
Chapter 37

MinYue didn't sleep well that night. He kept having the same nightmare every time he closed his eyes. Cera was talking to him when suddenly she caught a glimpse of Tom, and then started to run away from him, and into Tom's arms. No matter how much he tried to chase after her or yell she just kept running to Tom.

Waking once again from the nightmare he pulled out his phone. It read 4:10 in the morning. He sighed, and then decided to just get up for the day, and head in early. He grabbed clothes while deep in thought. He didn't even realize that he had mismatched socks, a red dress shirt, and tan trousers. He didn't even step into the bathroom to groom his hair, or the slight stubble that started to appear on his handsome face. He simply put on his coat, grabbed his keys, and headed out the door.

Once at work he surprised the hell out of Matthew, the overnight security guard, "CEO Park!" Matt cleared his throat, "Early morning?"

"Mmmh." that's all MinYue said as he walked past Matt, and turned towards the hallway to the elevators. He paused for a second, and without turning he said, "When Mrs. Jin comes in you can head home for the day."

Matt turned in his chair, and yelled at MinYue's back, "Thank you Sir!" MinYue continued down the hallway, and turned to his left.

Once he reached the 8th floor MinYue walked to her office door hoping that she wouldn't be there yet. 'I don't know if I can see her smiling face right now, I would only be able to picture those horrible dreams.' he clenched his fists before pushing her door open.

He sighed with relief when the lights were still off. He walked through her office in several large steps, and swung his door open, but stopped halfway through the door to his office when he saw her sitting at his couch diligently sorting the files that were received the night before. She looked up at him with a bright smile, "Good morning MinYue. If you want coffee there is a fresh pot in the kitchen. I can get you a cup." She set down the file in her hand, and headed in his direction.

Since he was still standing in the door way she walked directly in front of him, and raised her head to meet his eyes. It looked like she had come to a decision about something he couldn't quite grasp as to what it was. Her eyes shown with such determination that it stole his breath away. He felt himself leaning down towards her round, and fair skinned face with desire. He was about 6 inches from her face when he remembered how she had cried after he kissed her last. He cleared his throat, and raised his hand to push her soft hair behind her ear, "You had a stray."

"Oh?" a flash of amusement flashed across her face as she walked past him, and into her office. MinYue had changed his focus to the coffee table that now had several files sorted into three piles, so he missed it.

He made his way to the couch, and started to go through the stack labeled "Needs immediate attention". He thought it was cute how she would label three sticky notes, and place them at the front of the coffee table, and place the files behind the sticky note. He normally walked in when she had them already sorted, so the sticky notes were stuck to the top file of each pile. He picked up the first file, and flipped it open.

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