
You Broke Me | Jikook

I love you, Jungkook. But I don't think you love me back. WARNING - Anorexia - Self harm - Depression - Homophobia - Suicide

Lemony_3966 · Music & Bands
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18 Chs

17 [end]

I can't take it anymore, Kookie.

I'm done making excuses.

I'm done faking a smile every time someone asks if I'm okay.

I'm not okay.

I haven't been for a long time.

But I will be.


Please don't hate me anymore, Kookie.

I know I wasn't the perfect hyung, but I care about you.

I love you.

I never stopped loving you.

Even when you ignored me.

Even when you hurt me.

Even when you pushed me away.

I wish we could have had a different story.

But we can't.

I can finally see that.

So I guess this is it.

Goodybye, Jungkook.