

[Unknown time later]

In a visibly deteriorated grey room, a mag-agent sized stalagmite bursted out from the floor. From the ceiling, a chain pierced the stalagmite, splitting it in two, and hooked itself on the ground behind the stalagmite.

From the stalagmite, Billy came out… Or what remained of him…

On his head, only the upper right side of his face there was skin, on the rest of his head, his skull was visible, his hair appeared only on the right side of the head, he missed his left eye, which was covered from an eyepatch.

He missed some teeth of his upper row of teeth while his jaw still missed, the skull was full of cracks, which created black patches around the skull, where the cracks were bigger.

His chest was almost skeletrical, it was slashed and pierced from countless weapons, and a big chunk of flesh missed from his right side, revealing the lower part of his ribcage, yet, the injuries were covered in a black substance that caused the blood to not come out.

His shoulders seemed as if they were bitten from a beast, and his left arm missed, as if it was ripped off, however, it its place, there was a carbon sword, with the hilt stuck inside the body.

His right arm seemed bended too many times, one could see the bones in certain places, while in the rest, the skin was full of cracks, same thing for his right leg, while his left leg was replaced from another carbon sword much like his arm.

His back was pierced from many knives and blades, yet it didn't seemed to be a problem for Billy.

He was in a condition that one should have just died, yet he was still moving and full of energy… From a door, another minion entered and tried to punch Billy, but he was pierced with the sword on his left leg and stuck in the ground.

Billy raised his right foot and stomped on the minion's head, crushing his skull. Another minion almost grabbed Billy from behind, but the latter cut in half the minion's head with the sword on his left shoulder.

When the body fell, Billy jumped over it many times, either piercing it or stomping it until a puddle of blood remained.

Two more minions came out from the door, one almost grabbed Billy, but he grabbed the minion's hand and snapped it in two, then he pulled the minion and used his only elbow to bend the minion's arm in a weird direction.

Billy twisted his body and threw the minion at the other, making both fall in the ground one over another. Billy jumped and made a flip before he fell on the minions' heads, piercing them with his sword.

He took deep breaths and took out his sword-leg from their skulls, before he walked to the door.

At the other side, there was an armed minion with a M-11 that had his back facing Billy. Billy sneaked upon him and slammed the minion on the ground, pushing his only knee in his back.

He grabbed the minion's head with one hand and used his sword to slightly cut the minion's neck, before ripping off the victim's head and throwing it away.

He picked up the M-11 and walked forward, where there were 2 doors at each side of the hall he was in. And from these doors, a minion for each came out, Billy shot at one to death before he backflipped in air.

In the place where he was before, a chain passed through and pierced the chest of another minion, Billy walked towards the minion and slashed him in two with his sword.

A hole opened at the end of the hall, and he checked it, apparently there was a chain that came from a fissure over his head, the chain was inclined downwards all the way to a fissure that was colored white, he never seen it, so he decided to enter that fissure.

However, under the chain, there were many minions armed with guns… This will be a gamble. He isn't dead since god-knows-when, and he didn't want to die now since the halo disappeared from his head.

He stood over the edge of the hole in the wall and laid his sword over the chain, before grabbing the blunt side with his other arm after throwing away the M-11.

He gave himself a push and slided over the chain, the sound his sword made then it slided on the chain attracted the minions' attention, who seemed more alerted than the usual, and started to shoot Billy.

Some bullets were deflected from Billy's sword-leg, others reached the rest of his body, but the bullets were more concentrated on his abdomen, which was being slowly ripped in half due to the remaining flesh being unable to support the weight of the lower body.

The flesh there was slowly being teared from the bullets, and finally the only thing that held the lower body was his spine, causing him intense pain akin to burning.

However, he reached the white fissure and entered inside.

His vision was covered in white for a moment, before it slowly faded, revealing a white and clean room, the surface he currently was felt like a bed… His eyes widened and hopped of from the bed, the moment he touched the ground, he felt weakness washing over his body and fell down.

Apparently something was connected with him, because when he fell in the ground, a loud sound of something falling came out.

Billy: 'Tch… It just took me to another room…'

He slowly tried to get up, and noticed that his missing arm was there, his eyes widened in surprise and fell again in the ground.

Then he heard the sound of the door opening, and heard the footsteps of 2 or 3 people entering in the room, he heard a feminine gasp before someone grabbed his body.

Billy struggled, but he was too weak to do so, so he headbutted the person who grabbed him and turned his back to the people without even glancing at them, then he found a window and tried to reach it.

?: Billy…

Billy ignored the call and tried to walk faster to the window, without stumbling in the way.


Something tackled Billy in the ground, Billy tried to punch whatever it was. That "Minion" grabbed his arms and pushed them on the ground, making Billy turn around, and before he could react, the "Minion" kissed him…

Billy's eyes widened and tried to struggle away, before something pierced his hand, he momentarily glanced at the hand that was pierced, and saw pieces of glass on his skin, while blood flowed out…


He looked back at the "Minion" that was kissing him, and recognized Akame, whose eyes were red and releasing tears.

And finally he noticed something weird… He couldn't hear the voices in his head yelling at him…

Akame separated their lips and hugged his body while crying on his chest, Billy remained shocked and was looking at the ceiling with wide eyes.

Slowly, tears came out from his face, the amount of emotions he felt was too big and he was too exhausted, so he fell unconscious.

