

Najenda: What're their numbers and locations?

Lubbock: According to the reaction from my barrier, it's probably 8 people They've all infiltrated close to the hideout!

Najenda: They're good, to sniff out this place means… They're probably mercenaries of another region. There's no other way. It's an emergency, don't let any of them return alive. Go!

Then the Night Raid separated, leaving a surprised Tatsumi and Billy.

Najenda: Billy, how good are your fighting capabilities?

Billy: Good enough.

Najenda: Then what the hell are you two waiting for? Go eliminate them.

Tatsumi: Y-Yes!

Tatsumi rushed out while cracks appeared under Billy's feet, creating a fissure where he fell in, the fissure closed and so did the cracks.

Somewhere else, where there was a mercenary searching around, Billy came out from the back of a tree with his Sonic Umbrella X768.

Mercenary: Who are you.

Billy: Guys, hold him.

Mercenary: Wha-Guh!

Some minions came from nowhere and held the Mercenary from his arms, surprising him.

Billy: Sometimes it's a real bother fighting alone, right? Oh right, you don't have to worry about that, you have "Friends".

Billy raised his umbrella and twisted his body, where a girl armed with a sword jumped in, he summoned another Sonic Umbrella on his other arm, before he used one to deviate the girl's sword and then he used the other to pierce the girl's head, then he opened the umbrella, reducing her head in pieces of flesh and bones.

After that, he pointed the umbrella to the man that was blocked from the minions and shot a blast of energy at him, killing both him and the minions.

Billy turned away from the small crater that there was in the ground and pointed the umbrella at the nearby tree.

Billy: Come out or I'll shot immediately.

The person that came out was… Akame.

Akame: I see that you have the capabilities to fight… Who were those people?

Billy: They were my minions, you don't need to worry, they will obey only to me, no one else in any circumstance, unless I say so.

Akame: Why did you kill them too?

Billy: Because unlike us, they are sacrificable.

Akame: ...Unlike us?

Billy: You won't understand it now, don't mind it.

Then both of them turned back at the hideout. The entire time they spoke, they didn't made eye contact, it was strange for Billy, he could feel the nervousness coming out from her, even if she did a good job at hiding it. Did she fell in love at first sight? Hah! What are the chances?

When they were back, they came in front of Najenda, after some minutes, she called Tatsumi and Billy.

Najenda: Nice work on your battle, Billy.

Billy: Yes?

Najenda: I heard that you can transport your minions here, later I want you to tell me more in details about your Teigu if you really want my cooperation on finding the person you want.

Billy: ...Yes.

Najenda: Hm, Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Y-Yeah?

Najenda: I heard Akame's report, there are some things you need to work on. In order for you to survive, team up with Akame and Billy, you can learn some things from her, maybe Billy can learn things too, besides, I want you all to collaborate, so it's best being friendly to each other.

Billy: I understand.

Tatsumi: Whaaat!?

Najenda turned around, seeing Akame eating a giant chicken's leg.

Najenda: Got it Akame?

Akame: Uh huh.

Najenda: You can cut Tatsumi down if it seems he'll get in the way.

Akame: Uh huh. Got it.

Tatsumi: Pffft…


It was morning, everyone was waiting at the kitchen, in the table there were Bulat, Sheele, Mine, Lubbock and Billy, while Akame, Tatsumi and some minions from Billy's side were cooking some meals.

Lubbock: Hey, are you sure to leave those guys here?

Billy: Don't worry, they are like puppets despite how the seem human, besides, they could make a better job than you at cooking.

Bulat: Hey Billy, I am curious, how many can you summon?

Yesterday Billy talked to Najenda about some abilities that his "Teigu", aka. Halo, gave him:

Mainly, summoning human puppets of two different sizes and weapons, creating portals from black puddles or black fissures, and telekinesis.

He let out the empowerment, the nexus bolt, and the semi-immortality that he has.

Billy: Well, how many people did go in hell?

Bulat: *Whistle* That's a big number…

Mine turned around and told to Tatsumi, who was wearing an apron.

Mine: For a newcomer, a cook's apron is best, it suits you well.

Tatsumi: What?!

Billy: Shut up and turn to cook, slave!

Tatsumi: You should shut up! And why aren't you here?!

Billy: I have minions because they can do the job in my stead, not for watching me doing the things.

Mine: Hahaha, that's true. Well, we will be going.

Mine, Bulat, Lubbock and Sheele stood up from the table.

Billy: Huh?

Tatsumi: Going where?

Mine: A request to kill someone in the capital arrived.

Sheele: Please take good care of this place while we are gone.

Billy: Yeah, yeah.

Mine: Akame and the new guys are housemaids! So just stay here and chop cucumbers!

Billy: Shut up Kirby, go to play with your toy gun.

Mine: Toy gun?! This is a Teigu!

Billy: Do I look like I care?

Mine: Tch…

Then they left the room, leaving Akame, Billy and Tatsumi alone. After Tatsumi, Akame and Billy's minions finished to clean the dishes, Akame said.

