiss him whenever he could as soon as soon as the painful first hour passed.

"I think I'm done."

Jungkook had only a few colour tattoos so when he first saw himself in the mirror he was surprised by how different he was looking. The student seemed satisfied with himself and sheepishly accepted when he was asked to take some picture of the final result.

"Maybe you should try your hand at the parlour."

"No, no way." Jimin sounded so serious that his Dom couldn't help but burst into chuckles as he pulled him into his arms.

"Thank you for the hard work." He whispered and kissed a little ear. "I feel a thousand times prettier." Their lips came together only to be interrupted by a growling stomach. "Is Baby hungry?" The pink haired boy nodded and buried his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck. "I think it's time we start preparing dinner then."

Jimin would have spent the rest of his day pressed against the elder but accepted the fingers intertwining with his and guiding him to the kitchen without protest.

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