[5 minutes later]

Billy woke up once again over the bed he was before, he felt a warm sensation on his right hand, and looked at it, seeing Akame sitting on a chair and holding his hand with an expression full of joy, meanwhile, at his left, there were a doctor and a nurse.

Billy: ...I… I… I am… Safe…?

Doctor: Yes, boy. As shocking as it seems, you were dead for 5 years, but you were placed in a hospital the entire time due to the woman's request and your help in the war against the Empire.

In that moment, Billy flinched and looked down while crying in terror.

Billy: ...It was horrible… Everyone wanted to kill me…

Then he started to summarize the events that happened on the place he was before, being randomly pierced from chained hooks, crushed from buildings and walls, penetrated from bullets, sliced from swords, losing parts of the body, devoured alive, burned…

Many minutes passed, the doctor and Akame looked at him in sorrow while the nurse was too busy with not puking.

Billy's mind was not assaulted anymore from the voices and his emotional barrier shattered long time ago, so he was releasing a waterfall from his eyes as he continued to explain.

After some time, the doctor said.

Doctor: Alright… I'll leave you two alone…

The doctor and the nurse left from the room, leaving Akame and Billy alone.

Billy: ...So… How's everyone…?

Akame: ...Najenda and Lubbock married, same thing between Mine and Tatsumi, Leone is still around the place to drink, while Chelsea and Susanoo are starting to be togethe-

Billy: Pffft… Lollipop and Suu?! I want to see it with my own eyes!

Akame chuckled a bit before she spoke.

Akame: Everyone was living a peaceful life, they left the revolutionary army and started to live in the new Empire…

She explained what happened to the Empire since 5 years ago, when Billy was declared deceased, his face continued to change from surprise to shock and simply smiling or laughing.

Billy: ...You know… While I was in that strange place I had a thought in my mind… I know that this is the wrong place and time… But I don't want to lose this chance… Akame, can we marry and live happily like everyone else in the new empire?

Akame started to tremble and tears came out from her eyes again, then she went to hug Billy and smiled.

Akame: I was waiting 5 years… 5 years for you to return to me… I wanted to listen to those words after the war… And finally I can… Yes, I want… *Hic* ...To live with you… For… For the rest of my life…

Billy turned back the hug and relaxed on the bed… He can finally rest… No more killing, no more madness, no more blood… He is only a normal person now, maybe. Probably he is still strong enough to rip off someone's head barehanded, but he could finally relax now.

Billy: ...Hey, I already have in mind a place to go after our marriage… Do you remember that promise with everyone at Kyoroch? The one where we will go around the world in a ship, seeing the other countries...

Akame: It would be great, once again reunited with everyone…

Billy: Yeah, but now I want my reward.

Akame: Huh?

She was easily lifted up and took over Billy's lap, he smirked as he looked at her.

Billy: I killed Esdeath, I defeated the supreme Teigu, I suppressed more than half Empire by myself, I fought as a dead man for 5 years. Now I want my reward for everything I did!

Akame: ...A reward…?

Billy: What do you think about a child as a reward?

Akame's eyes widened and her face lowered down, with her jet black hair covering her red face.

Akame: *Whisper*

Billy's eyebrows rose and asked.

Billy: What? I wasn't able to listen.

Akame: ...It's ok… having a child with you…

Billy: Hehe! Great! I am already full of energies so why not starting now?

Akame raised her face, revealing a smile as her hands laid on his chest.

Akame: Nn.

While they started their "Job" over the medical bed, the entire Night Raid was behind the door, listening behind the wall.

Tatsumi: ...Hey, let's come back tomorrow…

Everyone nodded and sneaked away.

[1 week later]

Everyone was grouped again in a ship. Right now they were going around the sea, Billy held a book on his right hand.

It was a Teigu, "The Complete Book of the World: Rongo Rongo". Due to Billy not having neither the Halo or his mental barrier from the voices in his mind, now he can only use the Teigus he has…

Yes, Teigus, Billy has 2 Teigus. Normally it should be impossible to hold two Teigus, because it would require an inhumane amount of mental and physical strength in order to control two of them.

It was thanks to the bullshit Billy survived for 5 years that he bypassed that limit, right now he wielded Rongo Rongo and a copy he made of Pumpkin when he made the weapons for the Revolutionary Army.

He liked guns more than close-ranged weapons, so he chosen the "Roman Artillery: Pumpkin", since Mine has one too, she helped him with the maintenance.

Not only that, he also modified it and beside the Pumpkin: Long Barrel, Machine Gun Barrel, and Sniper Barrel, he also created a Shotgun Barrel, for short-ranged and large area attacks.

About the book, it was an encyclopedia of the entire world, and the last page of the book would tell the user about natural disasters, it was incredibly useful when traveling, to avoid danger…

Or so the Night Raid thought…


She puked in the floor due to the movements that the ship was doing, Billy was currently sailing the ship as if a drunkard just tried to resolve a puzzle.

Billy: NO! I WILL HAVE MY FUN! 'And now... My secret plan!'

Lubbock: *BLERG*

And so, they were going in unknown areas, god knows if they will be still alive at the end of the journey or die because Billy crashed with a danger beast…

And "Goodbye"...

Just joking... Billy purposely crashed on two Super Class Danger Beasts and everyone got killed... Everything because Billy really didn't forgave Akame about what she did to his family...

What? You expected the good ending that you would see usually in many stories? He just wanted to get that sweet ass of his most hated person. Even if he hated her, it was a nice night... Besides, where is the fun on everyone knowing what would happen when you can trick everyone?

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