Akame: Okay. Now, shall we go take some lives?

Tatsumi: You're talking about hunting for dinner, aren't you?

Akame: Oh good, you understand.

Billy: Pfft. Hahahaha…

The minions disappeared in black puddles, and all three of them left the hideout.


They reached a waterfall that was on the mountains, the waterfall made a small but deep lake under them, it was surrounded with stones, and if one would take a closer look, he would find many big fishes in the water.

Billy: What a nice place.

Tatsumi: Right?

Akame: We must eliminate the underwater prey.

Then she undressed, revealing a white costume under her clothes.

Billy: Ok, first you had my curiosity, now you have my erection.

Tatsumi: You mean attention, right?

Billy: …

Akame seemed to ignore them and said.

Akame: The targets are large river tuna. That is the goal-

Tatsumi: Huh… She can't possibly mean the exceedingly rare and dangerous fish that-

Akame dived in before he could finish to talk, the two males waited for a bit before the water literally exploded, causing fishes to fly in the sky and slowly fall in the ground, Billy summoned his Sonic Umbrella and opened it, blocking the water and the fishes that fell on him.

However, Tatsumi wasn't that lucky, and got completely drenched in water.

Akame got out from the water and looked at the two.

Akame: Erase your presence and swim along the riverbed. When the prey comes close, you strike in that instant. You will need to give it everything you have, can you handle it?

As Billy and Tatsumi looked back at her, Billy noticed again that her eyes turned away from his gaze, making him raise an eyebrow.

However, Tatsumi was completely oblivious to it and grinned as he undressed himself.

Tatsumi: Bring it on!!


Najenda: So, in the end, Billy caught six and Tatsumi only caught two… For his first time, they did well… Maybe.

They were currently eating dinner, Billy, Tatsumi, Leone, Akame and Najenda were at the table.

Billy: Heh, "Bring it on" my ass…

Tatsumi: Hey Billy… How did you do it?

Billy: I am just used to hide from beasts, I literally passed 12 years to hide and fight while I traveled to different villages. Still, it is far from what Akame did. 'Now it should be the start of a mission…'

Then they continued to eat dinner, until Najenda finished and spoke.

Najenda: Leone… Tell me about the request we received a few days ago.

Leone: Yes. Our targets are Ogre of the capital guards, and an oil merchant named Gamal. What the client told me was…

"Ogre has been accepting bribes from Gamal. Everytime Gamal commits a crime, Ogre will frame someone to take the fall for him. My fiance was framed for one of his crimes and was sentenced to death.

He heard them talking to each other while in his cell. Before his execution, he sent me a letter so I would know all this. Please, somehow, help me clear this regret from my heart…"

These were the exact words that the client said.

Then she took out a bag of money and laid it on the table.

Leone: This is the payment for the job.

Tatsumi: That person saved up this much money?

Billy: *Sigh* Kid, you are too innocent…

Leone: I caught the scent of a venereal disease from her… She must have gained the money through prostitution.

Najenda: Did you check out her story?

Leone: They're guilty. I observed them for a time from the attic of the merchant's shop.

Najenda: ...Okay. Night Raid will accept this request. We will deliver divine punishment upon the heads of these heinous monsters. And send them to the hereafter.

Leone: Taking out Gamal will be simple, but Ogre will be a formidable opponent.

Ogre the "Demon". He is called "The Demon" because his skill with the sword makes him an object of terror to the criminals of the capital.

Billy: Don't worry, I can talk about his routine.

After he explained what he knew about Ogre, everyone were thinking and Tatsumi was

Tatsumi: It seems the only time to attack would be on his day off.

Najenda: ...However, the security around the palace will be tough. For Akame, who is on the capital's most wanted list, this will be a dangerous mission.

Akame: Shall we wait for the group to come back?

Billy: There's no need, just send us.

Najenda: Ohhh…? Are you saying you can kill Ogre yourself?

Billy: Yes, between all of us, I know him the best, since we are "Friends". If you want, I can even babysit Tatsumi while I fight him.

Tatsumi: What?! Hell no! I want to fight too!

Akame: As you are now, you stand no chance…

Najenda: Hmm, Billy, Akame, what do you think about this?

Billy: It's ok, even if we can't do it, I will take him back alive.

Akame: They aren't able to do it.

Billy/Tatsumi: Oof...

Najenda: Hmm… Then, Leone, Akame, I leave the Oil Merchant to you. Billy, you watch out for Tatsumi as you two go to kill Ogre, I will trust you for this.

Leone: You got it, Boss.

Billy: Ok, Snake.

Najenda: ...Snake?

Billy: Just some surnames. Black, Yellow, Snake, and Retard.

He pointed respectively at Akame, Leone, Najenda and Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Hey!

Najenda: I understand Akame and Leone, but why "Snake".

Billy: Don't mind it, you won't understand the reference. [AN: Metal Gear]

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