

Billy threw his yo-yo away, and the place where it landed had another black fissure, the toy fell onto it and disappeared, the black fissure extended a crack towards Billy's direction and a normal-looking sword with the numbers 100111100 inscribed on the blade came out.

This was the Binary Sword, the signature melee weapon of Jesus in Madness Combat.

Billy jumped in the air and reached the young blonde haired kid.

Billy: 'They should be the Three Beasts Esdeath told me about… Daidara, the man I killed, this one should be Nyau, and the last one Liver…'

Billy's sword and Nyau's flute clashed.

Billy: You won't be able to come out alive.

Nyau: Tch… What's with this strength…

Billy swung his sword, sending Nyau higher than he currently is, and while Billy fell in the ground, he cut his chest with his own sword, making him grit his teeth in pain, the injury that should emit a big quantity of blood turned black, as if it was another fissure.

And from there a S&W 500 came out, Billy grabbed the pistol and aimed it at Nyau, before he pulled the trigger.

The bullet flew at Nyau, who used his Teigu to block it, the strength of the bullet surprised him as he lost balance in the sky, Billy shot out 4 more bullets, 2 flew past him while one hit Nyau's left arm and the last scratched his right cheek.

Nyau/Billy: Tch…

Billy fell in the ground and looked up at the falling Nyau, his eyes narrowed as a black orb with red outlines appeared on his hand that held the gun, disintegrating the gun, and pointed it at his side, where a water snake was coming, from his hand, a black beam came out and clashed with the water snake.

How can something that simple even hope to go against the Nexus Bolt? Obviously the water got disintegrated and the Nexus Bolt reached Liver, however due to the speed of the attack, he was able to dodge it easily.

Billy: Hey Bulat! What are you doing there?

Bulat: Sorry Billy, now I will surely beat him.

Billy turned his concentration back to Nyau, who almost struck him with the flute, but Billy blocked it with his Binary Sword.

Nyau: I will win!

Billy: Prove it, you dumbwit.

Meanwhile, Liver and Bulat were getting tired, so Bulat deactivated Incursio due to being unable to support the armor with his mental strength.

Liver, instead, was self-injured due to using too many attacks in a small time, and started to bleed from his orifices.

Bulat: Well, that was certainly tiring…

Liver: If neither of us can use our Teigu.

Bulat/Liver: Then we'll have to settle this with our swords…!!

Liver pulled out a syringe and injected the liquid in his arm, surprising Bulat.

Liver: Forgive me for doping, but you are my opponent, after all…

Bulat pressed a button on his shoulder plate, and the sword to activate Incursio came out from another piece of armor.

Bulat: Let's go!!

This battle, will be finished in less than 5 minutes…

Back at Billy, he was fighting Nyau in a close-ranged clash, Nyau was agile, but his strength and speed is far from Billy's, and so, he was easily overwhelmed.

Nyau: Guh…

Billy sent an hit with the hilt of the Binary Sword, sending Nyau roll in the ground for a dozen of times, full of bruises.

Billy: C'mon, show me what can you do. I will give you a last chance.

Nyau: You bastard… Alright, if that is what you want, then I'll show you!

He stood up and played his flute.

Nyau: Advent of Fierce God!

His muscles expanded to an alarming rate, making him more similar to Bulat's muscular body. However, Billy was not impressed.

Billy: ...That's all?

Nyau: I'll show you what's all!

Nyau rushed towards Billy, who looked at him with a bored look.

Billy: It's since some months that I didn't used it, isn't it?

Billy pointed a finger at Nyau, and surprisingly, he stopped moving. Due to the calmness in the surroundings, Billy was able to use Telekinesis really easily.

Then Billy pushed his finger forward, slamming Nyau against the hard wall, before he moved the finger left and right, Nyau' body also moved left and right, rubbing on the now blood-red wall, Nyau's back got reduced in paste, replacing the white wall in a bloody gore scene.

Billy let Nyau's body go and turned around, seeing Bulat deflecting bullets made of blood as some pierced his body, Billy took out a Micro Uzi from his injury-fissure and used it to end Liver.

Billy reached for Bulat and easily lifted him up.

Billy: How are you, Fruit?

Bulat: I'm alright, the wounds aren't fatal.

Then Bulat looked at the dead Liver and said with a bitter smile.

Bulat: Heh, using his own lifeblood to attack… His determination is amazing. How are you? I saw you use your injury to make more weapons.

Billy: It's ok, when we reach the hideout I will change vessel.

Bulat: Still, your power is a real cheat, you basically can't di-Gah!

He spit blood from his mouth, surprising Billy.

Billy: What the fuck, Fruit?! You told me that the wounds aren't fatal!

Bulat: I… I think that syringe contained poison…

Billy: Shit, let's go back.

Then Billy created a black puddle under his feet and jumped in it together with Bulat, reappearing back at the hideout.

In the hideout, there were Najenda, Tatsumi, Leone and Mine, when they saw a bloodied Bulat, they panicked and they spoke.

Tatsumi: Big bro!

He rushed at Bulat, who was still using Billy as a support.

Najenda: Billy, report!

Billy: We encountered the Three Beasts of Esdeath, they all died, Bulat is poisoned, I will go to pick the Teigus they left behind.

Billy left Bulat at Tatsumi and quickly turned back in the black puddle to pick up the three Teigus.

The flute, Scream. The double-edged axe, Belvaac. And the ring of Liver, Black Martin.

Then he hopped back on the black puddle, turning back on the hideout with the Teigus. When he was back, he saw that everyone already took Bulat in the infirmary, he rushed in there after leaving the Teigus on the ground and watched everything.

The one performing healing was Tatsumi and Najenda since everyone else had little knowledge.

Najenda: Shit, the antidote isn't working!

Tatsumi: What?! Then…

Najenda relaxed on the wall and let out a sigh, followed from a gloomy voice.

Najenda: He can't be saved… The poison must be a strong one.

Tatsumi looked at Bulat in shock, Bulat was awake so he heard everything.

Bulat: Heh, so that's how it ends…. Well, Billy, thank you for taking me here, even if it is useless… Hey Tatsumi, I thought about your situation a bit… You are the only one without a Teigu… But while I and Billy trained you, I noticed your potential…

So… Use my Teigu from now on, Take Incursio…

He raised his arm, the one that held the Teigu, Tatsumi watched the sword as it got high while tears came out from his eyes… His hands slowly grabbed the Teigu, and Bulat's arm fell down like a puppet with broken strings…

Tatsumi: ...Bulat…

Billy watched everything, before he left the room, he cried only 2 times since he reincarnated, once was in front of his parents' corpses, but that "Ṱ̷̦̩̔̀͐ͬ̐͗̚ͅHͥ͋̉Ìͧ͗̓̆ͬÑ̇Ḡ̮̝ͣͮͥͮ̔̀͜" interrupted him.

The second was because of sorrowfulness from being unable to do nothing to his "Target", and he cried blood, not tears.

However, since he regained that voice in his head, he couldn't even shed a tear of sadness for lost people.

...And this will be another day where he will need to comfort Akame… Goddammit.

[5 days later]

Right now, Najenda was taking the Teigus back to the Revolutionary Army's HQ and to bring in new members, Lubbock and Tatsumi were training with the assistance of Leone and Akame, while Mine was watching.

Where is Billy? He is walking towards the emperor's palace for Esdeath's meeting with the other Teigu users.

Next chapter