
Madness: SECRECY


In a large and white room that looked like a laboratory, a big and black fissure opened, attracting the attention of everyone inside, there were many almost naked people with a mask on their face and turned around.

Soldier: An intrud-

He was cut off… No, literally cut in two from the minion's Nexus Sword, and so the first soldier fell dead, the others jumped at him, but he suddenly vanished in a blur and reappeared beside one of the soldiers, kicking his face.

The soldier was sent crashing against a table with an incredibly deformed skull, then he swung his sword around, since that sword was made of Nexus Bolt, he just needed to touch something for that something to disappear, so he didn't need any strength behind his swing, just speed.

The minions around him fell down like pieces of legos and not even a single drop of blood came out, as a human minion, he has some intelligence, he would obviously do anything that Billy said without a single question, but he would understand if there is an hidden message or not.

Basically Billy wanted him to clean the place to avoid anyone to talk for Dr. Stylish's innocence, if there isn't anyone then people would assume that he ran away. Fortunately Esdeath was in love with Tatsumi, otherwise she would still have some suspicions about his disappearance.

And being together for so little time, obviously no one would trust each other with their secrets, except Wave and Bols, those two people are good guys… Shame they are on the empire's side.

Suddenly, 5 people came out from another room. One of them had an abnormally large nose, one had modified eyes, one had large ears, one was incredibly massive and was wielding a pair of giant scissors, and the last one was a man that seemed normal…

The one with large ears, Mimi, spoke.

Mimi: He's the intruder!

The normal one assaulted the minion.

Toby: Let's see how strong are you against Team Stylis-Huh?

He was cut in half without any mercy, even his blades that came out from his body weren't able to stop the Nexus Sword.

Then the minion rushed towards the biggest man, who unsheathed his giant pair of scissors…

Minion: 'Extase identified.'

The man swung his scissors at the minion, the minion jumped over the scissors and stomped on one of the man's hands, breaking its bones.

Kaku: Guh… You little basta-

Before he could finish to talk, the minion delivered a heavy knee attack on the guy's jaws, shattering it, after that, the minion slashed many times at the head, reducing the skull in slices.

The minion reached the ground and rushed to the remaining 3, which were the ones with modified body parts.

Mimi screamed in fear while Hana and Me protected her, but in a single slash both of them died. Mimi tried to run away, however her head disappeared in a single punch, killing all the people of the Team Stylish…

?: I got you!

Before the minion could react, a man in a coat pierced the minion's skull with a dagger, reaching all the way to the brain.

Trooma: Haha! You forgot about me!

The minion stood frozen on his place for some seconds, before his hand shot behind him and grabbed Trooma's neck.

Trooma: W-What… Guh… You should… be dead…

Strength and Agility weren't the only thing that were enchanted with the minion, the only method to kill them is either destroying a large part of the skull and brain, or bisect them in two, a simple knife in the skull isn't enough.

The minion's sunglasses fell down as he placed Trooma in front of him, and made eye contact. Trooma started to tremble as his face was turning purple, until the minion applied more strength and snapped the neck, however, the man still struggled, so he used the Nexus Sword to cut his skull in two.

Then he looked around, when he was sure that there were no more people around, he put the corpses in the black fissure before cleaning everything and taking a spray from the black fissure, then proceeding to spray it everywhere to remove the little scent of blood that there was.

Then he proceeded to to prisons, where he found more soldiers that looked like those who he killed before, and did the same thing to them, there were really many, around 1'000 or 1'500, but thanks to his sword and speed, he was able to kill all of them before dawn and put the corpses in the black fissure.

Once he removed the corpses and took more than half of the random vials that there were, the minion put all of them in the black fissure and threw himself inside.

The fissure closed itself, and some minutes later Wave and Kurome entered in the room in panic, with their hands on their weapons, they looked around, but there was no one, they smelled the same smell that there should be in a laboratory, so no one got killed here, based on their thoughts.

Wave: Tch… He already took everything… What happened to Tatsumi?

Kurome: He got kidnapped for a mysterious reason…

Wave: Shit!

Something passed on Kurome's mind before she greatly panicked and checked around the room, in every box, shelf… Until she found a bag of candies, she sighed in relief and hugged the bag of candies as if it was something important for her.

Wave looked around, but there was no trace of life inside the laboratory except for Kurome.

Wave: I'll go check on Billy.

Kurome didn't answer while Wave walked back to the infirmary. When he reached Billy's room, he found the rest of the Jaegers except Kurome around the bed. In the bed, Billy was full of bandages except for nose and mouth.

Bols: Are you alright, Billy?

Billy: Yeah, the doctor said that with their current people and items I would need to rest for 1 month and I could move around without any problem, but the arm will remain cut off…

Seryu: But you could just ask for a mechanical one, like me!

Billy: Nah, the black fissure on my arm and my chest will give me a great advantage… What about Dr. Stylish, found anything?

Wave: No, he and everyone else escaped, leaving only some not important vial, there wasn't any weird thing in the room, as if they just vanished…

Seryu: ...Why did Dr. Stylish do that…?

Esdeath: Hmm, vanished… There are two particular people that could accomplish it, the first is Billy, and the second is the son of the Prime Minister, Syura. It's either him, or there was a secret passage in the laboratory. We will go check the room later, Billy, you will rest here.

Billy: Alright… Well, I will go to rest. Goodnight.

Then everyone left the room, leaving Billy alone.

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